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Is it bad practice to include tokenized email address as a URL parameter on customer communication?




我的主要问题是上面的斜体句子是否存在安全风险。 我使用了NextJS(以及React),因此一些内容是在服务器端呈现的,但我在考虑是否需要在客户端处理该查询参数(?),如果是这样的话,我可能需要创建一个用于将令牌转换为电子邮件的非身份验证端点。因此,任何截获URL的人(有足够动机的人)也可以找出我的客户的电子邮件。这是否是一个合理的风险?我是否过于多疑?如果不是,有没有实现我描述的所需结果的替代方法?我愿意听取建议。




I am currently having an issue in which users sign up with a different email than that with which they checked out (their data gets stored in our backend by email address). However, I'd rather not block signups outside of checkout, because (as of now) I also allow signups before purchasing the product. I could automatically generate an account for users on checkout, but that wouldn't change anything if they then signed up with another email later.

My current thought is that I'll add ways to try to ensure they sign up with their email from checkout. To that end, I've just added a feature that saves their email in localStorage on checkout and will autofill on the combined login/signup page. Obviously, though, that will only help if they use the same device. My other thought was that I'd include a token on each email as a parameter on outgoing links to our portal, that would also autofill their email on login/signup for other devices.

My primary question is whether the above italicized sentence is bad security practice. I do use NextJS (along with React) so some of it is rendered server-side, but I'm thinking I'd have to handle that query parameter on the client side(?), in which case I'd probably have to create an unauthenticated endpoint for converting tokens to emails. Thus, anyone who intercepts the URL (with enough motivation) can also figure out my customers' emails. Is this a reasonable risk? Am I being unnecessarily paranoid? If not, what's an alternative way to achieve the desired result I've described? I'm open to ideas.

Would also welcome comments about the aforementioned practice of saving plaintext customer emails in localStorage.

Additional context: I use Firebase for authentication, everything is written in Typescript.


得分: 2



  1. 电子邮件泄漏,您的客户会收到垃圾邮件
  2. 用户可以将链接中的电子邮件更改为其他电子邮件




  • 它无法伪造
  • 它不能与另一个值交换
  • 它不能永远重复使用


  • 保证客户隐私
  • 它能够扩展


  • 生成一个字符串,类似于 timestamp+email,可能还包括一些上下文,比如帐号号码或其他内容。
    • 例如 202308091543Z_user@gmail.com_123456
    • 以分钟或小时为单位的时间戳足够了。使用UTC时间
    • 使用当前时间,而不是时间戳的到期时间,这样你可以在发送后更改到期容忍度,或者如果出现严重问题,批量作废早于X天的令牌
  • 对其进行加密(这是一个棘手的部分,稍后会详细介绍)
  • 对结果进行Base64编码,然后发送令牌


  1. 解密令牌。如果解密失败,请拒绝(请参阅下面的注意事项)
  2. 解析令牌。如果无法获取时间戳+电子邮件(和上下文),请拒绝
  3. 如果时间戳早于N天之前,请拒绝。30到120天似乎是合理的,但可以进行配置
  4. 对于合理性检查,可以额外加分
    • 时间戳不超过未来几分钟
    • 上下文与电子邮件的数据库记录匹配
  5. 如果到达这一步,可以认为令牌是有效的


  • 支持密钥轮换。首先使用“current”密钥解密,如果失败,请尝试使用“previous”密钥(如果有的话)。如果再次失败,请拒绝
  • 我建议使用AES-SIV或AES-GCM-SIV算法和模式,使用128位密钥。如果这样做可以省去争论和会议,可以使用256位密钥。
  • 每个主机都需要访问相同的密钥(每个版本)
  • 在可以使用新密钥之前,必须确保新密钥可用,因此具有“current”、“future”和“previous”密钥的方案将有助于部署
  • 尝试使用“future”密钥进行解密,并将其用作信号,表明它现在是“current”密钥
  • 在N天后删除“previous”密钥(或者在“future”密钥变为“current”密钥后),因为你将拒绝那些令牌。

First of all, if anything touches the client, consider it as compromised until proven otherwise. You cannot rely on client side code, ever. If you do, you must revalidate server side.

Let's start simple with a plain text email in the link. There are basically two risks:

  1. The email leaks and your customer gets spam
  2. Users could change the email in the link you sent with some other email

But risk is a factor of impact and likelihood. At the Internet scale, you can consider likelihood as "almost certain", even for low value assets.

The impact of these events happening will guide the controls you put in place to prevent it. If it is just a display issue, you might not have to do anything. Saying "Welcome (wrong email)" might not be worth the trouble of fixing.

But if you rely on this value to do some form of authentication, then you must ensure:

  • It cannot be forged
  • It cannot be swapped with another value
  • It cannot be reused forever

You will probably also need to think about these requirements:

  • Customer privacy is guaranteed
  • It scales

This could be a whole project, but replacing the email with a "token" will work:

  • Generate a string like timestamp+email and maybe some context, like an account number or something.
    • For example 202308091543Z_user@gmail.com_123456
    • A timestamp in minutes or hours is good enough. Make it UTC
    • Use the current time, not the expiry time for the timestamp so you can change expiry tolerance after they are sent or bulk invalide tokens older than X if things go really wrong
  • Encrypt it (a tricky part, more on this later)
  • Base64 the result is the token you send

When the server (remember, the client cannot be trusted) receives the token it will:

  1. Decrypt the token. If decryption fails, reject (see notes below)
  2. Parse it. If you cannot get a timestamp+email (and context) back, reject
  3. If the timestamp is older than N days, reject. 30 to 120 days seems reasonable, but make this configurable
  4. Bonus points for sanity checks
    • timestamp no more than minutes in the future
    • context matches database record for that email.
  5. If you get here, the token can be considered valid

A couple of notes about key management:

  • Support key rotation. Decrypt with the current key, if it fails try with the previous key if you have it. If it fails again, reject
  • I would suggest the AES-SIV or AES-GCM-SIV algorithm and mode with a 128 bits key. Use 256 bits if it saves you an argument and a meeting.
  • Every host will need access to the same keys (every versions)
  • You need to make sure the new key is available before it can be used, so a scheme that has current, future and previous keys will ease deployment
  • Try decryption with the future key to your algorithm, and use it as a signal that it is now the current key
  • Delete the previous key after N days (or after the future key becomes current), because you will reject those token regardless.


得分: 1






What this reminds me of is the unsubscribe link at the bottom of mailing list emails. Those have a token as a query parameter, that leads to a page where you can configure email notification settings without having to log in. Sometimes the page itself will say something along the lines of

modifying email settings for your-email@domain.com

and to my understanding this seems to be the same as what you are thinking. If so many large companies do this with no issue, perhaps it might be ok for you to do as well.

My second thought is if a malicious actor intercepts this URL, wouldn't they already know or be able to know the customer's email, since the URL is contained inside the email?

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月9日 16:30:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76865921-2.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
