
huangapple go评论70阅读模式

Rationale for Go's method syntax




func (s *SomeStruct) Foo(x int) { }


func Foo(s *SomeStruct, x int) { }

然后将s.Foo(5)翻译成对函数Foo(s, 5)的调用,这样不是更好吗?


Ok, I have to admit, I don't really use Go very much at all, but I did just observe something that strikes me as odd for a language that strives for minimality and all that good stuff as Go does. I would be surprised if there isn't a legitimate rationale behind it, so that's what I'm looking for.

So when you have a method, you define it like this:

func (s *SomeStruct) Foo(x int) { }

but why have an extra parameter list just for the "receiver", as I think it's called? Would it not be a simpler and more elegant design to just do

func Foo(s *SomeStruct, x int) { }

and then have s.Foo(5) just be translated to a call to a function Foo(s, 5)?


得分: 20


  • 方法必须与接收器类型位于同一个包中。
  • 方法用于满足接口。
  • 接收器参数是唯一可以重载的参数。
  • 当匿名结构字段具有方法时,这些方法被“继承”。




Methods are fundamentally special and different from regular functions.

  • Methods must live in the same package as the receiver type.
  • Methods are used to satisfy interfaces.
  • Receiver parameters are the only parameters which may be overloaded.
  • When anonymous struct fields have methods, those methods are "inherited".

With your proposal, the line between a function and a method becomes very blurry and it's difficult to figure out how to resolve the above issues.

That said, I think it would be really interesting to design a language with multimethods and interfaces. However, that language would not be Go.


得分: 7



method Foo(receiver *T, arg1 int) {}   // 'Foo'是一个方法,不是一个函数


for {}                     // 无限循环
for a>0 {a--}              // while-do循环
for i := range channel {}  // 从通道接收值
for i:=0; i<N; i++ {}      // C风格的for循环

基本思想是,对于解析器(和Go程序员)来说,为了区分各种类型的for循环,如果选项可以通过for关键字之后的语法来区分,就没有必要引入一个新的关键字:; := range identifier ...,它们的顺序和它们的存在/不存在。


  • 函数定义:func f() {}
  • 函数类型:type F func(int) int
  • 方法定义:func (t T) SomeMethod() {}
  • 闭包:{ ...; go func(){c<-1}(); ...}



func (t *T) Foo(x int) {}


func IDENTIFIER ...     这将是一个函数
func ( ...              这将是一个方法



Your question correctly points out that any method is a function. However, the Go language needs to be able to explicitly distinguish between methods and functions. The reason for this is that methods have features that functions do not have. The choice of whether Foo is a function or a method needs to be made by the programmer.

Go's minimalism means that the language defines only a small set of keywords. The Go authors could have chosen a new keyword, such as method, to distinguish methods from functions:

method Foo(receiver *T, arg1 int) {}   // &#39;Foo&#39; is a method, not a function

Looking around the Go programming language, we can see that the philosophy is to reuse already existing keywords rather than to have a separate keyword for each occasion. The for keyword is a good example of this approach:

for {}                     // Infinite loop
for a&gt;0 {a--}              // A while-do loop
for i := range channel {}  // Receive values from a channel
for i:=0; i&lt;N; i++ {}      // C-style for loop

The basic idea is that for the parser (and Go programmers) to distinguish the various types of for loops from each other, there is no need to introduce a new keyword if the options can be distinguished by the syntax of what comes after the for keyword: ; := range identifier ..., their sequential order, and their presence/absence.

The func keyword follows the same pattern. It can be used in multiple contexts:

  • function definitions: func f() {}
  • function types: type F func(int) int
  • method definitions: func (t T) SomeMethod() {}
  • closures: { ...; go func(){c&lt;-1}(); ...}

From minimalism viewpoint, a single func keyword is both simpler and more elegant than having multiple keywords.

The extra parameter list just for the receiver

func (t *T) Foo(x int) {}

enables the parser to distinguish methods and functions:

func IDENTIFIER ...     This is going to be a function
func ( ...              This is going to be a method

Thus, the parser (as well as Go programmers) can make the distinction based on whether the func keyword is followed by an identifier or by (.


得分: 3




The proposed replacement is not semantically identical to the current state, i.e. it's not a syntactic change only. It will [attempt to] automagically create methods of any [local package] type that happens to be the first parameter of a function. Considering how fundamental method sets are wrt to Go's concept of automatic interface satisfaction rules, this will quite probably lead to a big big mess.

In short, I think such change to the Go language improves nothing while damaging a lot of it's nice features related to methods and interfaces.


得分: 1





Probably because go isn't Python.

Also, because a function declared this way is not a method.

You cannot declare a method outside the object package. So I guess the main rationale in the syntax difference between methods and functions is to be able to differentiate them.

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年3月18日 22:15:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/9759020.html



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