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How can I get a warning when comparing unsigned integers of different sizes in C and C++?



size_t n = // ...

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) // ...

unsigned int溢出时,这段代码可能会陷入无限循环。

例如,在Linux上,unsigned int是32位,而size_t是64位,所以如果n = 5000000000,我们会得到一个无限循环。


GCC的-Wall -Wextra不起作用:

#include <stdint.h>

void f(uint64_t n)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
gcc-13 -std=c17 \
       -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic \
       -Warray-bounds -Wconversion \
       -fanalyzer \
       -c -o 76840686.o 76840686.c


  • 我正在寻找一种不需要n是编译时常量的解决方案。
  • 理想情况下,该解决方案应该适用于现有的C/C++项目,而无需完全重写它们。
  • 提出除编译器警告之外的其他工具也会很有用,但编译器警告本身会更好。




A common source of bugs in C or C++ is a code like this:

size_t n = // ...

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) // ...

which can infinite-loop when the unsigned int overflows.

For example, on Linux, unsigned int is 32-bit, while size_t is 64-bit, so if n = 5000000000, we get an infinite loop.

How can I get a warning about this with GCC or Clang?

GCC's -Wall -Wextra doesn't do it:

#include <stdint.h>

void f(uint64_t n)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
gcc-13 -std=c17 \
       -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic \
       -Warray-bounds -Wconversion \
       -fanalyzer \
       -c -o 76840686.o 76840686.c

(no output)

  • I am looking for a solution that does not require n to be a compile-time constant.
  • Ideally the solution would work on existing C/C++ projects without having to rewrite them entirely.
  • Suggesting other tools than compiler warnings would also be useful, but compiler warnings themselves would be better

Edit: Upstream compiler feature requests

Answers have indicated no such warnings exist in current compilers. I have started to file upstream feature requests:


得分: 24





# 在此查询中,注释将被忽略,因为clang-query(而不是shell)会识别并丢弃它们。
  binaryOperator(                            # 查找二元运算表达式
    anyOf(                                   # 其中任何一个条件满足:
      hasOperatorName("<"),                  #   运算符是<
      hasOperatorName("<="),                 #   运算符是<=
      hasOperatorName(">"),                  #   运算符是>
      hasOperatorName(">="),                 #   运算符是>=
      hasOperatorName("=="),                 #   运算符是==
      hasOperatorName("!=")                  #   运算符是!=

    hasEitherOperand(                        # 并且其中一个操作数
      implicitCastExpr(                      # 是一个隐式类型转换
        has(                                 # 来自
          expr(                              # 一个表达式
            hasType(                         # 其类型
              hasCanonicalType(              # 在解析typedef后
                anyOf(                       # 要么是
                  asString("int"),           #   int
                  asString("unsigned int")   #   unsigned int
            unless(                          # 除非该表达式
              integerLiteral()               # 是整数文字
        hasImplicitDestinationType(          # 并且转换后的类型
          hasCanonicalType(                  # 在解析typedef后
            anyOf(                           # 要么是
              asString("long"),              #   long
              asString("unsigned long")      #   unsigned long

# 在test.c上运行查询。
clang-query \
  -c="set bind-root false" \
  -c="$query" \
  test.c -- -w

# 结束


// test.c
// 演示不同大小操作数的比较报告。

#include <stddef.h>          // size_t
#include <stdint.h>          // int32_t, etc.

void test(int32_t i32, int64_t i64, uint32_t u32, uint64_t u64)
  i32 < i32;                 // 不报告:相同大小。
  i32 < i64;                 // 报告
  i64 < i64;

  u32 < u32;
  u32 < u64;                 // 报告
  u64 < u64;

  i32 < u64;                 // 报告
  u32 < i64;                 // 报告

  i32 <= i64;                // 报告

  i64 > i32;                 // 报告
  i64 >= i32;                // 报告

  i32 == i64;                // 报告
  u64 != u32;                // 报告

  i32 + i64;                 // 不报告:不是比较运算符。

  ((int64_t)i32) < i64;      // 不报告:显式类型转换。

  u64 < 3;                   // 不报告:与整数文字比较。

  // 问题中的示例#1。
  size_t n = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {}        // 报告

// 问题中的示例#2。
void f(uint64_t n)
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {             // 报告

