英文: Error: Could not activate JNI Handle - WorkManager implementation in Xamarin 问题 我一直在尝试在.NET中使用Xa...
Kotlin: 无法实例化 CoroutineWorker(java.lang.NoSuchMethodException)
英文: Kotlin: Could not instantiate CouroutineWorker (java.lang.NoSuchMethodException) 问题 I can provid...
Periodic work isn’t enqueued after several successful executions.
英文: Periodic work isn't enqued after several successful executions 问题 I can provide a translatio...
英文: How initial delay counting in chaining works? 问题 initialDelay 在这种情况下何时开始计时:每个请求都有独立的延迟,还是共用一个延迟?...
WorkManager NetworkType.CONNECTED constraint met even if I disabled internet connectivity, while using VPN apps causing unexpected retry scheduling
英文: WorkManager NetworkType.CONNECTED constraint met even if I disabled internet connectivity, while...
英文: WorkManager: Awaiting work does not seem to wait for work to finish? 问题 我试图启动一个工作请求来从远程源获取数据,然后将...
Android Studio的类文件未找到:com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture。
英文: Android Studio class file for com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture not found 问题 以下...
英文: what approach should i follow to make Timer service in android 问题 我正在开发一个间隔定时器,它会在每个间隔(例如30分钟)触发...
如何将参数传递给 WorkManager 的 DoWork 方法
英文: How to pass parameters to Workmanager DoWork method 问题 我想要安排任务,在 24 小时后从数据库中删除。 public class Wor...
Failed resolution of: Landroidx/work/impl/utils/futures/AbstractFuture
英文: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/work/impl/utils/futures/AbstractFuture 问题 <br> 我尝试在我的一个项目中...