为什么在这个例子中 PropertyInfo.SetValue 不起作用,如何使其起作用?

huangapple go评论97阅读模式

Why is PropertyInfo.SetValue not working in this example and how to make it work?



以下代码似乎无法正常工作,尽管根据文档,使用装箱的部分应该可以工作。我似乎找不到比Value Type Property setting这篇文章更多的信息。

这个问题与Setting a property of a property in a struct?不同,因为这与我正在尝试使用的反射无关。



Imports System.Drawing

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Starting test")
        Dim s As Size
        Console.WriteLine("Created size: {0}", s)
        s.Width = 5
        Console.WriteLine("Set Width: {0}", s)
        Dim pi = s.GetType().GetProperty("Height")
        Console.WriteLine("get property info: {0}", pi)
        pi.SetValue(s, 10, Nothing)
        Console.WriteLine("setting height with pi: {0}", s)
        Dim box As Object = s 'same result with  RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(s)
        Console.WriteLine("boxing: {0}", box)
        pi.SetValue(box, 10, Nothing)
        Console.WriteLine("setting value: {0}", box)
        Console.WriteLine("End test")
    End Sub
End Module


Starting test
Created size: {Width=0, Height=0}
Set Width: {Width=5, Height=0}
get property info: Int32 Height
setting height with pi: {Width=5, Height=0} 'expected 5,10
boxing: {Width=5, Height=0}
setting value: {Width=5, Height=0} 'expected 5,10

End test


internal class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Starting test");
        Size s= new Size();
        Console.WriteLine("Created size: {0}", s);
        s.Width = 5;
        Console.WriteLine("Set Width: {0}", s);
        PropertyInfo pi = s.GetType().GetProperty("Height");
        Console.WriteLine("get property info: {0}", pi);
        Console.WriteLine("can write?: {0}", pi.CanWrite);
        pi.SetValue(s, 10, null);
        Console.WriteLine("setting height with pi: {0}", s);
        Object box = s; //same result with  RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(s)
        Console.WriteLine("boxing: {0}", box);
        pi.SetValue(box, 10, null);
        Console.WriteLine("setting value: {0}", box);
        Console.WriteLine("End test");


Starting test
Created size: {Width=0, Height=0}
Set Width: {Width=5, Height=0}
get property info: Int32 Height
can write?: True
setting height with pi: {Width=5, Height=0}
boxing: {Width=5, Height=0}
setting value: {Width=5, Height=10}

End test



The following code does not seem to work, although according to documentation the part with boxing should work. I seem not be able to find more information on this than the article at Value Type Property setting

This question is also not similar as in Setting a property of a property in a struct? as this has nothing to do with reflection, which I am trying to use.

The code is just a small piece of a much larger project (using reflection to get something done) but demonstrates the issue.

The specialty in this example is that the property we want to set is in a value type (struct) and SetValue seems not to be handling this very well...

Imports System.Drawing

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Starting test")
        Dim s As Size
        Console.WriteLine("Created size: {0}", s)
        s.Width = 5
        Console.WriteLine("Set Width: {0}", s)
        Dim pi = s.GetType().GetProperty("Height")
        Console.WriteLine("get property info: {0}", pi)
        pi.SetValue(s, 10, Nothing)
        Console.WriteLine("setting height with pi: {0}", s)
        Dim box As Object = s 'same result with  RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(s)
        Console.WriteLine("boxing: {0}", box)
        pi.SetValue(box, 10, Nothing)
        Console.WriteLine("setting value: {0}", box)
        Console.WriteLine("End test")
    End Sub
End Module

The result given is:

Starting test
Created size: {Width=0, Height=0}
Set Width: {Width=5, Height=0}
get property info: Int32 Height
setting height with pi: {Width=5, Height=0} 'expected 5,10
boxing: {Width=5, Height=0}
setting value: {Width=5, Height=0} 'expected 5,10

