If I run a Python script from Powershell via the call operator ($val = & python myscript.py) – How can I pass in an array to $val from Python?

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If I run a Python script from Powershell via the call operator ($val = & python myscript.py) - How can I pass in an array to $val from Python?



import os
import sys
import pathlib
import json
from contextlib import redirect_stderr
from fontTools import ttLib
from fontmeta import FontMeta

# 检查命令行参数
if len(sys.argv) == 1:

fontfile = sys.argv[1]

def font_name(font_path, name_idx):
    font = ttLib.TTFont(font_path, ignoreDecompileErrors=True)
    with redirect_stderr(None):
        names = font['name'].names

    details = {}
    for x in names:
        if x.langID == 0 or x.langID == 1033:
                details[x.nameID] = x.toUnicode()
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                details[x.nameID] = x.string.decode(errors='ignore')
    # details[4] = 全名
    # details[1] = 字体族名
    # details[2] = 样式名
    return details[name_idx]

meta_instance = FontMeta(fontfile)

metadata = meta_instance.get_full_data()

fontFullName = font_name(fontfile, 4)
fontFamily = font_name(fontfile, 1)
fontStyle = font_name(fontfile, 2)
fontVers = metadata[5]['value']
fontVers = fontVers.replace('Version ', "v")
fontLang = metadata[1]['language']['value']
fontUniqueID = metadata[3]['value']
fontPostscriptName = metadata[6]['value']
fontPostscriptEncoding = metadata[6]['encoding']['value']
fontDesigner = metadata[9]['value']
fontLicenseURL = metadata[14]['value']

print('全名:     ' + fontFullName)
print('字体族:   ' + fontFamily)
print('样式:     ' + fontStyle)
print('版本:     ' + fontVers)
print('语言:     ' + fontLang)
print('唯一标识: ' + fontUniqueID)
print('许可证网址: ' + fontLicenseURL)
print('字体设计师: ' + fontDesigner)



Here's a sample script:

import os
import sys
import pathlib
import json
from contextlib import redirect_stderr
from fontTools import ttLib
from fontmeta import FontMeta
# Check for commandline argument
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print('No argument was supplied.')
fontfile = sys.argv[1]
def font_name(font_path, name_idx):
font = ttLib.TTFont(font_path, ignoreDecompileErrors=True)
with redirect_stderr(None):
names = font['name'].names
details = {}
for x in names:
if x.langID == 0 or x.langID == 1033:
details[x.nameID] = x.toUnicode()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
details[x.nameID] = x.string.decode(errors='ignore')
# details[4] = Full Name
# details[1] = Family Name
# details[2] = Style Name
return details[name_idx]
meta_instance = FontMeta(fontfile)
metadata = meta_instance.get_full_data()
fontFullName           = font_name(fontfile,4)
fontFamily             = font_name(fontfile,1)
fontStyle              = font_name(fontfile,2)
fontVers               = metadata[5]['value'];
fontVers               = fontVers.replace('Version ',"v")
fontLang               = metadata[1]['language']['value'];
fontUniqueID           = metadata[3]['value']
fontPostscriptName     = metadata[6]['value']
fontPostscriptEncoding = metadata[6]['encoding']['value']
fontDesigner           = metadata[9]['value']
fontLicenseURL         = metadata[14]['value']
print('Full Name:     ' + fontFullName)
print('Family:        ' + fontFamily)
print('Style:         ' + fontStyle)
print('Version:       ' + fontVers)
print('Language:      ' + fontLang)
print('UniqueID:      ' + fontUniqueID)
print('License URL:   ' + fontLicenseURL)
print('Font Designer: ' + fontDesigner)


Full Name:     Sharp Sans Bold
Family:        Sharp Sans
Style:         Bold
Version:       v1.001
Language:      English/United States
UniqueID:      1.001;2016;SHRP;SharpSans-Bold
License URL:   http://www.sharptype.co
Font Designer: Lucas Sharp


& "D:\Dev\Python\00 VENV\FontTools\Scripts\Activate.ps1"
$val = python "D:\Dev\Python\Font Scripts\GetFontInfo.py" "D:\Fonts\00 Test\SharpSans-Bold.otf"
Write-Host "`$val:" $val -ForegroundColor Green

Right now the Python code is just printing values. My PS script is echoing the printed values as a string. Is there a way to pass these values to powershell other than just printing them - I.E. as an array?

Or should I return JSON and parse it in PowerShell?

Any help appreciated.


得分: 1



  • 两行或更多会成为一个数组(类型为[object[]])来存储这些行。

  • 一行会原样存储,作为一个字符串(类型为[string])。


$val = python "D:\Dev\Python\Font Scripts\GetFontInfo.py" "D:\Fonts\00 Test\SharpSans-Bold.otf"

单独执行上述命令就足以将来自python调用的stdout输出行捕获为一个数组 - 假设有两行或更多

如果您希望确保$val始终是一个数组 - 即使只有一个输出行,您有两个选择:

$val = @(python "D:\Dev\Python\Font Scripts\GetFontInfo.py" "D:\Fonts\00 Test\SharpSans-Bold.otf")
  • 要么:使用一个**[array]类型约束**(等同于[object[]]):
[array] $val = python "D:\Dev\Python\Font Scripts\GetFontInfo.py" "D:\Fonts\00 Test\SharpSans-Bold.otf"


  • 上述两种方法之间存在细微差异 - 详见此答案以获取详细信息。

  • 当PowerShell捕获或重定向来自外部程序的输出时,通常涉及根据存储在[Console]::OutputEncoding中的字符编码进行.NET字符串的解码 - 请参见此答案

  • 要验证$val确实是一个数组,请运行$val.GetType().FullName

  • 要逐行打印每个数组元素,请不要使用Write-Host,只需将$val单独提交(这等同于使用Write-Output $val,尽管后者的显式使用很少需要 - 详见此答案以获取背景信息)。


When PowerShell invokes an external program, it streams the individual lines of its stdout output one by one to PowerShell's pipeline.

If you capture this stream via assignment to a variable:

  • two or more lines become an array (of type [object[]]) storing the lines.

  • one line is stored as-is, as a string (type [string]).


$val = python "D:\Dev\Python\Font Scripts\GetFontInfo.py" "D:\Fonts\00 Test\SharpSans-Bold.otf"

by itself is sufficient to capture the stdout output lines from your python call as an array - assuming there are two or more lines.

If you want to ensure that $val is always an array - even if there's only one output line, you have two options:

$val = @(python "D:\Dev\Python\Font Scripts\GetFontInfo.py" "D:\Fonts\00 Test\SharpSans-Bold.otf")
  • Or: Use an [array] type constraint (equivalent to [object[]]):
[array] $val = python "D:\Dev\Python\Font Scripts\GetFontInfo.py" "D:\Fonts\00 Test\SharpSans-Bold.otf"


  • There are subtle differences between the two approaches above - see this answer for details.

  • When PowerShell captures or redirects output from external programs, decoding into .NET strings based on the character encoding stored in [Console]::OutputEncoding is invariably involved - see this answer.

  • To verify that $val is indeed an array, run $val.GetType().FullName.

  • To print each array element on it own line, do not use Write-Host, simply submit $val on its own (which is equivalent to using Write-Output $val, though the latter's explicit use is rarely needed - see this answer for background information.


得分: 0


$arr = $val.Split([Environment]::NewLine)

You can print the values line by line and split the output by newline as instructed here:

$arr = $val.Split([Environment]::NewLine)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月4日 04:57:47
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76831562.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
