Jetpack Compose Text字体大小行为

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Jetpack Compose Text fontSize behaviour


我正在学习使用Jetpack Compose开发Android原生应用,当我想要设置文本的字体大小时,我发现有两种方法可以实现,一种是使用fontSize属性,另一种是使用TextStyle.fontSize属性,然而,这两种方法有不同的行为,根据我分配给哪个属性,行高会发生变化:

Jetpack Compose Text字体大小行为
Jetpack Compose Text字体大小行为



I'm learning android native with Jetpack Compose, and when I want to assign the font size of a text, I find two ways to do it, with the fontSize property and with the TextStyle.fontSize property, however, the two have a different behavior, the height of the line changes depending on which property I assign:

Jetpack Compose Text字体大小行为
Jetpack Compose Text字体大小行为

I would like to know why this happens and which of the two options I should continue to use, thank you very much.


得分: 3

fontSizeTextStyle.fontSize 之间的主要行为差异在于它们与其他文本样式属性的互动方式。当您直接在 Text 可组合上设置 fontSize 时,它会直接应用大小,而不考虑任何其他文本样式。另一方面,当您设置 TextStyle.fontSize 时,它会将字体大小作为文本样式的一部分应用,这可能会调整行的高度并影响文本的渲染方式,特别是如果您应用了其他文本样式。

总的来说,如果您只想设置字体大小而不添加任何其他样式,直接在 Text 可组合上使用 fontSize 属性是直接的方法。


The main difference in behavior between fontSize and TextStyle.fontSize is how they interact with other text styling properties. When you set fontSize directly on the Text composable, it applies the size directly without considering any other text styles. On the other hand, when you set TextStyle.fontSize, it applies the font size as part of the text style, which may adjust the height of the line and affect how the text is rendered, especially if you have other text styles applied.

In general, if you only want to set the font size without any additional styling, using the fontSize property directly on the Text composable is the straightforward approach.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月5日 07:26:54
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