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When do you declare variables in anonymous functions in Golang?







I use some anonymous functions in my code and I’m trying to understand the difference (if there is one) between these two code snipets being called in a function:

defer func(s *Service, ID string) {
	err := s.Deprovision(ID)
	if err != nil {
}(service, identifier)

defer func() {
	err := service.Deprovision(identifier)
	if err != nil {

One directly uses variables available in the parent func and the other essentially declares these variables in the anonymous function and then specifies the parent variables to pass in.

Does this make a difference? If so, when do I need to be mindful of this?


得分: 1


  1. 直接使用变量(第一个代码片段):

  2. 将变量作为参数传递(第二个代码片段):



  • 作用域和清晰度:

  • 性能和内存:


  1. 变量更改: 如果变量的值(在您的情况下是serviceidentifier)在匿名函数定义之后但在执行之前发生更改(由于循环或其他控制结构),第二种方法的行为可能是意外的。

  2. 闭包和Goroutines: 在与闭包结合使用Goroutines时,捕获的变量可能对并发行为产生微妙影响。确保您了解闭包如何捕获变量以及它们如何影响并发执行。

  3. 性能考虑: 如果内存使用是一个问题,或者通过值捕获导致性能问题,您可能希望考虑第一种方法,直接使用现有变量。



The two code snippets you provided are both using anonymous functions with defer statements. However, they differ in how they capture and use variables from the enclosing function. Let's break down the differences and discuss when you need to be mindful of them:

  1. Direct Use of Variables (First Snippet):
    In the first code snippet, the anonymous function directly uses the parameters s and ID from the enclosing function's scope. This means that these variables are captured by the closure and can be accessed directly within the anonymous function without being passed as arguments.

  2. Passing Variables as Arguments (Second Snippet):
    In the second code snippet, the anonymous function does not use the parameters from the enclosing function's scope. Instead, it captures the service and identifier variables by value from the enclosing function's scope and then uses them within the function body. This is essentially equivalent to declaring and initializing new local variables within the anonymous function.

Does this make a difference?

Yes, there is a difference between the two approaches, and the choice between them depends on your specific use case.

  • Scoping and Clarity:
    The first approach is more explicit and may be clearer to someone reading the code, as it shows exactly which variables are being used from the enclosing scope. This can help prevent potential mistakes and improve code readability.

  • Performance and Memory:
    The second approach, where variables are captured by value, can have a small impact on performance and memory usage, especially if the enclosing function's scope contains large objects. This is because each closure will have its own copy of the captured variables, which could increase memory consumption.

When to Be Mindful:

  1. Variable Changes: If the values of the variables (service and identifier in your case) change after the anonymous function is defined but before it is executed (due to loops or other control structures), the behavior of the second approach might be unexpected.

  2. Closures and Goroutines: When using goroutines in conjunction with closures, the captured variables can have a subtle impact on concurrency behavior. Make sure you understand how closures capture variables and how they can affect concurrent execution.

  3. Performance Considerations: If memory usage is a concern or if capturing by value causes performance issues, you might want to consider the first approach, which directly uses the existing variables.

In most cases, the differences between the two approaches might not be significant, but it's good to be aware of these considerations when making your choice. Choose the approach that best fits your specific use case and promotes code clarity and maintainability.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月9日 00:22:40
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76861474.html



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