// 结束


  • 该命令传递了-w参数给clang-query以抑制其他警告。这只是因为我编写的测试方式会引发有关未使用值的警告,对于正常代码来说不是必需的。

  • 它传递了set bind-root false以便只报告感兴趣的操作数,而不报告整个表达式。

  • 不幸的是,无法使查询还打印涉及的类型名称。尝试使用绑定来实现这一点会导致clang-query抱怨:"Matcher does not support binding."(匹配器不支持绑定)。

这个查询不令人满意的地方在于它明确列出了源类型和目标类型。不幸的是,clang-query没有一个匹配器可以报告任何32位类型,因此它们必须一个一个列出。您可能需要在目标方面添加[unsigned] long long。如果使用面向IL32平台(如Windows)的编译器选项运行此代码,还可能需要删除[unsigned] long




There does not appear to be a warning option built in to gcc or
clang that does what is requested. However, we can use

Below is a clang-query command that will report comparison of
32-bit and 64-bit integers, on the assumption that int is 32 bits and
long is 64 bits. (More about that below.)



# In this query, the comments are ignored because clang-query (not the
# shell) recognizes and discards them.
  binaryOperator(                            # Find a binary operator expression
    anyOf(                                   #  such that any of:
      hasOperatorName(&quot;&lt;&quot;),                  #   is operator &lt;, or
      hasOperatorName(&quot;&lt;=&quot;),                 #   is operator &lt;=, or
      hasOperatorName(&quot;&gt;&quot;),                  #   is operator &gt;, or
      hasOperatorName(&quot;&gt;=&quot;),                 #   is operator &gt;=, or
      hasOperatorName(&quot;==&quot;),                 #   is operator ==, or
      hasOperatorName(&quot;!=&quot;)                  #   is operator !=;

    hasEitherOperand(                        #  and where either operand
      implicitCastExpr(                      #   is an implicit cast
        has(                                 #    from
          expr(                              #     an expression
            hasType(                         #      whose type
              hasCanonicalType(              #       after resolving typedefs
                anyOf(                       #        is either
                  asString(&quot;int&quot;),           #         int or
                  asString(&quot;unsigned int&quot;)   #         unsigned int,
            unless(                          #      unless that expression
              integerLiteral()               #       is an integer literal,
        hasImplicitDestinationType(          #    and to a type
          hasCanonicalType(                  #     that after typedefs
            anyOf(                           #      is either
              asString(&quot;long&quot;),              #       long or
              asString(&quot;unsigned long&quot;)      #       unsigned long.

# Run the query on test.c.
clang-query \
  -c=&quot;set bind-root false&quot; \
  -c=&quot;$query&quot; \
  test.c -- -w


When run on the following test.c it reports all of the indicated cases:

// test.c
// Demonstrate reporting comparisons of different-size operands.

#include &lt;stddef.h&gt;          // size_t
#include &lt;stdint.h&gt;          // int32_t, etc.

void test(int32_t i32, int64_t i64, uint32_t u32, uint64_t u64)
  i32 &lt; i32;                 // Not reported: same sizes.
  i32 &lt; i64;                 // reported
  i64 &lt; i64;

  u32 &lt; u32;
  u32 &lt; u64;                 // reported
  u64 &lt; u64;

  i32 &lt; u64;                 // reported
  u32 &lt; i64;                 // reported

  i32 &lt;= i64;                // reported

  i64 &gt; i32;                 // reported
  i64 &gt;= i32;                // reported

  i32 == i64;                // reported
  u64 != u32;                // reported

  i32 + i64;                 // Not reported: not a comparison operator.

  ((int64_t)i32) &lt; i64;      // Not reported: explicit cast.

  u64 &lt; 3;                   // Not reported: comparison with integer literal.

  // Example #1 in question.
  size_t n = 0;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i &lt; n; i++) {}        // reported

// Example #2 in question.
void f(uint64_t n)
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i &lt; n; ++i) {             // reported

// EOF

Some details about the clang-query command:

  • The command passes -w to clang-query to suppress other warnings.
    That's just because I wrote the test in a way that provokes warnings
    about unused values, and is not necessary with normal code.

  • It passes set bind-root false so the only reported site is the
    operand of interest rather than also reporting the entire expression.

  • Unfortunately it is not possible to have the query also print the
    names of the types involved. Attempting to do so with a binding
    causes clang-query to complain, "Matcher does not support binding."

