How is Rust --release build slower than Go?
use rand::Rng;
use std::time::Instant;
use rayon::prelude::*;
fn normalise(value: u16, min: u16, max: u16) -> f32 {
(value - min) as f32 / (max - min) as f32
fn main() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let fake_image: Vec<Vec<u16>> = (0..pixel_size).map(|_| {
(0..4).map(|_| {
// 计时开始
let now = Instant::now();
let chunk_size = 300_000;
let _normalised_image: Vec<Vec<Vec<f32>>> = fake_image.par_chunks(chunk_size).map(|chunk| {
let normalised_chunk: Vec<Vec<f32>> = chunk.iter().map(|i| {
let r = normalise(i[0], 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i[1], 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i[2], 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i[3], 0, u16::MAX);
vec![r, g, b, a]
// 计时结束
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("耗时: {:.2?}", elapsed);
package main
import (
func normalise(value uint16, min uint16, max uint16) float32 {
return float32(value-min) / float32(max-min)
func main() {
const pixelSize = 9000000
var fakeImage [][]uint16
// 创建一个新的随机数生成器
src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
rng := rand.New(src)
for i := 0; i < pixelSize; i++ {
var pixel []uint16
for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
pixel = append(pixel, uint16(rng.Intn(1<<16)))
fakeImage = append(fakeImage, pixel)
normalised_image := make([][4]float32, pixelSize)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// 计时开始
now := time.Now()
chunkSize := 300_000
numChunks := pixelSize / chunkSize
if pixelSize%chunkSize != 0 {
for i := 0; i < numChunks; i++ {
go func(i int) {
// 遍历块中的像素
for j := i * chunkSize; j < (i+1)*chunkSize && j < pixelSize; j++ {
// 对像素值进行归一化
_r := normalise(fakeImage[j][0], 0, ^uint16(0))
_g := normalise(fakeImage[j][1], 0, ^uint16(0))
_b := normalise(fakeImage[j][2], 0, ^uint16(0))
_a := normalise(fakeImage[j][3], 0, ^uint16(0))
// 设置像素值
normalised_image[j][0] = _r
normalised_image[j][1] = _g
normalised_image[j][2] = _b
normalised_image[j][3] = _a
elapsed := time.Since(now)
fmt.Println("耗时:", elapsed)
I'm trying to learn about Rust's concurrency and parallel computing and threw together a small script that iterates over a vector of vectors like it was an image's pixels. Since at first I was trying to see how much faster it gets iter
vs par_iter
I threw in a basic timer -- which is probably not amazingly accurate. However, I was getting crazy high numbers. So, I thought I would put together a similar piece of code on Go that allows for easy concurrency and the performance is ~585% faster!
Rust was tested with --release
I also tried using native thread pool but the results were the same. Looked at how many threads I was using and for a bit I was messing around with that as well, to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
(don't mind the definitely not performant way of creating a random value filled vector of vectors)
Rust code (~140ms)
use rand::Rng;
use std::time::Instant;
use rayon::prelude::*;
fn normalise(value: u16, min: u16, max: u16) -> f32 {
(value - min) as f32 / (max - min) as f32
fn main() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let fake_image: Vec<Vec<u16>> = (0..pixel_size).map(|_| {
(0..4).map(|_| {
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
let chunk_size = 300_000;
let _normalised_image: Vec<Vec<Vec<f32>>> = fake_image.par_chunks(chunk_size).map(|chunk| {
let normalised_chunk: Vec<Vec<f32>> = chunk.iter().map(|i| {
let r = normalise(i[0], 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i[1], 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i[2], 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i[3], 0, u16::MAX);
