
huangapple go评论114阅读模式

Prioritize equations in a nonlinear system




# 乙醇和1-丙醇与3个塔板

from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import numpy as np

def equations(x):
    # 你的方程式在这里

# 界限
# 特定变量的上界
upper_bounds = np.ones(32) * np.inf
# 你的上界在这里

# 特定变量的下界
bottom_bounds = np.zeros(32)
# 你的下界在这里

# 边界数组
bounds = (bottom_bounds, upper_bounds)

# 初始值
x0 = np.ones(32)
# 你的初始值在这里

# 使用变量边界解决方程组
res = least_squares(equations, x0, bounds=bounds, method='trf', ftol=1e-10, xtol=1e-10, gtol=1e-10)

# 打印结果
# 你的结果打印在这里

e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2 的结果似乎不正确,因为它们的总和不等于1。您可能需要检查方程29和32以确保它们正确地表示了变量之间的关系。如果这些方程正确,但结果仍然不准确,您可能需要进一步调整初始值或尝试不同的优化方法。


I am trying to solve a nonlinear EQS using the least squares method. I get a result, but unfortunately it is not very accurate. The main problem is that the equations 29 to 32 must be fullfilled, but they are not. Is there a way to maybe prioritize equations in a nonlinear system?

Here is the my code:

# Ethanol and 1_Propanol with 3 trays

from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import numpy as np

def equations(x):
    eq1 = x[18] - x[16] * x[19] * x[11] * (x[21] / (x[19] * x[11] * x[13])) ** (2.0 / 3.0)
    eq2 = x[19] - ((732.0 * x[10]) + (747.0 * x[9]))
    eq3 = x[13] - ((1.25E-5 * x[10]) + (1.6E-6 * x[9]))
    eq4 = x[2] - ((((((-6021.54) + (0.055134232180918 * (x[29] - 298.0))) + 2.61275786690816) * x[10])
                   + ((((-6883.827) + (0.058471271259418 * (x[29] - 298.0))) + 2.38446400137128) * x[9])))
    eq5 = x[11] - (((0.055134232180918 * (x[29])) + 2.61275786690816) * x[10] + ((0.058471271259418 * (x[29])) +
                                                                                 2.38446400137128) * x[9])
    eq6 = x[21] - ((((((0.001318 * (x[29])) + 0.16762) * x[10])
                     + (((-0.001075424413 * (x[29])) + 0.155701011727667) * x[9]))))
    eq7 = x[24] - (1.746 * x[22] + 2.76 * x[20])
    eq8 = x[15] - (1.0E-5 * x[22] + 6.5E-6 * x[20])
    eq9 = x[12] - ((((((((-6021.54) + (0.015220202121093 * (x[26] - 298.0))) + 1.60395800121061) + 922.194)
                      * x[22]) + ((((((-6883.827) + (0.01847750929725 * (x[26] - 298.0))) + 1.43843773750579)
                                    + 1067.523)) * x[20]))))
    eq10 = x[6] - ((((((((0.015220202121093 * (x[26])) + 1.60395800121061)
                        * x[22]) + (((0.01847750929725 * (x[26])) + 1.43843773750579)
                                    * x[20]))))))
    eq11 = x[5] - ((((((((5.07392141746E-4 * (x[29])) + 0.015070468544221)
                        * x[22]) + (((4.89248E-4 * (x[29])) + 0.014354384)
                                    * x[20]))))))
    eq12 = x[3] - (1.0 / (10.0 ** (5.24677 - 1598.673 / (x[28] + 46.424))))
    eq13 = x[0] - (1.0 / (10.0 ** (5.31384 - 1690.864 / (x[28] + 51.804))))
    eq14 = x[27] - (x[25] * x[24] * x[6] * ((x[5] / (x[24] * x[6] * x[15])) ** (2.0 / 3.0)))
    eq15 = 0.0 - ((2.0 * 28000.0) - (x[23] * x[2]) + (x[17] * 0.002))
    eq16 = 0.0 - ((0.2 * 30000.0) - (x[14] * x[12]) - (x[17] * 0.002))
    eq17 = 0.0 - ((2.0 * 0.5) - (x[23] * x[10]) + (x[8] * 0.002))
    eq18 = 0.0 - ((2.0 * 0.5) - (x[23] * x[9]) + (x[7] * 0.002))
    eq19 = 0.0 - ((0.2 * 0.6) - (x[14] * x[22]) - (x[8] * 0.002))
    eq20 = 0.0 - ((0.2 * 0.4) - (x[14] * x[20]) - (x[7] * 0.002))
    eq21 = 0.0 - (x[31] - (x[3] * x[4]))
    eq22 = 0.0 - (x[30] - (x[0] * x[1]))
    eq23 = x[17] - (x[18] * (x[28] - x[29]) + (x[8] * (((-6021.54 + (0.055134232180918 * (x[29] - 298.0))) +
                                                        2.61275786690816) + (x[7] * (
            (-6883.827 + (0.058471271259418 * (x[29] - 298.0))) + 2.38446400137128)))))
    eq24 = x[17] - (x[27] * (x[26] - x[28]) + (x[8] * ((((-6021.54 + (0.015220202121093 * (x[26] - 298.0))) +
                                                         1.60395800121061) + 922.194) + (x[7] * (
            ((-6883.827 + (0.01847750929725 * (x[26] - 298.0))) + 1.43843773750579) + 1067.523)))))
    eq25 = x[8] - (x[19] * x[16] * (x[4] - x[10]) + x[10] * (x[8] + x[7]))
    eq26 = x[7] - (x[19] * x[16] * (x[1] - x[9]) + x[9] * (x[8] + x[7]))
    eq27 = x[8] - (x[24] * x[25] * (x[22] - x[31]) + x[22] * (x[8] + x[7]))
    eq28 = x[7] - (x[24] * x[25] * (x[20] - x[30]) + x[20] * (x[8] + x[7]))
    eq29 = 1.0 - (x[10] + x[9])
    eq30 = 1.0 - (x[4] + x[1])
    eq31 = 1.0 - (x[22] + x[20])
    eq32 = 1.0 - (x[31] + x[30])

