Putting many PropertyList's into Google App Engine datastore (in Go) and loading them again with Query.GetAll

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Putting many PropertyList's into Google App Engine datastore (in Go) and loading them again with Query.GetAll



// 保存一个
var plist datastore.PropertyList = make(datastore.PropertyList, 3)
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "name", "Mat", false, false })
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "age", "29", false, false })
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "location", "London", false, false })
key := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(context, "Record", nil)
datastore.Put(context, key, &plist)

// 保存另一个
var plist datastore.PropertyList = make(datastore.PropertyList, 3)
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "name", "Laurie", false, false })
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "age", "27", false, false })
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "location", "London", false, false })
key := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(context, "Record", nil)
datastore.Put(context, key, &plist)



query := datastore.NewQuery("Record")

plists := make(datastore.PropertyList, 0, 10)
keys, err := query.GetAll(context, &plists)


datastore: 无法将字段"age"加载到"datastore.Property"中:没有这样的结构字段



I am putting entities (as a datastore.PropertyList) into the datastore like this:

// save one
var plist datastore.PropertyList = make(datastore.PropertyList, 3)
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "name", "Mat", false, false })
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "age", "29", false, false })
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "location", "London", false, false })
key := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(context, "Record", nil)
datastore.Put(context, key, &plist)

// save another one
var plist datastore.PropertyList = make(datastore.PropertyList, 3)
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "name", "Laurie", false, false })
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "age", "27", false, false })
plist = append(plist, datastore.Property { "location", "London", false, false })
key := datastore.NewIncompleteKey(context, "Record", nil)
datastore.Put(context, key, &plist)

That all works fine (although the code above is more like pseudo code for now). I am able to load them individually, and the datastore.PropertyList comes out with each field as its own datastore.Property.

However, when I try to retrieve many of them using a Query, it fails:

query := datastore.NewQuery("Record")

plists := make(datastore.PropertyList, 0, 10)
keys, err := query.GetAll(context, &plists)

I get the following error:

datastore: cannot load field "age" into a "datastore.Property": no such struct field

It seems that it doesn't complain about Name because that happens to be a valid property of datastore.Property, so how do I get it to load the items as intended, with each item in plists being a datastore.PropertyList instead of datastore.Property?


得分: 3

我将实现更改为使用PropertyLoadSaver接口 - 您可以在我们的新活动记录样式的数据存储包装器中看到它正常工作:http://github.com/matryer/gae-records(请参阅record.go类型的LoadSave方法)


I changed the implementation to use the PropertyLoadSaver interface - you can see it working nicely in our new Active Record style wrapper for datastore: http://github.com/matryer/gae-records (see the record.go type's Load and Save methods)


得分: 2

> GetAll在给定的上下文中运行查询,并返回与该查询匹配的所有键,同时将值附加到dst。dst必须是一个指向结构体、结构体指针或映射的切片的指针。如果q是一个“仅键”查询,GetAll会忽略dst,只返回键。

根据以下帖子,go datastore模块尚不支持PropertyList。


还要注意,您需要调用make([]T, n)来创建一个T的切片,而不是make(T, n)


> GetAll runs the query in the given context and returns all keys that match that query, as well as appending the values to dst. The dst must be a pointer to a slice of structs, struct pointers, or Maps. If q is a “keys-only” query, GetAll ignores dst and only returns the keys.

And according to the following post the go datastore module doesn't support PropertyList yet.

Use a pointer to a slice of datastore.Map instead.

Also note that you need to do call make([]T, n) in order to make a slice of T, not make(T, n)


得分: 2






Try writing your field names with a capital letter, for example, instead of age, write Age. This tells Go that your field is exported (it's similar to the concept of public variables, though it goes a bit further than that).

According to the Go datastore documentation (look at the Get method in the Functions section), a Get or GetAll method call, will return an ErrFieldMismatch "when a field is to be loaded into a different type than the one it was stored from, or when a field is missing or unexported in the destination struct. ErrFieldMismatch is only returned if dst is a struct pointer.". My best guess is that since you stored it as a PropertyList with unexported names, and since the datastore is flexible in its models, it will take the original values as unexported, due to their lowercase letters.

I am currently having the same error, but I managed to track it down to being due to some empty fields.

If this solves your problem, please let me know.

  • 本文由 发表于 2012年1月20日 02:13:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/8931134.html



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