
huangapple go评论145阅读模式

How to create a rectangle around another rotated rectangle in canvas?



  1. // Rectangle properties
  2. const redWidth = 60;
  3. const redHeight = 220;
  4. const redX = centerX - redWidth / 2;
  5. const redY = centerY - redHeight / 2;
  6. // Draw the red rectangle
  7. ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
  8. ctx.fillRect(redX, redY, redWidth, redHeight);



How to draw the red rectangle below black rectangle on canvas such that all 4 vertices of the rotated black rectangle touch all 4 edges of the red rectangle? I am using the following code to add the black rectangle:

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  1. const canvas = document.getElementById(&#39;myCanvas1&#39;);
  2. const ctx = canvas.getContext(&#39;2d&#39;);
  3. // Rectangle properties
  4. const width = 50;
  5. const height = 200;
  6. const centerX = canvas.width / 2;
  7. const centerY = canvas.height / 2;
  8. // Rotation angle in degrees
  9. const degrees = -10; // Anti-clockwise rotation
  10. const radians = (degrees * Math.PI) / 180;
  11. // Clear the canvas
  12. ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  13. // Save the canvas state
  14. ctx.save();
  15. // Translate to the center of the rectangle
  16. ctx.translate(centerX, centerY);
  17. // Rotate the canvas
  18. ctx.rotate(radians);
  19. // Draw the rotated rectangle
  20. ctx.fillStyle = &#39;black&#39;;
  21. ctx.fillRect(-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height);
  22. // Restore the canvas state
  23. ctx.restore();

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  1. &lt;canvas id=&quot;myCanvas1&quot; width=&quot;600&quot; height=&quot;250&quot;&gt;&lt;/canvas&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->



得分: 1

Brute force



函数 drawRect 绘制了旋转矩形并返回表示边界框的对象。

  1. requestAnimationFrame(animLoop);
  2. const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
  3. const centerX = canvas.width / 2;
  4. const centerY = canvas.height / 2;
  5. const width = Math.min(centerX, centerY) * 1.8;
  6. const height = width * 0.25;
  7. var rot = 0.0;
  8. function drawRect(width, height, centerX, centerY, rotate) {
  9. // 计算 x 轴向量
  10. const xAx = Math.cos(rotate);
  11. const xAy = Math.sin(rotate);
  12. ctx.setTransform(xAx, xAy, -xAy, xAx, centerX, centerY);
  13. ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
  14. const hw = width * 0.5; // 半宽和半高
  15. const hh = height * 0.5;
  16. ctx.fillRect(-hw, -hh, width, height);
  17. ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // 恢复默认
  18. // 获取 4 个角
  19. const topLeft = {x: -hw * xAx - -hh * xAy, y: -hw * xAy + -hh * xAx};
  20. const botLeft = {x: -hw * xAx - hh * xAy, y: -hw * xAy + hh * xAx};
  21. const topRight = {x: hw * xAx - -hh * xAy, y: hw * xAy + -hh * xAx};
  22. const botRight = {x: hw * xAx - hh * xAy, y: hw * xAy + hh * xAx};
  23. // 获取最左上角的角
  24. const left = Math.min(topLeft.x, botLeft.x, topRight.x, botRight.x);
  25. const top = Math.min(topLeft.y, botLeft.y, topRight.y, botRight.y);
  26. // 返回边界框
  27. return {
  28. left: left + centerX,
  29. top: top + centerY,
  30. width: -left * 2,
  31. height: -top * 2,
  32. };
  33. }
  34. function animLoop() {
  35. ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  36. rot += 0.01;
  37. const bounding = drawRect(width, height, centerX, centerY, rot);
  38. ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over";
  39. ctx.fillStyle = "#F00";
  40. ctx.fillRect(bounding.left, bounding.top, bounding.width, bounding.height);
  41. ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
  42. requestAnimationFrame(animLoop);
  43. }
  1. <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="180"></canvas>

Brute force

The brute force method calculates the position of each corner of the rotated rectangle. Then to get the bounding box get the left top most corner.

As the rectangle is rotated around its center the width and height of the bounding box is double the distance from the rectangle center.

The function drawRect draws the rotated rectangle and returns an object representing the bounding box

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. requestAnimationFrame(animLoop);
  2. const ctx = canvas.getContext(&#39;2d&#39;);
  3. const centerX = canvas.width / 2;
  4. const centerY = canvas.height / 2;
  5. const width = Math.min(centerX, centerY) * 1.8;
  6. const height = width * 0.25
  7. var rot = 0.0;
  8. function drawRect(width, height, centerX, centerY, rotate) {
  9. // compute the x axis vector
  10. const xAx = Math.cos(rotate);
  11. const xAy = Math.sin(rotate);
  12. ctx.setTransform(xAx, xAy, -xAy, xAx, centerX, centerY);
  13. ctx.fillStyle = &quot;#000&quot;;
  14. const hw = width * 0.5; // half width and height
  15. const hh = height * 0.5;
  16. ctx.fillRect(-hw, -hh, width, height);
  17. ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // restore default
  18. // Get 4 corners
  19. const topLeft = {x: -hw * xAx - -hh * xAy, y: -hw * xAy + -hh * xAx};
  20. const botLeft = {x: -hw * xAx - hh * xAy, y: -hw * xAy + hh * xAx};
  21. const topRight = {x: hw * xAx - -hh * xAy, y: hw * xAy + -hh * xAx};
  22. const botRight = {x: hw * xAx - hh * xAy, y: hw * xAy + hh * xAx};
  23. // Get the left top most corner
  24. const left = Math.min(topLeft.x, botLeft.x, topRight.x, botRight.x);
  25. const top = Math.min(topLeft.y, botLeft.y, topRight.y, botRight.y);
  26. // Return the bounding box
  27. return {
  28. left: left + centerX,
  29. top: top + centerY,
  30. width: -left * 2,
  31. height: -top * 2,
  32. };
  33. }
  34. function animLoop() {
  35. ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
  36. rot += 0.01;
  37. const bounding = drawRect(width, height, centerX, centerY, rot);
  38. ctx.globalCompositeOperation = &quot;destination-over&quot;;
  39. ctx.fillStyle = &quot;#F00&quot;;
  40. ctx.fillRect(bounding.left, bounding.top, bounding.width, bounding.height);
  41. ctx.globalCompositeOperation = &quot;source-over&quot;;
  42. requestAnimationFrame(animLoop);
  43. }

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  1. &lt;canvas id=&quot;canvas&quot; width=&quot;400&quot; height=&quot;180&quot;&gt;&lt;/canvas&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月11日 01:23:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76878011.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
