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If spark isn't a storage system, how do tables work?


I understand your request to translate the provided text. Here is the translation:

我正在阅读《Learning Spark, 2nd edition》,我发现其中有两个令我困惑的部分:

现在我正在阅读Spark SQL部分,它说我可以创建由Spark管理的表,并保存数据(与视图相反,视图不保存数据)。我不太理解这一点。
我尝试过搜索和阅读,但只提到数据可以存储在HDFS等地方,但书中的示例没有提及。所以我想澄清一下 - 假设我只安装了Spark,没有单独安装HDFS和Hive - 我可以创建表并在其中保存数据吗?这些表与数据框之间有什么区别?表的数据存储在哪里?元数据存储在目录中,但实际数据呢?如果我拿一个CSV文件,创建一个带有CSV数据的表,然后删除CSV文件,我还能读取数据吗?如果可以,那么数据存储在哪里?如果不行,那么表可能并不保存数据,因此与视图没有区别?


I am reading "Learning spark, 2nd edition" and I find two confusing parts:
"Unlike Hadoop, which included both storage and compute, Spark decouples the two. That means you can (...) read data from sources, (...) process it in memory"
Also on reddit and in courses I found info that spark doesn't store data, it processes it only.

Now I am reading the spark sql part and it says that I can create tables that will be managed by spark and will hold data (in contrast to views, which do not hold data). I have trouble understanding it.

"To enable you to query structured data (...) Spark manages (...) creating and managing views and tables, both in memory and on disk"

I tried googling and reading, but it only mentions that the data can be held in hdfs etc, but the examples in the book don't mention that. So I would like to clarify - let's say I install spark only, without separate hdfs, hive installation - can I create the tables and hold data in them? What will be the difference between those tables and dataframes? How are the tables stored? Metadata is stored in the catalog, but what about the actual data? If I take a csv, create a table with data from the csv, then delete the csv, can I still read the data? If so, then where is the data? And if not, then maybe tables do not hold data and are therefore no different than views?


得分: 1




  • 全局临时视图:这种类型的表格在所有会话中都可以访问,但在应用程序关闭时会消失。

  • 本地临时视图:这个表格仅在当前会话中可用,在该会话结束时消失。

您还可以使用Spark SQL构建表格,这类似于标准数据库中的表格。这为查询和操作数据提供了一个熟悉的结构。


Spark is a tool specifically designed for processing data, not storing it. In the context of Hadoop, it's more akin to MapReduce, the processing engine, rather than HDFS, the storage layer. In fact, Spark can operate on data stored in HDFS, effectively serving as a replacement for MapReduce in the Hadoop ecosystem.

Regarding tables, Spark creates a (temporary) view on top of the storage system, facilitating the processing of that data. When you utilize dataframes or SQL in your code, Spark translates this into its own internal format for processing. This is somewhat comparable to how Pandas reads data from a file system and lets you query the dataframe using SQL. Similarly, Spark reads data from a storage layer (like HDFS or S3), then generates an internal table/view based on your instructions.

There are two kinds of tables in Spark:

  • Global Temporary View: This type of table is accessible in all
    sessions, but it disappears when the application is closed.

  • Local Temporary View: This table is only available in the current
    session and disappears when that session ends.

You can also construct tables using Spark SQL, which are akin to tables in a standard database. This offers a familiar structure for querying and manipulating the data.


得分: 1

在简单的话说:Spark 只是一个数据处理引擎。它用于从本地文件系统、HDFS、S3或数据库表中读取文件,并将输出写入另一个目的地或同一目的地。

你找到的这句话:“在内存和磁盘上创建和管理视图和表” 很可能指的是在过程中可以将数据缓存到内存和/或磁盘中。通常这样做是为了在作业的多个步骤中重用可能需要的数据,而无需创建任何临时输出,后续需要手动清理。此外,使用缓存的数据比两次读取文件或表要快得多。


In simple words: Spark is just a data processing engine. It is used to read files from the local file system, HDFS, S3 or a database table, and write out an output to another or to the same destination.

The sentence you have found "creating and managing views and tables, both in memory and on disk" most likely refers to the fact that you can cache data during the process in memory and/or on disk. This is usually done to reuse data that you may need across multiple steps in your job, without creating any temporary output that you need to clean up manually later. Besides, using cached data it's much faster than reading a file or a table twice.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月13日 20:10:20
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