    return [eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, eq8, eq9, eq10, eq11, eq12, eq13, eq14, eq15, eq16,
            eq17, eq18, eq19, eq20, eq21, eq22, eq23, eq24, eq25, eq26, eq27, eq28, eq29, eq30,
            eq31, eq32]

# Boundaries
# Upper bounds for specific variables
upper_bounds = np.ones(32) * np.inf
upper_bounds[1] = 1
upper_bounds[4] = 1
upper_bounds[9] = 1
upper_bounds[10] = 1
upper_bounds[20] = 1
upper_bounds[22] = 1
upper_bounds[30] = 1
upper_bounds[31] = 1

# Upper bounds for specific variables
bottom_bounds = np.zeros(32)
bottom_bounds[26] = 340
bottom_bounds[28] = 340
bottom_bounds[29] = 340

# Bounds array
bounds = (bottom_bounds, upper_bounds)
# bounds = (0, np.inf)

# Initial values
x0 = np.ones(32)
x0[1] = 0.5
x0[4] = 0.5
x0[9] = 0.5
x0[10] = 0.5
x0[20] = 0.5
x0[22] = 0.5
x0[30] = 0.5
x0[31] = 0.5

x0[26] = 370
x0[28] = 370
x0[29] = 370

# x0 = np.array([1, 1e-4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1e-4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])

