EitherT未正确向共同特质的超类型进行向上转型(Scala 3)

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EitherT not properly upcasting to common trait super type (Scala 3)




sealed trait Error
object Error:
  case object Error1 extends Error
  case class Error2(someParams) extends Error


trait SomeInterface[F[_]]:
  def someMethod(params): F[Either[Error1.type, Type1]]
  def otherMethod(params): F[Either[Error2, Type2]]


for {
  t1 <- EitherT(someMethod)
  t2 <- EitherT(otherMethod)
} yield t2


Found: EitherT[F, Error2, Type2]
Expected: EitherT[F, Error1.type, Any]




When chaining a for comprehension with EitherT, the compiler is having issues upcasting my errors to their common ancestor type.

I have the following type definitions in my code:

sealed trait Error
object Error:
  case object Error1 extends Error
  case class Error2(someParams) extends Error

So far so good. I then had this trait where I expose this stuff:

trait SomeInterface[F[_]]:
  def someMethod(params): F[Either[Error1.type, Type1]]
  def otherMethod(params): F[Either[Error2, Type2]]

Then inside my logic I'm chaining them in this way:

for {
  t1 &lt;- EitherT(someMethod)
  t2 &lt;- EitherT(otherMethod)
yield t2

This should work in theory, but I'm getting the following error:

Found: EitherT[F, Error2, Type2]
Expected: EitherT[F, Error1.type, Any]

I already tried changing my interfaces so that they return the common type, but then it has trouble casting it when I implement.

I also tried passing type parameters in the EitherT constructor, but same results.


得分: 2

我不是一个很擅长FP的专家,说实话,我不确定我的解决方案是否是“干净”的,但每当我遇到这种问题时,我都会导入 cats.syntax.bifunctor.* 并在 EitherT 上调用 leftWiden[Error]


Not a great FP expert to be honest so I'm not sure whether my solution is the "clean" one, but whenever I had this kind of problem I fixed by importing cats.syntax.bifunctor.* and calling leftWiden[Error] on the EitherT.


得分: 2


错误的根本原因是因为Either中的Left类型和cats effect中的EitherT不变的,因此会出现类型不匹配的问题。

文章Monad transformers and cats - 3 tips for beginners可能有助于理解原因,并提供有关错误处理的其他提示。


sealed abstract class CatError(msg: String)

case object CatIsHungry extends CatError("Cat is hungry!")
case object CatIsSleepy extends CatError("Cat is sleepy!")
case object CatIsIgnoringYou extends CatError("Cat is ignoring you!")
case object CatIsNotInTheMood extends CatError("Cat is not int the mood!")


import cats.data.EitherT
import cats.effect.IO

case class Cat(readyToPlay: Boolean, hasOtherPlans: Boolean, isSleepy: Boolean)

def callTheCat(cat: Cat): IO[Either[CatIsIgnoringYou.type, Cat]]
  = IO(Either.cond(!cat.hasOtherPlans, cat.copy(readyToPlay = true), CatIsIgnoringYou))

def playWithCat(cat: Cat): IO[Either[CatIsNotInTheMood.type, Unit]] =
    IO(Either.cond(!cat.isSleepy, (), CatIsNotInTheMood))

def haveFun(cat: Cat): EitherT[IO, CatError, Unit] = for {
    readyCat <- EitherT(callTheCat(cat))
    _ <- EitherT(playWithCat(readyCat))
} yield ()

不幸的是,情况并非如此。Either中的Left类型和cats effect中的EitherT不变的,因此会出现类型不匹配的问题:

EitherT未正确向共同特质的超类型进行向上转型(Scala 3)


import cats.data.EitherT
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.syntax.all._ // 新的导入

// ...相同的代码

def haveFun(cat: Cat): EitherT[IO, CatError, Unit] = for {
    readyCat <- EitherT(callTheCat(cat))
    _ <- EitherT(playWithCat(readyCat)).leftWiden[CatError] // 使用leftWiden来修复问题
} yield ()

As @stefanobaghino said, using leftWiden[Error] fix the problem.

The root cause of the error is because Left type in Either and EitherT in cats effect is invariant and you will get type mismatch.

The article Monad transformers and cats - 3 tips for beginners might help to understand why and also show other tips about error handling.

> Let’s say you want to model your business errors as a hierarchy of types extending common type CatError:
> scala
&gt; sealed abstract class CatError(msg: String)
&gt; case object CatIsHungry extends CatError(&quot;Cat is hungry!&quot;)
&gt; case object CatIsSleepy extends CatError(&quot;Cat is sleepy!&quot;)
&gt; case object CatIsIgnoringYou extends CatError(&quot;Cat is ignoring you!&quot;)
&gt; case object CatIsNotInTheMood extends CatError(&quot;Cat is not int the mood!&quot;)

> Then let’s create two methods both returning nested IO and Either. The error type of first Either will be CatIsIgnoringYou and CatIsNotInTheMood for the second one. Since both error types extend CatError, you > could assume that if you fix the error type of resulting EitherT to CatError there would be no compilation errors.
> scala
&gt; import cats.data.EitherT
&gt; import cats.effect.IO
&gt; case class Cat(readyToPlay: Boolean, hasOtherPlans: Boolean, isSleepy: Boolean)
&gt; def callTheCat(cat: Cat): IO[Either[CatIsIgnoringYou.type, Cat]]
&gt; = IO(Either.cond(!cat.hasOtherPlans, cat.copy(readyToPlay = true), CatIsIgnoringYou))
&gt; def playWithCat(cat: Cat): IO[Either[CatIsNotInTheMood.type, Unit]] =
&gt; IO(Either.cond(!cat.isSleepy, (), CatIsNotInTheMood))
&gt; //shold compile, right?
&gt; def haveFun(cat: Cat): EitherT[IO, CatError, Unit] = for {
&gt; readyCat &lt;- EitherT(callTheCat(cat))
&gt; _ &lt;- EitherT(playWithCat(readyCat))
&gt; } yield ()

> Unluckily, it’s not the case. Left type in Either and EitherT in cats effect is invariant and you will get type mismatch:
> EitherT未正确向共同特质的超类型进行向上转型(Scala 3)
> Again fixing the problem is straightforward. You need to use function leftWiden which lets you broaden the left type of EitherT to more general CatError. It’s usually enough to use leftWiden on the last function call > in flatMap chain or for-comprehension:
> scala
&gt; import cats.data.EitherT
&gt; import cats.effect.IO
&gt; import cats.syntax.all._ // new import
&gt; // ... same code
&gt; def haveFun(cat: Cat): EitherT[IO, CatError, Unit] = for {
&gt; readyCat &lt;- EitherT(callTheCat(cat))
&gt; _ &lt;- EitherT(playWithCat(readyCat)).leftWiden[CatError] // used leftWiden to fix the issue
&gt; } yield ()

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月27日 23:16:16
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76781190.html



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