Ansible syntax error : unexpected parameter type in action: class 'ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleSequence'

huangapple go评论179阅读模式

Ansible syntax error : unexpected parameter type in action: class 'ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleSequence'



  1. - name: '分区'
  2. tags: ['fs', 'fs-ext4']
  3. vars:
  4. vdcnames: 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | grep "{{volume[items["name"]]}}" | head -1 | cut -d "/" -f 1'
  5. tasks:
  6. - name: '获取vdcnames值'
  7. shell:
  8. cmd: '{{ vdcnames }}'
  9. register: 'vdcnames_out'
  10. loop: '{{ volumes.results }}'
  11. loop_control:
  12. label: '{{ }}'
  13. when:
  14. - 'not items.skipped | d(False)'
  15. - 'items["drive"]["name"] | d("") == "trwer"'
  16. - 'items["partitions"] | d([]) | count == 1'
  17. - name: '调整分区大小'
  18. shell: |
  19. sgdisk -e {{ items.device | d( volume[items["name"]] ) }} &&
  20. parted -m -s -a opt {{ items.device | d( vdcnames_out.stdout ) }} resizepart 1 100%
  21. loop: '{{ volumes.results }}'
  22. loop_control:
  23. label: '{{ }}'


  1. - name: 'Partition'
  2. tags: ['fs', 'fs-ext4']
  3. vars:
  4. vdcnames: 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | grep "{{volume[items["name"]]}}" | head -1 | cut -d "/" -f 1'
  5. tasks:
  6. - name: 'Get vdcnames value'
  7. shell:
  8. cmd: '{{ vdcnames }}'
  9. register: 'vdcnames_out'
  10. - name: 'Resizing the partition'
  11. shell:
  12. cmd: >
  13. sgdisk -e {{ items.device | d( volume[items["name"]] ) }} &&
  14. parted -m -s -a opt {{ items.device | d( vdcnames_out.stdout ) }} resizepart 1 100%
  15. when:
  16. - 'not items.skipped | d(False)'
  17. - 'items["drive"]["name"] | d("") == "trwer"'
  18. - 'items["partitions"] | d([]) | count == 1'
  19. loop: '{{ volumes.results }}'
  20. loop_control:
  21. label: '{{ }}'

Above code is in roles/abc/main.yml. I was getting the below error for the above code

  1. ERROR! unexpected parameter type in action: <class 'ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleSequence'>
  2. The error appears to be in '/roles/abc/main.yml': line 20, column 3, but may
  3. be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
  4. The offending line appears to be:
  5. - name: 'Partition'
  6. ^ here

I modified the code for resolving the syntax issue as below but still the same error

  1. - name: 'Partition'
  2. tags: ['fs', 'fs-ext4']
  3. vars:
  4. vdcnames: 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | grep "{{volume[items["name"]]}}" | head -1 | cut -d "/" -f 1'
  5. tasks:
  6. - name: 'Get vdcnames value'
  7. shell:
  8. cmd: '{{ vdcnames }}'
  9. register: 'vdcnames_out'
  10. loop: '{{ volumes.results }}'
  11. loop_control:
  12. label: '{{ }}'
  13. when:
  14. - 'not items.skipped | d(False)'
  15. - 'items["drive"]["name"] | d("") == "trwer"'
  16. - 'items["partitions"] | d([]) | count == 1'
  17. - name: 'Resizing the partition'
  18. shell: |
  19. sgdisk -e {{ items.device | d( volume[items["name"]] ) }} &&
  20. parted -m -s -a opt {{ items.device | d( vdcnames_out.stdout ) }} resizepart 1 100%
  21. loop: '{{ volumes.results }}'
  22. loop_control:
  23. label: '{{ }}'

I was trying to resize the disk through ansible but facing this error. Can someone please help me what's exactly the error is?
I tried a lot for resolving this by modifying the code but error is still the same, not sure why.


得分: 1

不知道这是否有帮助。但自Ansible 2.0以来,文件系统模块中有一个名为resizefs的选项,默认值为false,支持ext4文件系统。


  • name: '扩展文件系统'
    fstype: 'ext4'
    dev: '/dev/sda1'
    resizefs: yes

Don't know if this helps. But, since Ansible 2.0 there is resizefs option in the filesystem module that is false by default and that supports ext4.

If yes, if the block device and filesystem size differ, grow the filesystem into the space. Supported for ext2, ext3, ext4, ext4dev, f2fs, lvm, xfs, vfat, swap filesystems.

  1. - name: 'Extend the FS'
  2. filesystem:
  3. fstype: 'ext4'
  4. dev: '/dev/sda1'
  5. resizefs: yes

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月9日 18:12:57
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