如何在Google Colab的Python代码中添加C#代码?

huangapple go评论121阅读模式

how to add C# codes in google colab Python code?


我正在Google Colab中用Python编写一些代码。我已经有一些C#代码,我想重用它。


import os 

I'm writing some code on google colab in python. I already have some C# code that I want resue it.

I know with below code, I can import that application to my code but I want see the codes line and change it if it was necessary.

import os 


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步骤1:在Google Colab中启用SSH访问
连接VSCode与Google Colab的第一步是在Google Colab中启用SSH访问。要做到这一点,请打开一个新的Colab笔记本并执行以下命令:

!pip install colab_ssh --upgrade
from colab_ssh import launch_ssh


下一步是从VSCode连接到您的Colab运行时。为此,我们将使用VSCode中的Remote - SSH扩展。如果您尚未安装此扩展,可以按照以下步骤进行安装:

  1. 打开VSCode并点击左侧面板上的Extensions图标。
  2. 搜索“Remote - SSH”并点击安装。
  3. 安装完成后,点击“Reload”按钮以激活扩展。

现在我们已经安装了Remote - SSH扩展,让我们连接到我们的Colab运行时:

  1. 点击左侧面板上的Remote Explorer图标。
  2. 点击面板顶部的“SSH Targets”按钮。
  3. 单击“+”按钮以添加新的SSH目标。
  4. 输入SSH目标的名称(例如,“Colab”)。
  5. 输入在步骤1中记下的IP地址和密码。
  6. 单击“Add SSH Host”以添加新的SSH目标。


现在我们已经将VSCode连接到我们的Colab运行时,我们可以使用它来运行我们的代码。为此,我们将使用VSCode Python扩展,该扩展提供了交互式Python环境和调试工具。

  1. 在VSCode中打开一个Python文件。
  2. 单击VSCode窗口左下角的“Python: Select Interpreter”按钮。
  3. 选择要使用的Python解释器(例如,Python 3.7.10 64位('Colab'))。
  4. 选择解释器后,您可以通过单击VSCode窗口右上角的“Run”按钮来运行您的代码。

Step 1: Enable SSH access in Google Colab
The first step in connecting VSCode with Google Colab is to enable SSH access in Google Colab. To do this, open a new Colab notebook and execute the following commands:

!pip install colab_ssh --upgrade
from colab_ssh import launch_ssh
These commands will install the colab_ssh library and launch an SSH server in your Colab runtime. Once the SSH server is running, you will see a message with your Colab VM’s IP address and a password. Note down these details as we will need them in the next step.

Step 2: Connect to Colab from VSCode
The next step is to connect to your Colab runtime from VSCode. To do this, we will use the Remote - SSH extension in VSCode. If you haven’t already installed this extension, you can do so by following these steps:

Open VSCode and click on the Extensions icon on the left-hand side panel.
Search for “Remote - SSH” and click on Install.
Once the extension is installed, click on the “Reload” button to activate it.
Now that we have the Remote - SSH extension installed, let’s connect to our Colab runtime:

Click on the Remote Explorer icon on the left-hand side panel.
Click on the “SSH Targets” button on the top of the panel.
Click on the “+” button to add a new SSH target.
Enter a name for the SSH target (e.g., “Colab”).
Enter the IP address and password that you noted down in Step 1.
Click on “Add SSH Host” to add the new SSH target.
Once you have added the Colab runtime as an SSH target, you can connect to it by clicking on the “Connect” button next to the target name.

Step 3: Run Code in VSCode using Colab Runtime
Now that we have connected VSCode to our Colab runtime, we can use it to run our code. To do this, we will use the VSCode Python extension, which provides an interactive Python environment and debugging tools.

Open a Python file in VSCode.
Click on the “Python: Select Interpreter” button on the bottom left-hand side of the VSCode window.
Select the Python interpreter that you want to use (e.g., Python 3.7.10 64-bit (‘Colab’)).
Once you have selected the interpreter, you can run your code by clicking on the “Run” button on the top right-hand side of the VSCode window.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月4日 21:11:37
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76836260.html



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