# Lösung des Gleichungssystems mit Variablengrenzen
res = least_squares(equations, x0, bounds=bounds, method='trf', ftol=1e-10, xtol=1e-10, gtol=1e-10)

print('e0_K_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[0]))
print('e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[1]))
print('e0_h_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[2]))
print('e0_K_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[3]))
print('e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[4]))
print('e0_greek_lambda_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[5]))
print('e0_cp_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[6]))
print('e0_f_int_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[7]))
print('e0_f_int_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[8]))
print('e0_x_L_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[9]))
print('e0_x_L_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[10]))
print('e0_cp_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[11]))
print('e0_h_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[12]))
print('e0_D_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[13]))
print('e0_F_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[14]))
print('e0_D_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[15]))
print('e0_greek_beta_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[16]))
print('e0_e_int_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[17]))
print('e0_greek_alpha_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[18]))
print('e0_greek_rho_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[19]))
print('e0_x_V_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[20]))
print('e0_greek_lambda_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[21]))
print('e0_x_V_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[22]))
print('e0_F_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[23]))
print('e0_greek_rho_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[24]))
print('e0_greek_beta_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[25]))
print('e0_T_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[26]))
print('e0_greek_alpha_V_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[27]))
print('e0_T_int_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[28]))
print('e0_T_L_tr1 {0}'.format(res.x[29]))
print('e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[30]))
print('e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[31]))


print('e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[31]))
print('e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[30]))

print('e0_x_V_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[22]))
print('e0_x_V_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[20]))

print('e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[4]))
print('e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[1]))

print('e0_x_L_tr1_c1 {0}'.format(res.x[10]))
print('e0_x_L_tr1_c2 {0}'.format(res.x[9]))

and the results for x[31], x[30], x[22],... are:

e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1 0.5189962572539993
e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2 0.24082903753005624
e0_x_V_tr1_c1 2.3066615630447933e-32
e0_x_V_tr1_c2 1.246796204196686e-33
e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1 0.9999999999999999
e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2 0.01258253962013115
e0_x_L_tr1_c1 7.013309435002394e-33
e0_x_L_tr1_c2 3.0913699644636455e-33

but e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1 + e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2 should be 1, but it's not.


得分: 1



不幸的是,尽管方法lm似乎可以改善你的结果 - 它声称找到的解决方案的成本比trf低约10倍(30.7比399) - 但它不能使用,因为它不遵守你的边界。没有一个神奇的方法可以提高准确性。了解领域问题是必要的。如果某些方程“比其他方程更重要”,你可以简单地按照它们的权重来缩放这些方程。





from pprint import pprint
from typing import NamedTuple

from numpy.random import default_rng
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import numpy as np

class Vars(NamedTuple):
    e0_K_tr1_c2: float            # 0
    e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2: float       # 1
    e0_h_L_tr1: float             # 2
    e0_K_tr1_c1: float            # 3
    e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1: float       # 4
    e0_lambda_V_tr1: float        # 5
    e0_cp_V_tr1: float            # 6
    e0_f_int_tr1_c2: float        # 7
    e0_f_int_tr1_c1: float        # 8
    e0_x_L_tr1_c2: float          # 9
    e0_x_L_tr1_c1: float          # 10
    e0_cp_L_tr1: float            # 11
    e0_h_V_tr1: float             # 12
    e0_D_L_tr1: float             # 13
    e0_F_V_tr1: float             # 14
    e0_D_V_tr1: float             # 15
    e0_beta_L_tr1: float          # 16
    e0_e_int_tr1: float           # 17
    e0_alpha_L_tr1: float         # 18
    e0_rho_L_tr1: float           # 19
    e0_x_V_tr1_c2: float          # 20
    e0_lambda_L_tr1: float        # 21
    e0_x_V_tr1_c1: float          # 22
    e0_F_L_tr1: float             # 23
    e0_rho_V_tr1: float           # 24
    e0_beta_V_tr1: float          # 25
    e0_T_V_tr1: float             # 26
    e0_alpha_V_tr1: float         # 27
    e0_T_int_tr1: float           # 28
    e0_T_L_tr1: float             # 29
    e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2: float       # 30
    e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1: float       # 31

def equations(x: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, ...]:
    v = Vars(*x)

