英文: Why does repartition give different number of partitions (than the default 200)? 问题 I tried to r...
英文: How to get Spark to raise an exception when casting a DataFrame to a Dataset with a case class t...
英文: If spark isn't a storage system, how do tables work? 问题 I understand your request to transla...
英文: Spark randomize values of a primary key column in another unique column ensuring no collisions 问...
在Spark Dataframe中跨行协调ID列的棘手操作
英文: Tricky harmonizing of ID columns across rows in Spark Dataframe 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 我有一组行数据,其中每个事件行都通过...
Transform and filter array of structs with parent struct field name.
英文: Transform and filter array of structs with parent struct field name 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: I am trying t...
Deltalake on Spark: 从Azure存储读取表时初始化配置失败。
英文: Deltalake on spark: Failure to initialize configuration while reading a table from azure storage...
Pyspark JDBC 返回带有列名的所有行
英文: Pyspark JDBC return all rows with column names 问题 我正在使用Python 3.7中的Spark 3.2.1查询Spark(Hive)数据库表,...
英文: How to drop a column from a Delta Table stored in ADLS as Parquet files? 问题 I have a ton of parq...
英文: How to select only rows where column contains alpha characters in spark? 问题 I have a spark table...