英文: Automatic transfer of users' phone numbers from 'Active Directory on-premises' to MF...
两个 cmdlet 输出连接
英文: joining output from two cmdlets 问题 我想从AD中获取GivenName、Surname和Department信息,以下代码可行: Get-ADGroupMem...
英文: Disabling AD account from a list one account per day 问题 我试图根据 input.TXT 文件每天禁用一个AD帐户,然后在成功后发送电子邮...
Get-Adgroupmember for all groups
英文: Get-Adgroupmember for all groups 问题 I have test group, user group, admin group in an OU, and I'm...
需要帮助将包含名字和姓氏的 CSV 导入到 Active Directory。
英文: Need help importing csv with first and last names to Active Directory 问题 我有一个.csv文件,其中包含名字(first...
英文: How do you get PowerShell to ignore blank CSV values? 问题 我正在编写一个脚本,该脚本应该根据CSV文件更新Active Director...
What is the C# equivalent code for the Powershell sript to remove user from Adminstrators group?
英文: What is the C# equivalent code for the Powershell sript to remove user from Adminstrators group?...
英文: Get all AD object name under specific OU 问题 我想修改下面的PowerShell脚本以导出OU成员(用户和计算机),其中输入将如下所示: $OUlis...
英文: How to look up an arbitrary user's Full Name OR Email address from their Active Directory us...
查找Active Directory中“喜欢”的计算机的脚本
英文: Script for finding "Like" PCs in Active Directory 问题 I'm trying to write a script for ...