    eq1 = v.e0_alpha_L_tr1 - v.e0_beta_L_tr1 * v.e0_rho_L_tr1 * v.e0_cp_L_tr1 * (
        v.e0_lambda_L_tr1 / (v.e0_rho_L_tr1 * v.e0_cp_L_tr1 * v.e0_D_L_tr1)
    ) ** (2 / 3)

    eq2 = v.e0_rho_L_tr1 - (732 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1 + 747 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2)
    eq3 = v.e0_D_L_tr1 - (1.25E-5 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1 + 1.6E-6 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2)

    eq4 = v.e0_h_L_tr1 - (
            + 0.055134232180918 * (v.e0_T_L_tr1 - 298)
            + 2.61275786690816
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1
        + (
            + 0.058471271259418 * (v.e0_T_L_tr1 - 298)
            + 2.38446400137128
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2

    eq5 = v.e0_cp_L_tr1 - (
            0.055134232180918 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 2.61275786690816
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1
        + (
            0.058471271259418 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 2.38446400137128
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2
    eq6 = v.e0_lambda_L_tr1 - (
            0.001318 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 0.16762
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1
        + (
            -0.001075424413 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 0.155701011727667
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2

    eq7 = v.e0_rho_V_tr1 - (1.746 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1 + 2.76 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2)
    eq8 = v.e0_D_V_tr1 - (1E-5 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1 + 6.5E-6 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2)

    eq9 = v.e0_h_V_tr1 - (
            + 0.015220202121093 * (v.e0_T_V_tr1 - 298)
            + 1.60395800121061
            + 922.194
        ) * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1
        + (
            + 0.01847750929725 * (v.e0_T_V_tr1 - 298)
            + 1.43843773750579
            + 1067.523
        ) * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2
    eq10 = v.e0_cp


Remove your redundant parentheses and reformat your equations so that they can be more easily debugged.

Replace your indexed variables with named variables. I show a quick way to do this via `NamedTuple`.

Unfortunately, whereas method `lm` may seem to improve your results - it claims to find a solution with ~ 10 times less cost (30.7) than that from `trf` (399) - it&#39;s not usable because it doesn&#39;t respect your bounds. There is no magic bullet to improve the accuracy. Knowledge of the domain problem is necessary. If some equations &quot;matter more&quot; to the solution than others, you can simply scale those equations by their weights.

Add regression tests. For the results that I show, the equations are equivalent to your original equations.

Always check `result.success`.

A first pass can look like

&quot;&quot;&quot;Ethanol and 1_Propanol with 3 trays&quot;&quot;&quot;

from pprint import pprint
from typing import NamedTuple

from numpy.random import default_rng
from scipy.optimize import least_squares
import numpy as np

class Vars(NamedTuple):
    e0_K_tr1_c2: float            # 0
    e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2: float       # 1
    e0_h_L_tr1: float             # 2
    e0_K_tr1_c1: float            # 3
    e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1: float       # 4
    e0_lambda_V_tr1: float        # 5
    e0_cp_V_tr1: float            # 6
    e0_f_int_tr1_c2: float        # 7
    e0_f_int_tr1_c1: float        # 8
    e0_x_L_tr1_c2: float          # 9
    e0_x_L_tr1_c1: float          # 10
    e0_cp_L_tr1: float            # 11
    e0_h_V_tr1: float             # 12
    e0_D_L_tr1: float             # 13
    e0_F_V_tr1: float             # 14
    e0_D_V_tr1: float             # 15
    e0_beta_L_tr1: float          # 16
    e0_e_int_tr1: float           # 17
    e0_alpha_L_tr1: float         # 18
    e0_rho_L_tr1: float           # 19
    e0_x_V_tr1_c2: float          # 20
    e0_lambda_L_tr1: float        # 21
    e0_x_V_tr1_c1: float          # 22
    e0_F_L_tr1: float             # 23
    e0_rho_V_tr1: float           # 24
    e0_beta_V_tr1: float          # 25
    e0_T_V_tr1: float             # 26
    e0_alpha_V_tr1: float         # 27
    e0_T_int_tr1: float           # 28
    e0_T_L_tr1: float             # 29
    e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2: float       # 30
    e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1: float       # 31

