
huangapple go评论63阅读模式

Why would I make() or new()?




The introduction documents dedicate many paragraphs to explaining the difference between new() and make(), but in practice, you can create objects within local scope and return them.

Why would you use the pair of allocators?


得分: 289


<code>&T{...}</code>, <code>&someLocalVar</code>, <code>new</code>, <code>make</code>



&amp;Point{}      // 正确
&amp;Point{2, 3}  // 结合分配和初始化

&amp;int          // 非法

// 可行,但比new(int)写起来不方便
var i int


p := new(chan int)   // p的类型为:*chan int
c := make(chan int)  // c的类型为:chan int


p := NEW(*chan int)  // *是必需的
c := NEW(chan int)

<code>*</code> 是必需的,所以:

new(int)        --&gt;  NEW(*int)
new(Point)      --&gt;  NEW(*Point)
new(chan int)   --&gt;  NEW(*chan int)
make([]int, 10) --&gt;  NEW([]int, 10)

make(Point)  // 非法
make(int)    // 非法




Go has multiple ways of memory allocation and value initialization:

<code>&T{...}</code>, <code>&someLocalVar</code>, <code>new</code>, <code>make</code>

Allocation can also happen when creating composite literals.

<code>new</code> can be used to allocate values such as integers, <code>&int</code> is illegal:

&amp;Point{}      // OK
&amp;Point{2, 3}  // Combines allocation and initialization

&amp;int          // Illegal

// Works, but it is less convenient to write than new(int)
var i int

The difference between <code>new</code> and <code>make</code> can be seen by looking at the following example:

p := new(chan int)   // p has type: *chan int
c := make(chan int)  // c has type: chan int

Suppose Go does not have <code>new</code> and <code>make</code>, but it has the built-in function <code>NEW</code>. Then the example code would look like this:

p := NEW(*chan int)  // * is mandatory
c := NEW(chan int)

The <code>*</code> would be mandatory, so:

new(int)        --&gt;  NEW(*int)
new(Point)      --&gt;  NEW(*Point)
new(chan int)   --&gt;  NEW(*chan int)
make([]int, 10) --&gt;  NEW([]int, 10)

make(Point)  // Illegal
make(int)    // Illegal

Yes, merging <code>new</code> and <code>make</code> into a single built-in function is possible. However, it is probable that a single built-in function would lead to more confusion among new Go programmers than having two built-in functions.

Considering all of the above points, it appears more appropriate for <code>new</code> and <code>make</code> to remain separate.


得分: 223


  • 创建一个通道
  • 创建一个预分配空间的映射
  • 创建一个预分配空间或长度不等于容量的切片


func newInt1() *int { return new(int) }

func newInt2() *int {
    var i int
    return &i

Things you can do with make that you can't do any other way:

  • Create a channel
  • Create a map with space preallocated
  • Create a slice with space preallocated or with len != cap

It's a little harder to justify new. The main thing it makes easier is creating pointers to non-composite types.
The two functions below are equivalent. One's just a little more concise:

func newInt1() *int { return new(int) }

func newInt2() *int {
    var i int
    return &amp;i


得分: 46


以下是来自《Effective Go》的示例,它们非常清楚:

p *[]int = new([]int) // *p = nil,这使得p无用
v []int = make([]int, 100) // 创建一个具有指向数组的指针、长度字段和容量字段的v结构。因此,v可以立即使用

make function allocates and initializes an object of type slice, map, or chan only. Like new, the first argument is a type. But, it can also take a second argument, the size. Unlike new, make’s return type is the same as the type of its argument, not a pointer to it. And the allocated value is initialized (not set to zero value like in new). The reason is that slice, map and chan are data structures. They need to be initialized, otherwise they won't be usable. This is the reason new() and make() need to be different.

The following examples from Effective Go make it very clear:

p *[]int = new([]int) // *p = nil, which makes p useless
v []int = make([]int, 100) // creates v structure that has pointer to an array, length field, and capacity field. So, v is immediately usable


得分: 34

  • new(T) - 分配内存,并将其设置为类型 T零值。对于 int 来说是 0,对于 string 来说是 "",对于引用类型(slicemapchan)来说是 nil

    需要注意的是,引用类型只是指向某些底层数据结构的指针,这些数据结构不会被 new(T) 创建。

    例如:对于 slice 来说,底层数组不会被创建,因此 new([]int) 返回一个指向空的指针。

  • make(T) - 为引用类型(slicemapchan)分配内存,并初始化它们的底层数据结构

    例如:对于 slice 来说,将创建具有指定长度和容量的底层数组。

    请注意,与 C 不同,数组在 Go 中是一种原始类型!


