Dynamics 365 – Jscript/fetchXML问题:链接实体以过滤字段

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Dynamics 365 - Issue with Jscript/fetchXML: linking entities for filtering a field




  1. function filterProductContratFS(context) {
  2. var formContext = context.getFormContext();
  3. var fieldRecipientCall = formContext.getAttribute("msdyn_account").getValue();
  4. var fieldRecipientCall2 = formContext.getAttribute("msdyn_product").getValue();
  5. if (fieldRecipientCall && fieldRecipientCall2) {
  6. var accountId = fieldRecipientCall[0].id;
  7. var productId = fieldRecipientCall2[0].id;
  8. console.log(accountId);
  9. console.log(productId);
  10. var fetchXML =
  11. "<fetch>" +
  12. "<entity name='msdyn_agreementinvoiceproduct'>" +
  13. "<link-entity name='msdyn_agreement' from='msdyn_agreementid' to='msdyn_agreement'>" +
  14. "<filter>" +
  15. "<condition attribute='msdyn_serviceaccount' operator='eq' value='" + accountId + "' uitype='account'/>" +
  16. "</filter>" +
  17. "</link-entity>" +
  18. "<link-entity name='msdyn_customerasset' from='msdyn_customerassetid' to='msdyn_agreementinvoiceproductid'>" +
  19. "<filter>" +
  20. "<condition attribute='msdyn_product' operator='eq' value='" + productId + "' />" +
  21. "</filter>" +
  22. "</link-entity>" +
  23. "</entity>" +
  24. "</fetch>";
  25. var agreementInvoiceProductControl = formContext.getControl("uneeti_agreementinvoiceproduct");
  26. agreementInvoiceProductControl.addPreSearch(function () {
  27. agreementInvoiceProductControl.addCustomFilter(fetchXML);
  28. });
  29. } else {
  30. return;
  31. }
  32. }



The filter I want to create is as follows: I want to filter a field (uneeti_agreementinvoiceproduct) located in my table (msdyn_customerasset). The filter must meet the following conditions: firstly, the customer of the contract must be equal to the asset account. In my fetchXML query from my table (msdyn_agreementinvoiceproduct), I will retrieve the linked contract table (msdyn_agreement) and the field (msdyn_serviceaccount) for comparison. Secondly, I want to display only the products that are already associated with the contract asset. Therefore, I retrieve my product field from my table (msdyn_customerasset) and fetch the (msdyn_product) from my table (msdyn_agreementinvoiceproduct). Here is my retrieval query, along with the error that is occurring. I don't understand this error because the specified field is not associated with the indicated table.


  1. function filterProductContratFS(context) {
  2. var formContext = context.getFormContext();
  3. var fieldRecipientCall = formContext.getAttribute(&quot;msdyn_account&quot;).getValue();
  4. var fieldRecipientCall2 = formContext.getAttribute(&quot;msdyn_product&quot;).getValue();
  5. if (fieldRecipientCall &amp;&amp; fieldRecipientCall2) {
  6. var accountId = fieldRecipientCall[0].id;
  7. var productId = fieldRecipientCall2[0].id;
  8. console.log(accountId);
  9. console.log(productId);
  10. var fetchXML =
  11. &quot;&lt;fetch&gt;&quot; +
  12. &quot;&lt;entity name=&#39;msdyn_agreementinvoiceproduct&#39;&gt;&quot; +
  13. &quot;&lt;link-entity name=&#39;msdyn_agreement&#39; from=&#39;msdyn_agreementid&#39; to=&#39;msdyn_agreement&#39;&gt;&quot; +
  14. &quot;&lt;filter&gt;&quot; +
  15. &quot;&lt;condition attribute=&#39;msdyn_serviceaccount&#39; operator=&#39;eq&#39; value=&#39;&quot; + accountId + &quot;&#39; uitype=&#39;account&#39;/&gt;&quot; +
  16. &quot;&lt;/filter&gt;&quot; +
  17. &quot;&lt;/link-entity&gt;&quot; +
  18. &quot;&lt;link-entity name=&#39;msdyn_customerasset&#39; from=&#39;msdyn_customerassetid&#39; to=&#39;msdyn_agreementinvoiceproductid&#39;&gt;&quot; +
  19. &quot;&lt;filter&gt;&quot; +
  20. &quot;&lt;condition attribute=&#39;msdyn_product&#39; operator=&#39;eq&#39; value=&#39;&quot; + productId + &quot;&#39; /&gt;&quot; +
  21. &quot;&lt;/filter&gt;&quot; +
  22. &quot;&lt;/link-entity&gt;&quot; +
  23. &quot;&lt;/entity&gt;&quot; +
  24. &quot;&lt;/fetch&gt;&quot;;
  25. var agreementInvoiceProductControl = formContext.getControl(&quot;uneeti_agreementinvoiceproduct&quot;);
  26. agreementInvoiceProductControl.addPreSearch(function () {
  27. agreementInvoiceProductControl.addCustomFilter(fetchXML);
  28. });
  29. } else {
  30. return;
  31. }}

Can someone help me resolve this issue?


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你应该仔细检查一下addCustomFilter函数的工作方式。它只接受过滤器本身。所以不包括实体、链接实体等等。我知道唯一可能让它工作的方法是在这里描述的 - https://missdynamicscrm.blogspot.com/2014/08/crm-2013-using-addcustomfilter-to-get-filtered-lookup-field-based-on-linked-entity.html


You should doublecheck on how addCustomFilter function works. It accepts only filter itself. So no entity, not link-entity and so on. The only way I know you might make it works is described here - https://missdynamicscrm.blogspot.com/2014/08/crm-2013-using-addcustomfilter-to-get-filtered-lookup-field-based-on-linked-entity.html

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月10日 22:40:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76876799.html



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