def equations(x: np.ndarray) -&gt; tuple[float, ...]:
    v = Vars(*x)

    eq1 = v.e0_alpha_L_tr1 - v.e0_beta_L_tr1 * v.e0_rho_L_tr1 * v.e0_cp_L_tr1 * (
        v.e0_lambda_L_tr1 / (v.e0_rho_L_tr1 * v.e0_cp_L_tr1 * v.e0_D_L_tr1)
    ) ** (2 / 3)

    eq2 = v.e0_rho_L_tr1 - (732 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1 + 747 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2)
    eq3 = v.e0_D_L_tr1 - (1.25E-5 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1 + 1.6E-6 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2)

    eq4 = v.e0_h_L_tr1 - (
            + 0.055134232180918 * (v.e0_T_L_tr1 - 298)
            + 2.61275786690816
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1
        + (
            + 0.058471271259418 * (v.e0_T_L_tr1 - 298)
            + 2.38446400137128
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2

    eq5 = v.e0_cp_L_tr1 - (
            0.055134232180918 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 2.61275786690816
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1
        + (
            0.058471271259418 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 2.38446400137128
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2
    eq6 = v.e0_lambda_L_tr1 - (
            0.001318 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 0.16762
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1
        + (
            -0.001075424413 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 0.155701011727667
        ) * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2

    eq7 = v.e0_rho_V_tr1 - (1.746 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1 + 2.76 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2)
    eq8 = v.e0_D_V_tr1 - (1E-5 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1 + 6.5E-6 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2)

    eq9 = v.e0_h_V_tr1 - (
            + 0.015220202121093 * (v.e0_T_V_tr1 - 298)
            + 1.60395800121061
            + 922.194
        ) * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1
        + (
            + 0.01847750929725 * (v.e0_T_V_tr1 - 298)
            + 1.43843773750579
            + 1067.523
        ) * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2
    eq10 = v.e0_cp_V_tr1 - (
            0.015220202121093 * v.e0_T_V_tr1 + 1.60395800121061
        ) * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1
        + (
            0.01847750929725 * v.e0_T_V_tr1 + 1.43843773750579
        ) * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2
    eq11 = v.e0_lambda_V_tr1 - (
            5.07392141746E-4 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 0.015070468544221
        ) * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1
        + (
            4.89248E-4 * v.e0_T_L_tr1 + 0.014354384
        ) * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2

    eq12 = v.e0_K_tr1_c1 - 1 / 10**(5.24677 - 1598.673 / (v.e0_T_int_tr1 + 46.424))
    eq13 = v.e0_K_tr1_c2 - 1 / 10**(5.31384 - 1690.864 / (v.e0_T_int_tr1 + 51.804))

    eq14 = v.e0_alpha_V_tr1 - (
        v.e0_beta_V_tr1 * v.e0_rho_V_tr1 * v.e0_cp_V_tr1 * (
            v.e0_lambda_V_tr1 / (
                v.e0_rho_V_tr1 * v.e0_cp_V_tr1 * v.e0_D_V_tr1
        ) ** (2 / 3)

    eq15 = -(2 * 28000 - v.e0_F_L_tr1 * v.e0_h_L_tr1 + v.e0_e_int_tr1 * 0.002)
    eq16 = -(0.2 * 30000 - v.e0_F_V_tr1 * v.e0_h_V_tr1 - v.e0_e_int_tr1 * 0.002)
    eq17 = -(2 * 0.5 - v.e0_F_L_tr1 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1 + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 * 0.002)
    eq18 = -(2 * 0.5 - v.e0_F_L_tr1 * v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2 + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2 * 0.002)
    eq19 = -(0.2 * 0.6 - v.e0_F_V_tr1 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1 - v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 * 0.002)
    eq20 = -(0.2 * 0.4 - v.e0_F_V_tr1 * v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2 - v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2 * 0.002)