The unsatisfying aspect of the query is it explicitly lists the source
and destination types. Unfortunately, clang-query does not have a
matcher to, say, report any 32-bit type, so they have to be listed
individually. You might want to add [unsigned] long long on the
destination side. You might also need to remove [unsigned] long if running this
code with compiler options that target an IL32 platform like Windows.

Relatedly, note that clang-query accepts compiler options after
the --, or alternatively in a
Unfortunately there isn't dedicated documentation of the clang-query
command line, and even its --help does not mention the -- command
line option. The best I can link is the
documentation for libtooling,
as clang-query uses that library internally for command line

Finally, I'll note that I haven't done any "tuning" of this query on
real code. It is likely to produce a lot of noise, and will need
further tweaking. For a tutorial on how to work with clang-query,
I recommend the blog post
Exploring Clang Tooling Part 2: Examining the Clang AST with clang-query
by Stephen Kelly. There is also the
AST Matcher Reference,
but the documentation there is quite terse.


得分: 9


    size_t n = // ...

    for (typeof(n) i = 0; i &lt; n; i++) // ...



This does not directly answer the question (provide a warning), but would you consider an alternative which avoids the problem entirely?

    size_t n = // ...

    for (typeof(n) i = 0; i &lt; n; i++) // ...

It now doesn't matter what type n is, since i will always be the same type as n, you should never have trouble with infinite loops resulting from i being a smaller type or having a smaller range than n.


得分: 8

PVS Studio可以发出这样的警告(还有许多其他警告),这里是他们文档中的一个几乎相同的示例:



我在Clang-tidy中没有找到这样的警告,这是LLVM项目的一个免费的代码检查工具,但很容易添加一个检查不同大小的整数比较的功能(Scott McPeak稍后回复中提供了出色的clang-query,大部分工作已经完成 - 剩下的部分只是将此查询连接到clang-tidy)。这将是一个非常吵闹的检查。可以通过将检查限制在循环条件上来减少噪音,这也可以使用Clang-tidy来完成,但需要更多的AST匹配工作。


PVS Studio can issue such warning (and many more), here is almost identical example from their docs:


It is a paid tool, but they give free license to Open Source projects.

I did not find such a warning in Clang-tidy, a free linter tool from LLVM project, but it would be very simple to add a check for comparison of integers of different sizes (a later reply by Scott McPeak with excellent clang-query did most of the work - the remaining part is just plugging this query to clang-tidy). It would be very noisy check though. One can restrict the noise by limiting the check to conditions of loops, that can be done with Clang-tidy too, but a bit more work with AST matchers.


得分: 5




void f (char c, int i)
    c = c + i; // 使用 -Wconversion 会发出警告
    c = c + 1; // 只有使用 -Warith-conversion 会发出警告

然而,它对于你的示例不起作用,可能是因为i < n不是一个算术表达式。似乎没有针对通用二进制表达式的这种警告变体。


Recent versions of gcc seem to support -Warith-conversion for this purpose:

> -Warith-conversion
> Do warn about implicit conversions from arithmetic operations even when conversion of the operands to the same type cannot change their values. This affects warnings from -Wconversion, -Wfloat-conversion, and -Wsign-conversion.
> void f (char c, int i)
> {
> c = c + i; // warns with -Wconversion
> c = c + 1; // only warns with -Warith-conversion
> }

Yet it does not work for your example, probably because i &lt; n is not an arithmetic expression. There does not seem to be a variant of this warning for generic binary expressions.


得分: 2

对于C ++,您甚至可以比编译器警告做得更好,假设n是编译时常量。这对于非gcc编译器也有效。但这种逻辑不适用于C代码。


template<std::integral T, auto N>
constexpr bool operator<(T value, std::integral_constant<decltype(N), N>)
    static_assert(std::is_signed_v<T> == std::is_signed_v<decltype(N)>, "类型不同");
    static_assert((std::numeric_limits<T>::max)() >= N, "类型T的最大值小于N");
    return value < N;

// todo: 使用交换的运算符参数类型进行重载

int main()
    constexpr std::integral_constant<size_t, 500'000'000> n; // 使用5'000'000'000会导致编译器错误

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)



template<std::integral T>
class IntWrapper
    T m_value;
    constexpr IntWrapper(T value)
        : m_value(value)

    template<std::integral U>
    friend constexpr bool operator<(U o1, IntWrapper o2)
        static_assert(std::is_signed_v<U> == std::is_signed_v<T>, "类型具有不同的符号");
        static_assert((std::numeric_limits<U>::max)() >= (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)(),

        return o1 < o2.m_value;

void f(IntWrapper<uint64_t> n)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {



For C++ you may be able to do even better than a compiler warning, assuming n is a compile time constant. This also works for non-gcc compilers. This logic is not available for C code though.