vec![r, g, b, a]
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed: {:.2?}", elapsed);
Go code (~24ms)
package main
import (
func normalise(value uint16, min uint16, max uint16) float32 {
return float32(value-min) / float32(max-min)
func main() {
const pixelSize = 9000000
var fakeImage [][]uint16
// Create a new random number generator
src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
rng := rand.New(src)
for i := 0; i < pixelSize; i++ {
var pixel []uint16
for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
pixel = append(pixel, uint16(rng.Intn(1<<16)))
fakeImage = append(fakeImage, pixel)
normalised_image := make([][4]float32, pixelSize)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Time starts now
now := time.Now()
chunkSize := 300_000
numChunks := pixelSize / chunkSize
if pixelSize%chunkSize != 0 {
for i := 0; i < numChunks; i++ {
go func(i int) {
// Loop through the pixels in the chunk
for j := i * chunkSize; j < (i+1)*chunkSize && j < pixelSize; j++ {
// Normalise the pixel values
_r := normalise(fakeImage[j][0], 0, ^uint16(0))
_g := normalise(fakeImage[j][1], 0, ^uint16(0))
_b := normalise(fakeImage[j][2], 0, ^uint16(0))
_a := normalise(fakeImage[j][3], 0, ^uint16(0))
// Set the pixel values
normalised_image[j][0] = _r
normalised_image[j][1] = _g
normalised_image[j][2] = _b
normalised_image[j][3] = _a
elapsed := time.Since(now)
fmt.Println("Time taken:", elapsed)
得分: 4
加速 Rust 代码的最重要的初始更改是使用正确的类型。在 Go 中,你使用 [4]float32
表示 RGBA 四元组,而在 Rust 中你使用 Vec<f32>
。性能上使用的正确类型是 [f32; 4]
,它是一个已知包含 4 个浮点数的数组。已知大小的数组不需要在堆上分配内存,而 Vec
总是在堆上分配内存。这会极大地提高性能 - 在我的机器上,差异是 8 倍。
let fake_image: Vec<Vec<u16>> = (0..pixel_size).map(|_| {
(0..4).map(|_| {
let _normalised_image: Vec<Vec<Vec<f32>>> = fake_image.par_chunks(chunk_size).map(|chunk| {
let normalised_chunk: Vec<Vec<f32>> = chunk.iter().map(|i| {
let r = normalise(i[0], 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i[1], 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i[2], 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i[3], 0, u16::MAX);
vec![r, g, b, a]
let fake_image: Vec<[u16; 4]> = (0..pixel_size).map(|_| {
let mut result: [u16; 4] = Default::default();
result.fill_with(|| rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX));
let _normalised_image: Vec<Vec<[f32; 4]>> = fake_image.par_chunks(chunk_size).map(|chunk| {
let normalised_chunk: Vec<[f32; 4]> = chunk.iter().map(|i| {
let r = normalise(i[0], 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i[1], 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i[2], 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i[3], 0, u16::MAX);
[r, g, b, a]
在我的机器上,这将导致大约 7.7 倍的加速,使得 Rust 和 Go 大致相当。为每个四元组进行堆分配的开销严重拖慢了 Rust 的速度,并淹没了其他所有内容;消除这一点使得 Rust 和 Go 的性能更加平衡。
其次,你的 Go 代码中有一个小错误。在 Rust 代码中,你计算了归一化的 r
和 a
,而在 Go 代码中,你只计算了 _r
和 _b
。我没有在我的机器上安装 Go,但我想象这给了 Go 一个轻微的不公平优势,因为你做的工作更少。
第三,你在 Rust 和 Go 中仍然没有完全做相同的事情。在 Rust 中,你将原始图像分成块,并为每个块生成一个 Vec<[f32; 4]>
。这意味着你仍然有一堆块在内存中,稍后你将把它们组合成一个最终的图像。在 Go 中,你将原始块分割,并将每个块写入一个公共数组。我们可以进一步重写你的 Rust 代码以完全模仿 Go 代码。以下是在 Rust 中的实现:
let _normalized_image: Vec<[f32; 4]> = {
let mut destination = vec![[0 as f32; 4]; pixel_size];
// "zip" 函数允许我们同时迭代输入数组的一个块和目标数组的一个块。
.for_each(|(i_chunk, d_chunk)| {
// 检查块的长度是否相等。
assert!(i_chunk.len() == d_chunk.len());
for (i, d) in i_chunk.iter().zip(d_chunk) {
let r = normalise(i[0], 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i[1], 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i[2], 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i[3], 0, u16::MAX);
*d = [r, g, b, a];
// 或者,我们可以使用以下循环:
// for j in 0..4 {
// d[j] = normalise(i[j], 0, u16::MAX);
// }
现在你的 Rust 代码和 Go 代码真正做了相同的事情。我猜你会发现 Rust 代码稍微更快。