    eq21 = -(v.e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1 - v.e0_K_tr1_c1 * v.e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1)
    eq22 = -(v.e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2 - v.e0_K_tr1_c2 * v.e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2)

    eq23 = v.e0_e_int_tr1 - (
        v.e0_alpha_L_tr1 * (v.e0_T_int_tr1 - v.e0_T_L_tr1)
        + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 * (
            + 0.055134232180918 * (v.e0_T_L_tr1 - 298)
            + 2.61275786690816
            # really?
        # )
            + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2 * (
                -6883.827 +
                0.058471271259418 * (v.e0_T_L_tr1 - 298)
                + 2.38446400137128

    eq24 = v.e0_e_int_tr1 - (
        v.e0_alpha_V_tr1 * (v.e0_T_V_tr1 - v.e0_T_int_tr1)
        + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 * (
            + 0.015220202121093 * (v.e0_T_V_tr1 - 298)
            + 1.60395800121061
            + 922.194
            # really?
        # )
            + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2 * (
                + 0.01847750929725 * (v.e0_T_V_tr1 - 298)
                + 1.43843773750579
                + 1067.523

    eq25 = v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 - (
        v.e0_rho_L_tr1 * v.e0_beta_L_tr1 * (
            v.e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1 - v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1
        + v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1 * (v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2)
    eq26 = v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2 - (
        v.e0_rho_L_tr1 * v.e0_beta_L_tr1 * (
            v.e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2 - v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2
        + v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2 * (v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2)
    eq27 = v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 - (
        v.e0_rho_V_tr1 * v.e0_beta_V_tr1 * (
            v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1 - v.e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1
        + v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1 * (v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2)
    eq28 = v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2 - (
        v.e0_rho_V_tr1 * v.e0_beta_V_tr1 * (
            v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2 - v.e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2
        + v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2 * (v.e0_f_int_tr1_c1 + v.e0_f_int_tr1_c2)

    eq29 = 1 - (v.e0_x_L_tr1_c1 + v.e0_x_L_tr1_c2)
    eq30 = 1 - (v.e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1 + v.e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2)
    eq31 = 1 - (v.e0_x_V_tr1_c1 + v.e0_x_V_tr1_c2)
    eq32 = 1 - (v.e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1 + v.e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2)

    return (eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, eq8, eq9, eq10,
            eq11, eq12, eq13, eq14, eq15, eq16, eq17, eq18, eq19, eq20,
            eq21, eq22, eq23, eq24, eq25, eq26, eq27, eq28, eq29, eq30,
            eq31, eq32)

def regression_test(x0: np.ndarray) -&gt; None:
    y = equations(x0)
    assert np.allclose(
        [ 0.00000000e+00, -7.38500000e+02,  9.99992950e-01,  6.44709509e+03,
         -2.25156291e+01,  7.93463011e-01, -1.25300000e+00,  9.99991750e-01,
          5.45609068e+03, -6.75527448e+00,  8.00909148e-01,  9.60890608e-01,
          9.50476815e-01,  0.00000000e+00, -5.59990020e+04, -5.99899800e+03,
         -5.02000000e-01, -5.02000000e-01,  3.82000000e-01,  4.22000000e-01,
          0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  1.28931902e+04,  1.09111814e+04,
          0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,
          0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,
        rtol=0, atol=1e-4,

    rand = default_rng(seed=0)
    x = rand.uniform(low=0, high=2, size=32)
    y = equations(x)
    assert np.allclose(
        [-8.89664807e-02, -2.59056243e+03,  6.71477620e-02,  2.27496385e+04,
         -8.97636119e+00, -3.16304973e-01, -1.26737482e+00,  3.51297461e-01,
          7.17475798e+03, -1.06230892e+00,  1.80356351e+00, -1.59115277e+28,
         -3.04937193e+26, -6.69625188e-01, -5.59998961e+04, -5.99749540e+03,
          1.10987295e+00,  1.41775827e+00,  1.83947353e+00,  5.57239541e-03,
         -7.24077112e-01, -6.89518259e-01,  1.75063897e+04,  1.47800191e+04,
         -3.05993271e+00, -1.36098936e+00, -2.85999752e+00,  2.56167351e+00,
         -2.50185196e+00, -1.16611391e+00, -3.97888172e-01, -1.15473631e+00,
        rtol=1e-8, atol=0,