  • make(T) 的行为类似于复合字面量语法。
  • new(T) 的行为类似于 var(当变量未初始化时)。
func main() {
    fmt.Println("-- MAKE --")
    a := make([]int, 0)
    aPtr := &a
    fmt.Println("pointer == nil :", *aPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf("pointer value: %p\n\n", *aPtr)

    fmt.Println("-- COMPOSITE LITERAL --")
    b := []int{}
    bPtr := &b
    fmt.Println("pointer == nil :", *bPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf("pointer value: %p\n\n", *bPtr)

    fmt.Println("-- NEW --")
    cPtr := new([]int)
    fmt.Println("pointer == nil :", *cPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf("pointer value: %p\n\n", *cPtr)

    fmt.Println("-- VAR (not initialized) --")
    var d []int
    dPtr := &d
    fmt.Println("pointer == nil :", *dPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf("pointer value: %p\n", *dPtr)


-- MAKE --
pointer == nil : false
pointer value: 0x118eff0  # 底层数组的地址

pointer == nil : false
pointer value: 0x118eff0  # 底层数组的地址

-- NEW --
pointer == nil : true
pointer value: 0x0

-- VAR (not initialized) --
pointer == nil : true
pointer value: 0x0


  • new(T) - Allocates memory, and sets it to the zero value for type T..<br/>
    ..that is 0 for int, &quot;&quot; for string and nil for referenced types (slice, map, chan)

    Note that referenced types are just pointers to some underlying data structures, which won't be created by new(T)<br/>
    Example: in case of slice, the underlying array won't be created, thus new([]int)
    returns a pointer to nothing<br/><br/>

  • make(T) - Allocates memory for referenced data types (slice, map, chan), plus initializes their underlying data structures

    Example: in case of slice, the underlying array will be created with the specified length and capacity<br/>
    Bear in mind that, unlike C, an array is a primitive type in Go!

That being said:<br/>
<li> make(T) behaves like composite-literal syntax
<li> new(T) behaves like var (when the variable is not initialized)

<!-- language: go -->

func main() {
    fmt.Println(&quot;-- MAKE --&quot;)
    a := make([]int, 0)
    aPtr := &amp;a
    fmt.Println(&quot;pointer == nil :&quot;, *aPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf(&quot;pointer value: %p\n\n&quot;, *aPtr)

    fmt.Println(&quot;-- COMPOSITE LITERAL --&quot;)
    b := []int{}
    bPtr := &amp;b
    fmt.Println(&quot;pointer == nil :&quot;, *bPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf(&quot;pointer value: %p\n\n&quot;, *bPtr)

    fmt.Println(&quot;-- NEW --&quot;)
    cPtr := new([]int)
    fmt.Println(&quot;pointer == nil :&quot;, *cPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf(&quot;pointer value: %p\n\n&quot;, *cPtr)

    fmt.Println(&quot;-- VAR (not initialized) --&quot;)
    var d []int
    dPtr := &amp;d
    fmt.Println(&quot;pointer == nil :&quot;, *dPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf(&quot;pointer value: %p\n&quot;, *dPtr)

Run the program

<!-- language: sh -->

-- MAKE --
pointer == nil : false
pointer value: 0x118eff0  # address to underlying array

pointer == nil : false
pointer value: 0x118eff0  # address to underlying array

-- NEW --
pointer == nil : true
pointer value: 0x0

-- VAR (not initialized) --
pointer == nil : true
pointer value: 0x0

Further reading:<br/>


得分: 21


  1. new(T) 分配给定类型T的未初始化的零值内存,并返回指向该内存的指针,以便可以立即使用。零值意味着分配的内存将具有给定类型的零值。一些go类型的零值是:
    • int - 0
    • bool - false
    • float - 0
    • string - ""
    • struct - 每个成员的零值

使用new()的问题出现在需要处理三种其他复合类型 - chan、slice和map时。

  1. make(T, args) 专门用于 chan、slice和map类型。它不仅分配chan、slice和map的内部存储类型,还初始化它们的底层状态,使它们可以立即使用。例如,对于slice,它分配内部数组存储,设置指针以引用该数组中的第一个元素,并设置长度和容量值。

There are already a lot of good answers but let me explain the need for new() and make() as separate allocators.