最后,如果你在实际工作中这样做,你应该尝试使用 map
let _normalized_image = fake_image.par_iter().map(|&[r, b, g, a]| {
[ normalise(r, 0, u16::MAX),
normalise(b, 0, u16::MAX),
normalise(g, 0, u16::MAX),
normalise(a, 0, u16::MAX),
The most important initial change for speeding up your Rust code is using the correct type. In Go, you use a [4]float32
to represent an RBGA quadruple, while in Rust you use a Vec<f32>
. The correct type to use for performance is [f32; 4]
, which is an array known to contain exactly 4 floats. An array with known size need not be heap-allocated, while a Vec
is always heap-allocated. This improves your performance drastically - on my machine, it's a factor of 8 difference.
Original snippet:
let fake_image: Vec<Vec<u16>> = (0..pixel_size).map(|_| {
(0..4).map(|_| {
let _normalised_image: Vec<Vec<Vec<f32>>> = fake_image.par_chunks(chunk_size).map(|chunk| {
let normalised_chunk: Vec<Vec<f32>> = chunk.iter().map(|i| {
let r = normalise(i[0], 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i[1], 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i[2], 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i[3], 0, u16::MAX);
vec![r, g, b, a]
New snippet:
let fake_image: Vec<[u16; 4]> = (0..pixel_size).map(|_| {
let mut result: [u16; 4] = Default::default();
result.fill_with(|| rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX));
let _normalised_image: Vec<Vec<[f32; 4]>> = fake_image.par_chunks(chunk_size).map(|chunk| {
let normalised_chunk: Vec<[f32; 4]> = chunk.iter().map(|i| {
let r = normalise(i[0], 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i[1], 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i[2], 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i[3], 0, u16::MAX);
[r, g, b, a]
On my machine, this results in a roughly 7.7x speedup, bringing Rust and Go roughly to parity. The overhead of doing a heap allocation for every single quadruple slowed Rust down drastically and drowned out everything else; eliminating this puts Rust and Go on more even footing.
Second, there is a slight error in your Go code. In your Rust code, you calculate a normalized r
, g
, b
, and a
, while in your Go code, you only calculate _r
, _g
, and _b
. I don't have Go installed on my machine, but I imagine this gives Go a slight unfair advantage over Rust, since you're doing less work.
Third, you are still not quite doing the same thing in Rust and Go. In Rust, you split the original image into chunks and, for each chunk, produce a Vec<[f32; 4]>
. This means you still have a bunch of chunks sitting around in memory that you'll later have to combine into a single final image. In Go, you split the original chunks and, for each chunk, write the chunk into a common array. We can rewrite your Rust code further to perfectly mimic the Go code. Here is what this looks like in Rust:
let _normalized_image: Vec<[f32; 4]> = {
let mut destination = vec![[0 as f32; 4]; pixel_size];
// The "zip" function allows us to iterate over a chunk of the input
// array together with a chunk of the destination array.
.for_each(|(i_chunk, d_chunk)| {
// Sanity check: the chunks should be of equal length.
assert!(i_chunk.len() == d_chunk.len());
for (i, d) in i_chunk.iter().zip(d_chunk) {
let r = normalise(i[0], 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i[1], 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i[2], 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i[3], 0, u16::MAX);
*d = [r, g, b, a];
// Alternately, we could do the following loop:
// for j in 0..4 {
// d[j] = normalise(i[j], 0, u16::MAX);
// }
Now your Rust code and your Go code are truly doing the same thing. I suspect you'll find the Rust code is slightly faster.