End test

The same code is working (with boxing) in C#

    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Starting test");
            Size s= new Size();
            Console.WriteLine("Created size: {0}", s);
            s.Width = 5;
            Console.WriteLine("Set Width: {0}", s);
            PropertyInfo pi = s.GetType().GetProperty("Height");
            Console.WriteLine("get property info: {0}", pi);
            Console.WriteLine("can write?: {0}", pi.CanWrite);
            pi.SetValue(s, 10, null);
            Console.WriteLine("setting height with pi: {0}", s);
            Object box = s; //same result with  RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(s)
            Console.WriteLine("boxing: {0}", box);
            pi.SetValue(box, 10, null);
            Console.WriteLine("setting value: {0}", box);
            Console.WriteLine("End test");
Starting test
Created size: {Width=0, Height=0}
Set Width: {Width=5, Height=0}
get property info: Int32 Height
can write?: True
setting height with pi: {Width=5, Height=0}
boxing: {Width=5, Height=0}
setting value: {Width=5, Height=10}

End test

How do I make this work in VB?


得分: 3


将你的代码更改为以下内容,它可以正常工作(至少对我来说,在针对.NET 7的Linqpad 7中的VB.NET中可以正常工作):


Dim heightProperty = GetType(Size).GetProperty("Height", BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)

Dim localStruct As Size
localStruct.Width = 5
localStruct.Dump("Should have Width 5")

' 由于`vbc`将插入一个隐藏的`PropertyInfo.SetValue(Object, Object)`调用,该调用将对`localStruct`进行装箱,因此在修改后无法检索它,实际上将其丢弃,所以这个`SetValue`调用不起作用。
heightProperty.SetValue(localStruct, 10)
localStruct.Dump(("Should have Height 10, but has " + localStruct.ToString()))

Dim boxedAsObject As System.Object = localStruct
LINQPad.Extensions.Dump(boxedAsObject, "boxed") ' 有趣的是,你不能在Object类型的装箱结构上使用扩展方法语法,很奇怪。

' 由于`vbc`将插入一个隐藏的`PropertyInfo.SetValue(Object, Object)`调用,该调用将重置`boxedAsObject`,所以这个调用不起作用。
heightProperty.SetValue(boxedAsObject, 10)
LINQPad.Extensions.Dump(boxedAsObject, ("Should have Height 10, but has " + boxedAsObject.ToString()))

' https://www.pcreview.co.uk/threads/cannot-get-propertyinfo-setvalue-to-work-for-a-structure.1418755/
Dim boxedAsValueType As System.ValueType = localStruct
heightProperty.SetValue(boxedAsValueType, 10)
boxedAsValueType.Dump("Will have Height = 10: " + boxedAsValueType.ToString())


为什么在这个例子中 PropertyInfo.SetValue 不起作用,如何使其起作用?



IL_0000	ldtoken	Size
IL_0005	call	Type.GetTypeFromHandle (RuntimeTypeHandle)
IL_000A	ldstr	"Height"
IL_000F	ldc.i4.s	14  // 20
IL_0011	call	Type.GetProperty (String, BindingFlags)
IL_0016	ldloca.s	00    // localStruct
IL_0018	ldc.i4.5	
IL_0019	call	Size.set_Width (Int32)
IL_001E	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_001F	ldstr	"Should have Width 5"
IL_0024	call	Extensions.Dump<Size> (Size, String)
IL_0029	pop	
IL_002A	dup	
IL_002B	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_002C	box	Size
IL_0031	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_0033	box	Int32
IL_0038	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_003D	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_003E	ldstr	"Should have Height 10, but has "
IL_0043	ldloca.s	00    // localStruct
IL_0045	constrained.	Size
IL_004B	callvirt	Object.ToString ()
IL_0050	call	String.Concat (String, String)
IL_0055	call	Extensions.Dump<Size> (Size, String)
IL_005A	pop	
IL_005B	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_005C	box	Size
IL_0061	stloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0062	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0063	call	RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue (Object)
IL_0068	ldstr	"boxed"
IL_006D	call	Extensions.Dump<Object> (Object, String)
IL_0072	pop	
IL_0073	dup	
IL_0074	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0075	call	RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue (Object)
IL_007A	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_007C	box	Int32
IL_0081	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_0086	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0087	call	RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue (Object)
IL_008C	ldstr	"Should have Height 10, but has "
IL_0091	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0092	callvirt	Object.ToString ()
IL_0097	call	String.Concat (String, String)
IL_009C	call	Extensions.Dump<Object> (Object, String)
IL_00A1	pop	
IL_00A2	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_00A3	box	Size
IL_00A8	stloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_00A9	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_00AA	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_00AC	box	Int32
IL_00B1	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_00B6	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_00B7	ldstr	"Will have Height = 10: "
IL_00BC	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_00BD	callvirt	ValueType.ToString ()
IL_00C2	call	String.Concat (String, String)
IL_00C7	call	Extensions.Dump<ValueType> (ValueType, String)
IL_00CC	pop	
IL_00CD	ret	


