
huangapple go评论181阅读模式

Is there a way to estimate the performance of this model?




我正在尝试理解某些决策引擎设计的性能估计。该引擎将运行一系列的是/否问题,其中模型表示一个非平衡的二叉树,其中每个节点都是一个比较 - 对象.x >= 值?处理过程大致如下:

  1. 检索对象
  2. 从树的顶部开始
  3. 对象.x >= y吗?
    3a. 是,下一个节点
    3b. 否,下一个节点
  4. 重复步骤3直到分支的末端
  5. 决定结果



  1. 分支的最大长度为16个节点
  2. 这不是一个二分搜索算法,因为树不平衡/从低到高排序,每个节点都是一个比较
  3. 所有进行比较所需的相关数据已经被检索
  4. 最多,用于比较节点的任何计算都是具有以下运算符之一的2个字段:+,-,/,*
  5. 使用Java/PostgreSQL编写





I'm not an engineer, I'm a PO.

This might be too complex of a question for a simple answer, but here goes.

I’m trying to understand performance estimation for some designs of a decision engine. The engine would run on a series of yes/no questions, with a model that represents a non-balanced binary tree where every node is a comparison – is object.x >= value? The processing would be something like:

  1. Retrieve object
  2. Start at top of the tree
  3. Is object.x > y?
    3a. Yes, next node
    3b. No, next node
  4. Repeat step 3 until the end of a branch
  5. Outcome decided

There are frameworks that can solve this pretty easily, i.e Drools. Or, it can be solved with a model in a database, I think.

To keep things simple, here are some constraints / assumptions:

  1. the maximum length of a branch is 16 nodes
  2. this is not a binary search algorithm as the tree is not balanced / lowest to highest
    every node is a comparison
  3. all relevant data to do the comparisons is already retrieved
  4. at most, any calculation for a comparison node is 2 fields with any of the following operands: +, -, /, *
  5. Written in java/postgres

How can I go about estimating the performance of this model? What’s the O notation? How long would a search of all 16 nodes take? Am I way off?


I have tried finding Drools performance estimates but could not find what I'm hoping to achieve.


得分: 1



  1. 要从这里得到对绝对性能的估计,需要准备一个可工作的实施,并对一些问题规模进行性能抽样。

  2. 我看到唯一的缩放参数是通过决策引擎处理的对象数量,我没有理由认为你描述的决策引擎的性能会随着输入对象数量的增加而不是线性增加。






> Is there a way to estimate the performance of this model?

Not at that level of abstraction, no. As I also wrote in comments, absolute performance depends on a wide range of machine, environmental, and implementation characteristics. It is extremely difficult to make accurate predictions about absolute performance when there are so many parameters in play.<sup>*</sup>

You asked specifically about asymptotic complexity analysis (big O). This is aimed at predicting how computational costs (time, memory) scale with the size of the problem, but

  1. To get from there to estimates of absolute performance requires preparing a working implementation and sampling its performance for some problem sizes.

  2. The only scaling parameter I see is the number of objects processed through your decision engine, and I see no reason to think that performance of a decision engine such as you describe would scale other than linearly with the the number of input objects.

With respect to per-object decision performance, I would ordinarily expect the evaluation of 16 simple comparisons of primitive values to be extremely fast. Same if you add a few arithmetic operations on primitives, even several per comparison. Navigation of the tree according to the results of those comparisons should also be fast. Note well, however, that all these "fasts" are relative and intentionally vague.

The wildcard here is "Retrieve object". Since you are talking about Postgres, I'm inclined to suppose that you may be retrieving the objects you want to operate on from a database, which you can rely on being very slow, comparatively speaking. Enough so that if you have to include database retrieval time in the performance you want to estimate then you don't need to consider anything else.

Inasmuch as this presumably fits into some larger system, however, it may be that you don't have to account the full cost of object retrieval against the decision process. Perhaps it is more appropriate to attribute some or all of that cost to some other procedure upstream of, downstream of, or encompassing the decision engine.

As for any question of absolute performance, the usual answer to such questions is "what did your tests say?". You may be able to extrapolate test results to other conditions, but nothing presented in this particular question would support a different basic answer here.

<sup>*</sup>Unless one is satisfied with extremely low precision. I'd be pretty comfortable in this case with "probably less than one minute", for example.