  1. new(T) allocates uninitialized zeroed memory of the given type T and returns a pointer to that memory so that it is ready to use. Zeroed out just means that the allocated memory will have zero value of given type. Zero values of some go types are -
    • int - 0
    • bool - false
    • float - 0
    • string - ""
    • struct - Zero value of each member

Problem with new() arises when it needs to handle three other composite types - chan, slice and map.
These three types are special in essence that their underlying type is not just an another type but rather a state that needs to be initialized. For example , the underlying state of a slice consists of a pointer to the first element of internal array storage, a length that determines number of elements that can be accessed and a capacity that increases as the number of elements grow. new() certainly cannot handle allocation of such types due to their need for extra initialization step, that is where make() come into play.

  1. make(T, args) is specially made for chan, slice and map types. It not only allocates the internal storage type of the chan, slice and map but also initializes their underlying state to make them ready to use. For example, for a slice it allocates the internal array storage, set the pointer to refer to first element in that array and set the length and capacity values.


得分: 20

new(T): 它返回一个类型为T的指针,即类型为*T的值,它分配并清零内存。new(T)等同于&T{}

make(T): 它返回一个类型为T的初始化值,它分配并初始化内存。它用于切片、映射和通道。


new(T): it returns a pointer to type T a value of type *T, it allocates and zeroes the memory. new(T) is equivalent to &amp;T{}.

make(T): it returns an initialized value of type T, It allocates and initializes the memory. Its used for slices, map and channels.


得分: 18


  • new(T)为类型T的新项分配了零值存储,并返回其地址,即*T类型的值:它返回一个指向新分配的类型T的零值的指针,准备好使用;它适用于值类型,如数组和结构体;它等同于&T{ }
  • make(T)返回类型T的初始化值;它仅适用于三种内置的引用类型:切片、映射和通道。


var p *[]int = new([]int)
// *p == nil; 长度和容量为0
p := new([]int)


p := make([]int, 0)



var v []int = make([]int, 10, 50)
// 或
v := make([]int, 10, 50)



  • 对于切片、映射和通道:使用make
  • 对于数组、结构体和所有值类型:使用new

package main
type Foo map[string]string
type Bar struct {
		 s string
		 i int
func main() {
		 // 正确:
		 y := new(Bar)
		 (*y).s = "hello"
		 (*y).i = 1

		 // 不正确:
		 z := make(Bar) // 编译错误:无法创建类型Bar
		 z.s = "hello"
		 z.i = 1

		 // 正确:
		 x := make(Foo)
		 x["x"] = "goodbye"
		 x["y"] = "world"

		 // 不正确:
		 u := new(Foo)
		 (*u)["x"] = "goodbye" // !!panic!!: 运行时错误:对nil映射的条目赋值
		 (*u)["y"] = "world"


func main() {
	// 正确:
	ch := make(chan string)
	go sendData(ch)
	go getData(ch)

	// 不正确:
	ch := new(chan string)
	go sendData(ch) // 无法将ch(类型为*chan string的变量)作为参数传递给sendData中的chan string值
	go getData(ch)

func sendData(ch chan string) {
	ch <- "Washington"
	ch <- "Tripoli"
	ch <- "London"
	ch <- "Beijing"
	ch <- "Tokio"

func getData(ch chan string) {
	var input string
	for {
		input = <-ch
		fmt.Printf("%s ", input)


Difference between new() and make():

  • new(T) allocates zeroed storage for a new item of type T and returns its address, a value of type *T: it returns a pointer to a newly allocated zero value of type T, ready for use; it applies to value types like arrays and structs; it is
    equivalent to &T{ }
  • make(T) returns an initialized value of type T; it applies only to the 3 built-in reference types: slices, maps and channels.

In other words, new allocates; make initializes;


var p *[]int = new([]int)
// *p == nil; with len and cap 0
p := new([]int)

which is only rarely useful.


p := make([]int, 0)

our slice is initialized, but here points to an empty array.

Both these statements aren't very useful, the following is:

var v []int = make([]int, 10, 50)
// Or
v := make([]int, 10, 50)

This allocates an array of 50 ints and then creates a slice v with length 10 and capacity 50 pointing to the first 10 elements of the array.

