英文: How to add calculated Columns to GridView at Runtime 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 我有三个 DACs,People(PeopleID, Na...
有没有办法通过BLC /图表代码获取Acumatica基本URL?
英文: Is there any way to get the Acumatica base URL through BLC / graph code? 问题 是否有一种方法可以通过业务逻辑代码获取A...
Why is 'CustomerOrOrganizationInNoUpdateDocRestrictor' inaccessible in my Acumatica project?
英文: Why is 'CustomerOrOrganizationInNoUpdateDocRestrictor' inaccessible in my Acumatica proj...
英文: How to Create GI with SubQuery 问题 我有以下查询的GI要求 - 选择 * from Mtable M, OTable O where M.OrderId=O.O...
英文: Get and Set a field with PXDBLocalizableStringAttribute 问题 I would like set a translate field wi...
英文: Need To Add Custom Action to Acumatica Mobile Application in Appointments 问题 I have been through...
英文: How can I average the sum of detail field values and put the result in the header 问题 我在自定义屏幕的详细/...