IL_0000	ldtoken	Size
IL_0005	call	Type.GetTypeFromHandle (RuntimeTypeHandle)
IL_000A	ldstr	"Height"
IL_000F	ldc.i4.s	14  // 20
IL_0011	call	Type.GetProperty (String, BindingFlags)
IL_0016	ldloca.s	00    // localStruct
IL_0018	initobj	Size
IL_001E	ldloca.s	00    // localStruct
IL_0020	ldc.i4.5	
IL_0021	call	Size.set_Width (Int32)
IL_0026	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0027	ldstr	"Should have Width 5"
IL_002C	call	Extensions.Dump<Size> (Size, String)
IL_0031	pop	
IL_0032	dup	
IL_0033	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0034	box	Size
IL_0039	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_003B	box	Int32
IL_0040	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_0045	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0046	ldstr	"Should have Height 10"
IL_004B	call	Extensions.Dump<Size> (Size, String)
IL_0050	pop	
IL_0051	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0052	box	Size
IL_0057	stloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0058	dup	
IL_0059	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_005A	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_005C	box	Int32
IL_0061	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_0066	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0067	ldstr	"boxedAsObject"
IL_006C	call	Extensions.Dump<Object> (Object, String)
IL_0071	pop	
IL_0072	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0073	box	Size
IL_0078	stloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_0079	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_007A	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_007C	box	Int32
IL_0081	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_0086	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_0087	ldstr	"boxedAsValueType"
IL_008C	call	Extensions.Dump<ValueType> (ValueType, String)
IL_0091	pop	
IL_0092	ret

TL;DR: In VB.NET you need to use System.ValueType when working with boxed mutable structs instead of System.Object (aka Object in VB.NET and object in C#).

Change your code to this and it works (for me, at least, in the VB.NET in Linqpad 7 targeting .NET 7):

(You'll want to replace the .Dump() calls with Console.WriteLine or similar)

Dim heightProperty = GetType( Size ).GetProperty( "Height", BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance )

Dim localStruct As Size
localStruct.Width = 5
localStruct.Dump( "Should have Width 5" )

' This `SetValue` call below won't work because `vbc` will insert a hidden `PropertyInfo.SetValue(Object, Object)` call which will box `localStruct` such that you can't retrieve it after it's mutated, so effectively discarding it.
heightProperty.SetValue( localStruct, 10 )
localStruct.Dump( ( "Should have Height 10, but has " + localStruct.ToString() ) )

Dim boxedAsObject As System.Object = localStruct
LINQPad.Extensions.Dump( boxedAsObject, "boxed" ) ' interestingly, you can't use extension-method syntax on Object-typed boxed structs, weird.

heightProperty.SetValue( boxedAsObject, 10) ' This won't work because `vbc` will insert a hidden `PropertyInfo.SetValue(Object, Object)` call which will reset `boxedAsObject`.
LINQPad.Extensions.Dump( boxedAsObject, ( "Should have Height 10, but has " + boxedAsObject.ToString() )  )

' https://www.pcreview.co.uk/threads/cannot-get-propertyinfo-setvalue-to-work-for-a-structure.1418755/
Dim boxedAsValueType As System.ValueType = localStruct
heightProperty.SetValue( boxedAsValueType, 10 )
boxedAsValueType.Dump( "Will have Height = 10: " + boxedAsValueType.ToString() )

Gives me this output:

为什么在这个例子中 PropertyInfo.SetValue 不起作用,如何使其起作用?

VB.NET has its own special rules for handling boxed structs compared to C#: when you use System.Object as a _quasi-_top-type for boxed structs in VB.NET then the IL compiler will insert hidden calls to RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue which will cause the boxed struct reference on the stack to be replaced with a new boxed struct instance.