Find out some rules for make() and new():

  • For slices, maps and channels: use make
  • For arrays, structs and all value types: use new

package main
type Foo map[string]string
type Bar struct {
		 s string
		 i int
func main() {
		 // OK:
		 y := new(Bar)
		 (*y).s = &quot;hello&quot;
		 (*y).i = 1

		 // NOT OK:
		 z := make(Bar) // compile error: cannot make type Bar
		 z.s = &quot;hello&quot;
		 z.i = 1

		 // OK:
		 x := make(Foo)
		 x[&quot;x&quot;] = &quot;goodbye&quot;
		 x[&quot;y&quot;] = &quot;world&quot;

		 // NOT OK:
		 u := new(Foo)
		 (*u)[&quot;x&quot;] = &quot;goodbye&quot; // !!panic!!: runtime error: 
                   // assignment to entry in nil map
		 (*u)[&quot;y&quot;] = &quot;world&quot;


func main() {
	// OK:
	ch := make(chan string)
	go sendData(ch)
	go getData(ch)

	// NOT OK:
	ch := new(chan string)
	go sendData(ch) // cannot use ch (variable of type *chan string) 
                   // as chan string value in argument to sendData
	go getData(ch)

func sendData(ch chan string) {
	ch &lt;- &quot;Washington&quot;
	ch &lt;- &quot;Tripoli&quot;
	ch &lt;- &quot;London&quot;
	ch &lt;- &quot;Beijing&quot;
	ch &lt;- &quot;Tokio&quot;

func getData(ch chan string) {
	var input string
	for {
		input = &lt;-ch
		fmt.Printf(&quot;%s &quot;, input)



得分: 12




You need make() to create channels and maps (and slices, but those can be created from arrays too). There's no alternative way to make those, so you can't remove make() from your lexicon.

As for new(), I don't know of any reason offhand why you need it when you can use struct syntax. It does have a unique semantic meaning though, which is "create and return a struct with all fields initialized to their zero value", which can be useful.


得分: 8

除了Effective Go中解释的所有内容之外,new(T)&amp;T{}之间的主要区别是后者明确执行堆分配。但是需要注意的是,这取决于具体的实现,因此可能会发生变化。



Apart from everything explained in Effective Go, The main difference between new(T) and &amp;T{} is that the latter explicitly performs a heap allocation. However it should be noted that this is implementation dependent and thus may be subject to change.

Comparing make to new makes little sense as the two perform entirely different functions. But this is explained in detail in the linked article.


得分: 8



type SomeStruct struct {
    V1 string `json:"v1"`
    V2 string `json:"v2"`


func GetStructFromMap[T any](values map[string]string) (T, error) {
    myStr := T{}
    bytes, err := json.Marshal(values)
    if err != nil {
        return *myStr, err

    if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, str); err != nil {
        return *myStr, err

    return *myStr, nil

但是,这段代码会抛出一个关于myStr := T{}这行的错误,错误信息是关于无效的复合值。将其替换为myStr := make(T)会抛出另一个关于没有底层类型的错误。所以,你需要将这行替换为myStr := new(T),它将创建一个指向结构体的零值实例的引用。




The benefits of "make" are heavily covered in other answers, but "New" has an added bonus over make not mentioned above: generics (as of 1.18).

Let's say you have a set of flat (all fields are primitives) structs, like the following:

type SomeStruct struct {
	V1 string `json:&quot;v1&quot;`
	V2 string `json:&quot;v2&quot;`

and you want to create a mapping function that turns a map[string]string into any struct. Then you could write:

func GetStructFromMap[T any](values map[string]string) (T, error) {
    myStr := T{}
    bytes, err := json.Marshal(values)
    if err != nil {
        return *myStr, err

    if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, str); err != nil {
        return *myStr, err

    return *myStr, nil

but, this code will throw an error, with regards to the line myStr := T{}, about an invalid composite value. Replacing it with myStr := make(T) will through another error about no underlying type. So, you'll to replace the line with myStr := new(T) which will create a reference to a zeroed value instance of the struct.

As can be seen, when dealing with generics, new can be used to instantiate a type that is unknown at compile time.

As a side, you could have also used named return types in this specific example, but the more general usage still stands.

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年2月17日 07:42:55
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/9320862.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
