如何检查 Azure SQL 数据库上次自动暂停的时间以及持续时间?

huangapple go评论106阅读模式

How to check last time an Azure SQL Database went on Auto-Pause and for how long?


我正在测试带有Serverless功能的Azure SQL数据库。



  1. az sql db show -g $resourceGroupName -s $serverName -n $databaseName --query "automaticPauseTime"


  1. (ResourceGroupNotFound) Resource group 'MyResourceGroup' could not be found.
  2. Code: ResourceGroupNotFound
  3. Message: Resource group 'MyResourceGroup' could not be found.



  1. USE master;
  2. DECLARE @databaseName NVARCHAR(128) = 'YourDatabaseName'; -- Replace with your database name
  3. DECLARE @lastConnectionTime DATETIME;
  4. -- Get the last connection time from the sys.dm_exec_sessions DMV
  5. SELECT @lastConnectionTime = MAX(login_time)
  6. FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
  7. WHERE database_id = DB_ID(@databaseName);
  8. IF @lastConnectionTime IS NULL
  9. BEGIN
  10. PRINT 'The database has never been connected since the last restart or creation.';
  11. END
  12. ELSE
  13. BEGIN
  14. PRINT 'The database last had a connection at: ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, @lastConnectionTime);
  15. END

它返回了The database has never been connected since the last restart or creation.,这是错误的,因为我现在正在连接它。

那么我该如何检查Azure SQL数据库上次进入自动暂停的时间以及持续时间?


I'm testing Azure SQL Database with the Serverless feature.

I would like to understand if the SQL Database went into Auto-Pause mode yesterday and for how long.

I asked to ChatGPT to give me a hint about what code I can use and it suggested PowerShell:

  1. az sql db show -g $resourceGroupName -s $serverName -n $databaseName --query "automaticPauseTime"

But it's returning the error:

  1. (ResourceGroupNotFound) Resource group 'MyResourceGroup' could not be found.
  2. Code: ResourceGroupNotFound
  3. Message: Resource group 'MyResourceGroup' could not be found.

Even if I put the right Resource Group name.

So I tried with T-SQL:

  1. USE master;
  2. DECLARE @databaseName NVARCHAR(128) = 'YourDatabaseName'; -- Replace with your database name
  3. DECLARE @lastConnectionTime DATETIME;
  4. -- Get the last connection time from the sys.dm_exec_sessions DMV
  5. SELECT @lastConnectionTime = MAX(login_time)
  6. FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
  7. WHERE database_id = DB_ID(@databaseName);
  8. IF @lastConnectionTime IS NULL
  9. BEGIN
  10. PRINT 'The database has never been connected since the last restart or creation.';
  11. END
  12. ELSE
  13. BEGIN
  14. PRINT 'The database last had a connection at: ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, @lastConnectionTime);
  15. END

Which returns The database has never been connected since the last restart or creation. which is a lie because I'm connected to it right now.

So how can I check the last time an Azure SQL Database went on Auto-Pause and for how long?


得分: 1

我找到的唯一解决方案是使用 Azure 门户中的指标:成功连接计数


  1. SELECT *
  2. FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file('https://MyDomain.blob.core.windows.net/sqldbauditlogs/weu-cust-mssql-srvr/MyDatabase/SqlDbAuditing_ServerAudit/2023-07-30/', DEFAULT, DEFAULT)

如何检查 Azure SQL 数据库上次自动暂停的时间以及持续时间?


The only solution I found was to use the Metrics from the Azure Portal: Successful Connections Count

如何检查 Azure SQL 数据库上次自动暂停的时间以及持续时间?

Otherwise if you have the audit enabled at server level you can target the Strage Account and query the logs this way:

  1. SELECT *
  2. FROM sys.fn_get_audit_file('https://MyDomain.blob.core.windows.net/sqldbauditlogs/weu-cust-mssql-srvr/MyDatabase/SqlDbAuditing_ServerAudit/2023-07-30/', DEFAULT, DEFAULT)


得分: 1


在Azure门户中,转到数据库 > 活动日志 > 选择一个事件(暂停和恢复都是事件,我发现的)。查找Properties.Status、properties.pausedDate、properties.ResumedDAte或类似的内容,以获取最后一次暂停或恢复的时间。



<p>I had the same question, but then I noticed Activity Log. It's possible to drill into the change details for the DB. </p>
<p>in the Azure Portal, go to the DB > Activity Log > choose an event (pausing & resuming are events, I found out). look for Properties.Status, properties.pausedDate, properties.ResumedDAte or something similar to get the last time paused or resumed.</p> <p>These details are change activities logged to Azure itself in the DB config. if you don't have permissions to see what history and values that have changed, you may not have the ability to see that information.</p>

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月31日 18:13:33
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76802619.html



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