(The IL below was compiled with optimizations enabled)

IL_0000	ldtoken	Size
IL_0005	call	Type.GetTypeFromHandle (RuntimeTypeHandle)
IL_000A	ldstr	"Height"
IL_000F	ldc.i4.s	14  // 20
IL_0011	call	Type.GetProperty (String, BindingFlags)
IL_0016	ldloca.s	00    // localStruct
IL_0018	ldc.i4.5	
IL_0019	call	Size.set_Width (Int32)
IL_001E	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_001F	ldstr	"Should have Width 5"
IL_0024	call	Extensions.Dump<Size> (Size, String)
IL_0029	pop	
IL_002A	dup	
IL_002B	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_002C	box	Size
IL_0031	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_0033	box	Int32
IL_0038	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_003D	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_003E	ldstr	"Should have Height 10, but has "
IL_0043	ldloca.s	00    // localStruct
IL_0045	constrained.	Size
IL_004B	callvirt	Object.ToString ()
IL_0050	call	String.Concat (String, String)
IL_0055	call	Extensions.Dump<Size> (Size, String)
IL_005A	pop	
IL_005B	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_005C	box	Size
IL_0061	stloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0062	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0063	call	RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue (Object)
IL_0068	ldstr	"boxed"
IL_006D	call	Extensions.Dump<Object> (Object, String)
IL_0072	pop	
IL_0073	dup	
IL_0074	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0075	call	RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue (Object)
IL_007A	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_007C	box	Int32
IL_0081	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_0086	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0087	call	RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue (Object)
IL_008C	ldstr	"Should have Height 10, but has "
IL_0091	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0092	callvirt	Object.ToString ()
IL_0097	call	String.Concat (String, String)
IL_009C	call	Extensions.Dump<Object> (Object, String)
IL_00A1	pop	
IL_00A2	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_00A3	box	Size
IL_00A8	stloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_00A9	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_00AA	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_00AC	box	Int32
IL_00B1	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_00B6	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_00B7	ldstr	"Will have Height = 10: "
IL_00BC	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_00BD	callvirt	ValueType.ToString ()
IL_00C2	call	String.Concat (String, String)
IL_00C7	call	Extensions.Dump<ValueType> (ValueType, String)
IL_00CC	pop	
IL_00CD	ret	

...whereas the IL for the equivalent C# lacks those hidden calls:

IL_0000	ldtoken	Size
IL_0005	call	Type.GetTypeFromHandle (RuntimeTypeHandle)
IL_000A	ldstr	"Height"
IL_000F	ldc.i4.s	14  // 20
IL_0011	call	Type.GetProperty (String, BindingFlags)
IL_0016	ldloca.s	00    // localStruct
IL_0018	initobj	Size
IL_001E	ldloca.s	00    // localStruct
IL_0020	ldc.i4.5	
IL_0021	call	Size.set_Width (Int32)
IL_0026	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0027	ldstr	"Should have Width 5"
IL_002C	call	Extensions.Dump<Size> (Size, String)
IL_0031	pop	
IL_0032	dup	
IL_0033	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0034	box	Size
IL_0039	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_003B	box	Int32
IL_0040	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_0045	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0046	ldstr	"Should have Height 10"
IL_004B	call	Extensions.Dump<Size> (Size, String)
IL_0050	pop	
IL_0051	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0052	box	Size
IL_0057	stloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0058	dup	
IL_0059	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_005A	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_005C	box	Int32
IL_0061	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_0066	ldloc.1	   // boxedAsObject
IL_0067	ldstr	"boxedAsObject"
IL_006C	call	Extensions.Dump<Object> (Object, String)
IL_0071	pop	
IL_0072	ldloc.0	   // localStruct
IL_0073	box	Size
IL_0078	stloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_0079	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_007A	ldc.i4.s	0A  // 10
IL_007C	box	Int32
IL_0081	callvirt	PropertyInfo.SetValue (Object, Object)
IL_0086	ldloc.2	   // boxedAsValueType
IL_0087	ldstr	"boxedAsValueType"
IL_008C	call	Extensions.Dump<ValueType> (ValueType, String)
IL_0091	pop	
IL_0092	ret

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月9日 15:14:05
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76865423.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