The idea is basically encoding the value information in the variable type instead of the variable value.

template&lt;std::integral T, auto N&gt;
constexpr bool operator&lt;(T value, std::integral_constant&lt;decltype(N), N&gt;)
    static_assert(std::is_signed_v&lt;T&gt; == std::is_signed_v&lt;decltype(N)&gt;, &quot;the types have different signs&quot;);
    static_assert((std::numeric_limits&lt;T&gt;::max)() &gt;= N, &quot;the maximum of type T is smaller than N&quot;);
    return value &lt; N;

// todo: overload with swapped operator parameter types

int main()
    constexpr std::integral_constant&lt;size_t, 500&#39;000&#39;000&gt; n; // go with 5&#39;000&#39;000&#39;000, and you&#39;ll get a compiler error 

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i &lt; n; i++)


If the value is not a compile time constant, you could still create a wrapper template type for the integer and overload the &lt; operator for comparisons with integral values, adding the static_asserts into the body of this operator.

template&lt;std::integral T&gt;
class IntWrapper
    T m_value;
    constexpr IntWrapper(T value)
        : m_value(value)

    template&lt;std::integral U&gt;
    friend constexpr bool operator&lt;(U o1, IntWrapper o2)
        static_assert(std::is_signed_v&lt;U&gt; == std::is_signed_v&lt;T&gt;, &quot;types have different signedness&quot;);
        static_assert((std::numeric_limits&lt;U&gt;::max)() &gt;= (std::numeric_limits&lt;T&gt;::max)(),
            &quot;the comparison may never yield false because of the maxima of the types involved&quot;);

        return o1 &lt; o2.m_value;

void f(IntWrapper&lt;uint64_t&gt; n)
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i &lt; n; ++i) {

Note that the necessity of changing the type for one of the operands of the comparison operator can be both a benefit and a drawback: it requires you to modify the code, but it also allows you to apply check on a per-variable basis...


得分: 2




32位中也存在类似的示例。Windows 95和98在运行49.7天后因为32位毫秒计时器溢出而著名崩溃。而在15年后,我们将迎来Y2038问题。大多数现代系统都已准备好应对Y2038问题,但很可能我们会在那时遇到一些意外情况!



Follow a coding standard which stops it at source

Most coding standards for embedded software prohibit the use of "int", for exactly the reasons you say. The C standard requires the existence of equivalent data types of fixed lengths (8, 16 and 32 bits have been universally available for years; 64-bit is newer but still supported basically everywhere). It is good practise to use them everywhere, but in safety-related software it is normally mandatory. Many tools exist for popular coding standards such as MISRA-C which will catch these issues for you.

Your example apparently seems obscure to many commenters above, because it needs 2^32 iterations to overflow. What many modern coders forget is that int can also be 16-bit, and this made overflows much easier in the past. The Ariane-5 disaster was caused by a 64-bit value overflowing when truncated to 16-bit. The Therac-25 disaster was also partly caused by an integer overflow which cleared the error status.

Examples do exist in 32-bit too, though. Windows 95 and 98 famously crashed after 49.7 days caused by overflow of a 32-bit millisecond timer. And in 15 years time we have the Y2038 problem to look forward to. Most modern systems are Y2038-ready, but it's likely we'll get there and have some surprises!

All of these form part of the institutional history of software engineering as an engineering discipline, in the same way as the Tay Bridge and Tacoma Narrows Bridge form part of the institutional history of civil engineering. I'm somewhat shocked to see someone above saying they'd never heard of this in 40 years of C coding. It is certainly possible to be just a coder and be unaware of this, just as it is possible to be just a builder and be unaware of civil engineering principles. An engineer must be aware of the deeper principles behind their designs though. This issue, as trivial as it may seem, is one thing which clearly differentiates expertise levels between software engineers and mere coders. Given Ariane-5 and Therac-25, I make no apology for being judgemental about this.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月5日 16:07:35
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76840686.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