得分: 0

当然,我可以帮您处理这个!以下是一个简化的 Node.js 代码片段,模拟了描述的决策引擎逻辑,并提供了其性能的估算。此代码假定您已经获取了所需的对象和数据进行比较。

  1. function performComparison(node, object) {
  2. if (node.type === 'leaf') {
  3. // 分支结束,返回结果
  4. return node.outcome;
  5. }
  6. const leftValue = performComparison(node.left, object);
  7. const rightValue = performComparison(node.right, object);
  8. switch (node.operator) {
  9. case '>':
  10. return leftValue > rightValue;
  11. case '>=':
  12. return leftValue >= rightValue;
  13. case '<':
  14. return leftValue < rightValue;
  15. case '<=':
  16. return leftValue <= rightValue;
  17. // 添加其他运算符的情况(+,-,/,*)
  18. default:
  19. throw new Error(`不支持的运算符:${node.operator}`);
  20. }
  21. }
  22. // 示例决策树节点
  23. const decisionTree = {
  24. type: 'comparison',
  25. operator: '>=',
  26. left: { type: 'value', value: 'object.x' },
  27. right: { type: 'constant', value: 10 },
  28. };
  29. // 示例对象数据
  30. const object = { x: 15 };
  31. const outcome = performComparison(decisionTree, object);
  32. console.log('结果:', outcome);


就性能和 O 表示法的估算而言,决策引擎的时间复杂性高度依赖于决策树的深度。在这种情况下,最大分支长度为 16 个节点,所以在最坏情况下,它必须遍历所有 16 个节点,导致时间复杂性为 O(16),实际上是常数时间。然而,请注意,实际性能可能会受到许多因素的影响,包括比较节点内的计算复杂性、硬件和数据库性能。要获得更准确的性能估算,可能需要实施基准测试机制,并使用代表性数据和场景测试引擎。


  1. Of course, I can help you with that! Below is a simplified Node.js code snippet that models the described decision engine logic and provides an estimate of its performance. This code assumes that you have already obtained the object and the data needed for comparison.
  2. function performComparison(node, object) {
  3. if (node.type === &#39;leaf&#39;) {
  4. // End of branch, return outcome
  5. return node.outcome;
  6. }
  7. const leftValue = performComparison(node.left, object);
  8. const rightValue = performComparison(node.right, object);
  9. switch (node.operator) {
  10. case &#39;&gt;&#39;:
  11. return leftValue &gt; rightValue;
  12. case &#39;&gt;=&#39;:
  13. return leftValue &gt;= rightValue;
  14. case &#39;&lt;&#39;:
  15. return leftValue &lt; rightValue;
  16. case &#39;&lt;=&#39;:
  17. return leftValue &lt;= rightValue;
  18. // Add more cases for other operators (+, -, /, *)
  19. default:
  20. throw new Error(`Unsupported operator: ${node.operator}`);
  21. }
  22. }
  23. // Example decision tree node
  24. const decisionTree = {
  25. type: &#39;comparison&#39;,
  26. operator: &#39;&gt;=&#39;,
  27. left: { type: &#39;value&#39;, value: &#39;object.x&#39; },
  28. right: { type: &#39;constant&#39;, value: 10 },
  29. };
  30. // Example object data
  31. const object = { x: 15 };
  32. const outcome = performComparison(decisionTree, object);
  33. console.log(&#39;Outcome:&#39;, outcome);
  34. Note that this code provides a basic implementation of the decision engine logic and should be adapted and extended for your specific use case and data structure.
  35. In terms of performance and estimation of O notation, the time complexity of the decision engine is highly dependent on the depth of the decision tree. In this case the maximum branch length is 16 nodes, so in the worst case scenario he would have to traverse all 16 nodes, resulting in a time complexity of O(16) which is effectively constant time. Masu.
  36. Note, however, that the actual performance may be affected by many factors, including computational complexity within the comparison node, hardware, and database performance. To get more accurate performance estimates, it may be necessary to implement a benchmarking mechanism and test the engine using representative data and scenarios.
  37. Finally, if you are interested in considering performance optimizations, you can consider techniques such as memoization to avoid redundant computations and cache previously computed results.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月10日 22:39:18
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76876789.html



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