def make_x0() -&gt; np.ndarray:
    x0 = np.ones(32)
    x0[[1,4,9,10,20,22,30,31]] = 0.5
    x0[[26,28,29]] = 370
    return x0

def solve(x0: np.ndarray) -&gt; Vars:
    upper_bounds = np.full(shape=32, fill_value=np.inf)
    upper_bounds[[1,4,9,10,20,22,30,31]] = 1

    bottom_bounds = np.zeros(32)
    bottom_bounds[[26,28,29]] = 340

    res = least_squares(
        fun=equations, x0=x0,
        bounds=(bottom_bounds, upper_bounds),  # not supported in lm
        ftol=1e-10, xtol=1e-10, gtol=1e-10,
    assert res.success
    return Vars(*res.x)

def dump(x: Vars) -&gt; None:

def main() -&gt; None:
    x0 = make_x0()
    x = solve(x0)

if __name__ == &#39;__main__&#39;:
{&#39;e0_D_L_tr1&#39;: 0.9984442691049119,
&#39;e0_D_V_tr1&#39;: 0.9986041251126907,
&#39;e0_F_L_tr1&#39;: 128.59184097299763,
&#39;e0_F_V_tr1&#39;: 194.05957359631154,
&#39;e0_K_tr1_c1&#39;: 0.9994676910341592,
&#39;e0_K_tr1_c2&#39;: 0.999729237718534,
&#39;e0_T_L_tr1&#39;: 340.0,
&#39;e0_T_V_tr1&#39;: 559.936902192616,
&#39;e0_T_int_tr1&#39;: 369.2496832286959,
&#39;e0_alpha_L_tr1&#39;: 7.5810026415896,
&#39;e0_alpha_V_tr1&#39;: 30.124493018891847,
&#39;e0_beta_L_tr1&#39;: 0.0,
&#39;e0_beta_V_tr1&#39;: 1.2479650000565898,
&#39;e0_cp_L_tr1&#39;: 5.468269302698259,
&#39;e0_cp_V_tr1&#39;: 1.0196495285046383,
&#39;e0_e_int_tr1&#39;: 1856.5186325404206,
&#39;e0_f_int_tr1_c1&#39;: 0.11670635205679133,
&#39;e0_f_int_tr1_c2&#39;: 0.39727951871442857,
&#39;e0_h_L_tr1&#39;: 190.08447743399068,
&#39;e0_h_V_tr1&#39;: 22.650731758245296,
&#39;e0_lambda_L_tr1&#39;: 1.0083185179925418,
&#39;e0_lambda_V_tr1&#39;: 1.0368032854477796,
&#39;e0_rho_L_tr1&#39;: 1.0430730156966466,
&#39;e0_rho_V_tr1&#39;: 0.9986707757704435,
&#39;e0_x_L_tr1_c1&#39;: 0.0,
&#39;e0_x_L_tr1_c2&#39;: 0.0,
&#39;e0_x_Lint_tr1_c1&#39;: 0.5001045740608061,
&#39;e0_x_Lint_tr1_c2&#39;: 0.49992448934879186,
&#39;e0_x_V_tr1_c1&#39;: 1.4663484981775705e-16,
&#39;e0_x_V_tr1_c2&#39;: 0.00041819098423356144,
&#39;e0_x_Vint_tr1_c1&#39;: 0.4998465855173379,
&#39;e0_x_Vint_tr1_c2&#39;: 0.4995202978525341}

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月27日 21:44:41
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76780385.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
