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Is there a way to convert decimal time to a regular time e.g. 5.5=5:30




I've pulled a large amount of data and put it into a pivot format. It has been requested to display the times in a time value instead of decimal value. The data came in a decimal value and had many rows of decimal values.
Is there any way to convert this without having to manually go and change them with a formula.
Any help is greatly appreciated


得分: 1

假设你的十进制时间是 5.5,你想要将其转换为 5:30。这个数值在单元格 A1 中。

  1. 在单元格 B1 中,输入 =MROUND(A1/24, 1/(24*60))。这个公式将把小数小时四舍五入到最近的分钟。
  2. 按下回车键。
  3. 现在,让我们格式化 B1 以显示时间。右键单击单元格 B1,然后选择格式单元格
  4. 类别列表中,选择时间
  5. 类型列表中,选择13:30
  6. 按下确定

现在,单元格 B1 应该显示 05:30,这是将 5.5 十进制小时转换为时间的结果。如果你有其他要转换的单元格,只需复制 B1 中的公式,然后粘贴到相应的单元格中。


Assume your decimal time is 5.5, which you want to convert to 5:30. This value is in cell A1.

  1. In cell B1, type =MROUND(A1/24, 1/(24*60)). This formula will round
    the decimal hours to the nearest minute.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Now, let's format B1 to show time. Right-click on cell B1 and select
    Format Cells.
  4. From the Category list, choose Time.
  5. From the Type list, choose 13:30.
  6. Press OK.

Now, cell B1 should show 05:30, which is the conversion of 5.5 decimal hours to time. If you have other cells to convert, just copy the formula in B1 and paste it into the appropriate cells.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月27日 20:47:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76779888.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
