
huangapple go评论76阅读模式

Why is C confusing my multiplicative operations with pointer assignment?


int hashedValue = n * ((int)((k * A%1)));
被标记为指针错误expression must have an integral type。但我不理解这个错误,因为*与后缀而不是前缀操作一起使用。请帮忙解释。谢谢!

int multiplicationMethod(int k, int n)

    if(n > SIZE || n < SIZE)
        printf("IndexOutOfBounds Error. Please Try different slot number.");
         int N = rand();
         float A = N/RAND_MAX;

         int hashedValue = n * ((int)((k * A%1)));
         HashTable[hashedValue] = k;

         return hashedValue;


int hashedValue = n * ((int)((k * A%1)));
is being tagged with a pointer error expression must have an integral type
I don't understand this though because the * is used with the post NOT prefix operation. Please help. Thanks!


得分: 3

k * A%1

你不能这样做。A 是一个浮点数;而 % 只接受整数参数。

这对于 C 语言来说是个尴尬之处。对于这个限制,现在已经没有好的理由了。只需在遇到这个运算符时自动调用 fmod

应该写成 k * fmod(A, 1)

正如评论中指出的,你需要将 float A = N/RAND_MAX; 改为 float A = N/(float)RAND_MAX; 才能使你的代码正常工作;否则 A 将永远为 0。


k * A%1

You can't do that. A is a float; and % only takes integer arguments.

This is an embarrassment to C. There's no good for this restriction anymore. Just auto-call fmod when you see that operator.

Should read k * fmod(A, 1)

As pointed out in comments, you need to change float A = N/RAND_MAX; to float A = N/(float)RAND_MAX; for your code to work; otherwise A will always be 0.


得分: 0

srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
float A = (float)(rand()) / (float)(RAND_MAX);
int B = 1;
int hashedValue = (int)((n * (k * (modf(A, &B)))));
HashTable[hashedValue] = k;

"srand() 生成一个随机种子,以在每次调用方法时生成一个随机数。rand() 方法中的随机整数生成原本产生一个整数,但被强制转换为浮点数,然后除以一个极大的浮点数。这样的结果是一个介于 0 和 1 之间的随机浮点数。

接下来的过程相对容易理解。但需要注意的是,modf 解析了浮点数 A 和整数 B 的内存地址。"


    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
    float A = (float)(rand()) / (float)(RAND_MAX);
    int B = 1;
    int hashedValue = (int)((n* (k* (modf(A,&amp;B)))));
    HashTable[hashedValue] = k;

sreand() generates a random seed to generate a random number upon each subsequent call to method. Rand int generation in rand() method originally produces an int but is typecasted to a float and then divided by an incredibly large float. The result of this is a random float between 0 and 1.

The next process is relatively self-explanatory. However, it is important to note that modf parses the float a and the memory address to B. 


# 答案3
**得分**: -3


以下是您的示例代码,经过一些调整。需要指出的重要事项是,您需要非常小心您的命名约定,使用单个字母字符很容易,但在循环之外使用会影响代码的可读性。此外,方法名称应该具有描述性,"multiplicationMethod" 并没有提供关于方法实际功能的真正信息。

#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <math.h>
const int SIZE = 20;
class TestClass
    std::unordered_map<int, std::string> hashTable;

    int multiplicationMethod(int value, int slotNum)
        if (slotNum > SIZE)
            printf("IndexOutOfBounds 错误。请尝试不同的槽号。");
            int N = rand();
            float A = N / RAND_MAX;

            int hashedValue = slotNum * ((int)(value * fmod(A, 1)));
            hashTable[hashedValue] = value;
            return hashedValue;

int main()
    TestClass t;
    t.multiplicationMethod(4, 4);



As DaveS stated you need to use fmod() rather than the % modulo operator when trying to work out the modulus of a float.

Here is your example with some tweaks. Big thing I have to point out is that you need to be very careful with your naming conventions it is easy to use one letter characters but outside of a loop it will affect the readability of your code. Also method names should be descriptive multiplicationMethod gives no real information as to what the method actually does.

#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;unordered_map&gt;
#include &lt;math.h&gt;
const int SIZE = 20;
class TestClass
    std::unordered_map&lt;int, std::string&gt; hashTable;
    int multiplicationMethod(int value,int slotNum)
        if(slotNum &gt; SIZE)
            printf(&quot;IndexOutOfBounds Error. Please Try different slot number.&quot;);
            int N = rand();
            float A = N/RAND_MAX;
            int hashedValue = slotNum * ((int)(value * fmod(A,1)));
            hashTable[hashedValue] = value;
            return hashedValue;

int main() 
    TestClass t;

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月5日 05:30:16
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76839189.html



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