
huangapple go评论67阅读模式

Depth-first tree walk in parent-child table with sibling sorter for a total "sequencer"



代码 父代码 排序器 标题
A (NULL) 0 ...
B A 0 ...
C A 1 ...
D C 0 ...
E D 0 ...
F C 1 ...
G C 2 ...

"排序器"列确定兄弟节点的顺序。代码 D、F、G 是兄弟节点(相同父节点的子节点),排序器可能会更改,例如,如果插入新行并要将其放在最后一个兄弟节点之前。例如,最后一个兄弟节点可以是类别,如“其他”,当然,无论稍后插入了更详细的类别,"其他"始终是最后一个兄弟节点。


对于下游系统,我需要一个树的“排序器” - 一个深度优先树遍历,从节点1(第一个根节点)到最后一个枚举行。这是否可以仅使用T-SQL(SQL Server 2016)来完成?


作为备用方案,我成功地在C#应用程序中使用Infragistics UltraTree绘制了树形结构,然后进行了递归迭代。这种方法有效,但不是SQL方法。SQL能否独自完成这项工作?


A system I use stores hierarchical data in a parent-child table (adjacency table):

Code ParentCode Sorter Caption
A (NULL) 0 ...
B A 0 ...
C A 1 ...
D C 0 ...
E D 0 ...
F C 1 ...
G C 2 ...

The Sorter column determines the sequence of siblings. Codes D, F, G are siblings (= children of same parent), and the sorter may change, e.g. if a new row is inserted and is to be placed before the last sibling. E.g., the last sibling could be a category like "other", and of course "other" is always the last sibling, even if more detailed categories are inserted later.

In short: the tree may grow and change.

For a downstream system, I'd need a "sequencer" of this tree - a depth-first tree-walk that enumerates the rows from node 1 (first root) to last. Can this be done in T-SQL (SQL Server 2016) alone?

I did some earlier experiments with CTE, I managed e.g. to make a CTE for calculating level and FullPath. But these data are unaffected on the sibling sorter; level and Fullpath do not change if first and last sibling changed places. The Sequencer would have to.

As a fall-back, I managed to draw the tree in an Infragistics UltraTree in a C# app, which I then iterated recursively. This works, but is a non-SQL-approach. Can SQL do this job on its own?


得分: 0


Solution 1: 使用CTE查询 - 将dt_code设置在WHERE子句中以从层次结构中提取根值...

WITH cte ( code, parent_code, level, path )

-- 锚定成员 ...
SELECT dt_code, dt_parent_code, 1 AS level,
 CAST( dt_sorter AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS path
 FROM data_table
 WHERE dt_code = 'A'


-- 递归成员 ...
SELECT dt_code, dt_parent_code, cte.level + 1 AS level,
 CAST( cte.path + '.' + CAST( dt_sorter AS VARCHAR ) AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS path
FROM data_table, cte
WHERE dt_parent_code = cte.code
SELECT code, parent_code, level, path
 FROM cte
 WHERE code = cte.code
 ORDER BY path;

Solution 2: 使用ROW_NUMBER()和PARTITION - 也处理大于0-9的排序号码:

WITH cte ( code, parent_code, level, path )

-- 锚定成员 ...
SELECT dt_code, dt_parent_code, 1 AS level,
 CAST( RIGHT( '00000' + CONVERT( VARCHAR, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY dt_parent_code ORDER BY dt_sorter ) ), 6 ) AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS path
 FROM data_table
 WHERE dt_code = 'A'


-- 递归成员 ...
SELECT dt_code, dt_parent_code, cte.level + 1 AS level,
 CAST( cte.path + '.' + RIGHT( '00000' + CONVERT( VARCHAR, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY dt_parent_code ORDER BY dt_sorter ) ), 6 ) AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS path
FROM data_table, cte
WHERE dt_parent_code = cte.code
SELECT code, parent_code, level, path
 FROM cte
 WHERE code = cte.code
 ORDER BY path;

This might help you get started:

CREATE TABLE data_table (
    dt_code VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL,
    dt_parent_code VARCHAR(2),
    dt_sorter INT

INSERT data_table VALUES ( 'A', NULL, 0 );
INSERT data_table VALUES ( 'B', 'A',  0 );
INSERT data_table VALUES ( 'C',	'A',  1 );
INSERT data_table VALUES ( 'D', 'C',  0 );
INSERT data_table VALUES ( 'E',	'D',  0 );
INSERT data_table VALUES ( 'F',	'C',  1 );
INSERT data_table VALUES ( 'G',	'C',  2 );

Solution 1: Using a CTE to query - set the dt_code in the WHERE clause to the root value you want to extract from the hierarchy ...

WITH cte ( code, parent_code, level, path )

-- Anchor member ...
SELECT dt_code, dt_parent_code, 1 AS level,
 CAST( dt_sorter AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS path
 FROM data_table
 WHERE dt_code = 'A'


-- Recursive member ...
SELECT dt_code, dt_parent_code, cte.level + 1 AS level,
 CAST( cte.path + '.' + CAST( dt_sorter AS VARCHAR ) AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS path
FROM data_table, cte
WHERE dt_parent_code = cte.code
SELECT code, parent_code, level, path
 FROM cte
 WHERE code = cte.code
 ORDER BY path;


code	parent_code	level	path
----    ----------- -----   ----
A	    (null)	       1	0
B	    A	           2	0.0
C   	A              2	0.1
D	    C	           3	0.1.0
E	    D	           4
F	    C	           3	0.1.1
G	    C	           3	0.1.2

Solution 2: Using ROW_NUMBER() and PARTITION - also handle sorter numbers greater than 0-9:

WITH cte ( code, parent_code, level, path )

-- Anchor member ...
SELECT dt_code, dt_parent_code, 1 AS level,
 CAST( RIGHT( '00000' + CONVERT( VARCHAR, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY dt_parent_code ORDER BY dt_sorter ) ), 6 ) AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS path
 FROM data_table
 WHERE dt_code = 'A'


-- Recursive member ...
SELECT dt_code, dt_parent_code, cte.level + 1 AS level,
 CAST( cte.path + '.' + RIGHT( '00000' + CONVERT( VARCHAR, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY dt_parent_code ORDER BY dt_sorter ) ), 6 ) AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS path
FROM data_table, cte
WHERE dt_parent_code = cte.code
SELECT code, parent_code, level, path
 FROM cte
 WHERE code = cte.code
 ORDER BY path;


code	parent_code	    level	path
----    -----------     ------  ----
A	    (null)	           1	000001
B	    A	               2	000001.000001
C	    A	               2	000001.000002
D	    C	               3	000001.000002.000001
E	    D	               4	000001.000002.000001.000001
F	    C        	       3	000001.000002.000002
G	    C	               3	000001.000002.000003

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月4日 01:50:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76830499.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
