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How to add multiple dropdown list on same page in Blazor



我有一个项目 X

我有一个 ProcessAreas 列表 (a, b, c, d, e)

我有一个 Instructions 列表 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

我需要创建一个表单,为 X 项目的每个 ProcessArea 关联一个单独的指令(非强制性的)

所以,例如,对于项目 X1,我想要保存到我的数据库

表示对于项目 X1,我有指令 1 用于区域 a,指令 3 用于区域 b,指令 6 用于区域 e。其他区域未使用。


我对 ProcessAreas 进行 foreach 循环,并创建一个下拉列表。在这个下拉列表中,我放置了可用指令的列表,如下所示

@foreach (var processArea in _availableProcessAreas)
    var label = "Select instructions for " + processArea.ProcessAreaName;
    var x = _model.ProcessAreaInstructions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ProcessAreaId == processArea.ProcessAreaId)?.InstructionId;

    <MudSelect T="int?" Label=@label id="@processArea.ProcessAreaId" @bind-Value="x" For="(() => x)">
        @foreach (var instruction in _instructions)
            <MudSelectItem T="int?" Value="@instruction.Id">(@instruction.Name) @instruction.Description</MudSelectItem>







I'm trying to insert same dropdown list multiple times in a single page.

I have an item X

I have a list of ProcessAreas (a,b,c,d,e)

I have a list of Instructions (1,2,3,4,5,6)

I need to create a form to associate to the X item a single instruction for every ProcessArea (not mandatory)

So, for example, for the item X1 I want to save to my database

Indicating that for item X1 i have instructions 1 for area a, instructions 3 for area b and instruction 6 for area e. The other areas are not used.

To do this I read all instructions previously inserted in db.

I do a foreach on ProcessAreas and create a dropdown list. Inside this dropdown I put the list of available instructions, like this

@foreach (var processArea in _availableProcessAreas)
    var label = &quot;Select instructions for &quot; + processArea.ProcessAreaName;
    var x = _model.ProcessAreaInstructions.FirstOrDefault(x =&gt; x.ProcessAreaId == processArea.ProcessAreaId)?.InstructionId;

    &lt;MudSelect T=&quot;int?&quot; Label=@label id=&quot;@processArea.ProcessAreaId&quot; @bind-Value=&quot;x&quot; For=&quot;@(() =&gt; x)&quot;&gt;
        @foreach (var instruction in _instructions)
            &lt;MudSelectItem T=&quot;int?&quot; Value=&quot;@instruction.Id&quot;&gt;(@instruction.Name) @instruction.Description&lt;/MudSelectItem&gt;

I can see the dropdowns on page, but I cannot select a value different from the one is displayed.

Here you can find a full sample with this strange behavior


Can you help me to fix this problem and to save updated data to database?

Thanks in advance for any help.


得分: 0

通过查看您在MudBlazor Playground中添加的代码,我意识到您试图将MudSelect的值绑定到您的本地int t = 0的razor变量。


public class ProcessAreaInstructionResponse
    public Int64 Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int BindedValue { get; set; } = 1; // 新字段

并且现在它可以正常工作 如何在同一页面上使用Blazor添加多个下拉列表?


By looking for the codes you add in the MudBlazor Playground, I realized that you try to bind the value of the MudSelect to your local int t = 0 razor variable.

So I added a field in your ProcessAreaInstructionResponse, to store the value of the MudSelect.

    public class ProcessAreaInstructionResponse
        public Int64 Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int BindedValue { get; set; } = 1; // new field


&lt;MudSelect T=&quot;int&quot; Label=@item.Name id=&quot;@item.Id&quot; @bind-Value=&quot;item.BindedValue&quot;&gt;
   @foreach (var instruction in _instructions)
      &lt;MudSelectItem T=&quot;int&quot; Value=&quot;@instruction.Id&quot;&gt;@instruction.Description&lt;/MudSelectItem&gt;

And now it is working 如何在同一页面上使用Blazor添加多个下拉列表?


得分: -3



<select @bind="SelectedValue">
    @foreach (var item in Items)
        <option value="@item">@item</option>

@code {
    public List<string> Items { get; set; }

    public string SelectedValue { get; set; }


@page "/"


<Dropdown Items="@Items1" SelectedValue="@SelectedValue1" />
<Dropdown Items="@Items2" SelectedValue="@SelectedValue2" />

@code {
    private List<string> Items1 = new List<string> { "选项1", "选项2", "选项3" };
    private string SelectedValue1 { get; set; }

    private List<string> Items2 = new List<string> { "选择A", "选择B", "选择C" };
    private string SelectedValue2 { get; set; }





In Blazor, you can easily add multiple dropdown lists on the same page using components. Components in Blazor are reusable UI elements that can encapsulate their own logic and presentation. Here's how you can add multiple dropdown lists on the same page:

Create a Dropdown Component:
Create a new component for your dropdown list. Let's call it Dropdown.razor:

&lt;select @bind=&quot;SelectedValue&quot;&gt;
    @foreach (var item in Items)
        &lt;option value=&quot;@item&quot;&gt;@item&lt;/option&gt;

@code {
    public List&lt;string&gt; Items { get; set; }

    public string SelectedValue { get; set; }

Use the Dropdown Component in Your Page:
In your Blazor page (Index.razor for example), you can use the Dropdown component:

@page &quot;/&quot;

&lt;h3&gt;Dropdown Lists&lt;/h3&gt;

&lt;Dropdown Items=&quot;@Items1&quot; SelectedValue=&quot;@SelectedValue1&quot; /&gt;
&lt;Dropdown Items=&quot;@Items2&quot; SelectedValue=&quot;@SelectedValue2&quot; /&gt;

@code {
    private List&lt;string&gt; Items1 = new List&lt;string&gt; { &quot;Option 1&quot;, &quot;Option 2&quot;, &quot;Option 3&quot; };
    private string SelectedValue1 { get; set; }

    private List&lt;string&gt; Items2 = new List&lt;string&gt; { &quot;Choice A&quot;, &quot;Choice B&quot;, &quot;Choice C&quot; };
    private string SelectedValue2 { get; set; }

In this example, you create a new instance of the Dropdown component for each dropdown list you want to display. You pass the list of items and the selected value to each instance of the component.

Each dropdown list maintains its own state independently. When the user selects an option in one dropdown, only that dropdown's selected value will be updated.

This approach allows you to encapsulate the dropdown logic and presentation in a reusable component, making your code more organized and maintainable.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月10日 22:24:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76876655.html



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