Finally, if you were doing this in real life, the first thing you should try would be using map
as follows:
let _normalized_image = fake_image.par_iter().map(|&[r, b, g, a]| {
[ normalise(r, 0, u16::MAX),
normalise(b, 0, u16::MAX),
normalise(g, 0, u16::MAX),
normalise(a, 0, u16::MAX),
This is just as fast as manually chunking on my machine.
得分: 1
use rand::Rng;
use std::time::Instant;
use rayon::prelude::*;
fn normalise(value: u16, min: u16, max: u16) -> f32 {
(value - min) as f32 / (max - min) as f32
type PixelU16 = (u16, u16, u16, u16);
type PixelF32 = (f32, f32, f32, f32);
fn main() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let fake_image: Vec<PixelU16> = (0..pixel_size).map(|_| {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
(rng.gen_range(0..=u16::MAX), rng.gen_range(0..=u16::MAX), rng.gen_range(0..=u16::MAX), rng.gen_range(0..=u16::MAX))
// 时间开始计算。
let now = Instant::now();
let chunk_size = 300_000;
let _normalised_image: Vec<Vec<PixelF32>> = fake_image.par_chunks(chunk_size).map(|chunk| {
let normalised_chunk: Vec<PixelF32> = chunk.iter().map(|i| {
let r = normalise(i.0, 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i.1, 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i.2, 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i.3, 0, u16::MAX);
(r, g, b, a)
// 计时结束。
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("经过时间: {:.2?}", elapsed);
use rand::Rng;
use std::time::Instant;
use rayon::prelude::*;
fn normalise(value: u16, min: u16, max: u16) -> f32 {
(value - min) as f32 / (max - min) as f32
type PixelU16 = (u16, u16, u16, u16);
type PixelF32 = (f32, f32, f32, f32);
fn main() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let fake_image: Vec<PixelU16> = (0..pixel_size).map(|_| {
let mut rng =
(rng.gen_range(0..=u16::MAX), rng.gen_range(0..=u16::MAX), rng.gen_range(0..=u16::MAX), rng.gen_range(0..=u16::MAX))
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
let chunk_size = 300_000;
let _normalised_image: Vec<Vec<PixelF32>> = fake_image.par_chunks(chunk_size).map(|chunk| {
let normalised_chunk: Vec<PixelF32> = chunk.iter().map(|i| {
let r = normalise(i.0, 0, u16::MAX);
let g = normalise(i.1, 0, u16::MAX);
let b = normalise(i.2, 0, u16::MAX);
let a = normalise(i.3, 0, u16::MAX);
(r, g, b, a)
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed: {:.2?}", elapsed);
I have switched using arrays to tuple and the solution is already 10 times faster than the solution you provided on my machine. Speed could maybe even increased by cutting the Vec
and using an Arc<Mutex<Vec<Pixel>>>
or some mpsc
channel by reducing the amount of heap allocations.
得分: 1
一个轻微的改进是将类型更改为Vec<Vec<[T; N]>>
一个轻微的改进是将类型更改为Vec<Vec<[T; N]>>
fn rev1() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let chunk_size = 300_000;
let fake_image: Vec<[u16; 4]> = (0..pixel_size)
.map(|_| {
core::array::from_fn(|_| rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX))
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
let _normalized_image: Vec<Vec<[f32; 4]>>> = fake_image
.map(|chunk| {
.map(|rgba: &[u16; 4]| rgba.map(|v| normalise(v, 0, u16::MAX)))
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed (r1): {:.2?}", elapsed);
pub fn rev2() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let chunk_size = 300_000;
let mut fake_image: Vec<Vec<[f32; 4]>>> = (0..pixel_size / chunk_size)
.map(|_| {
.map(|_| {
core::array::from_fn(|_| {
rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX) as f32
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
fake_image.par_iter_mut().for_each(|chunk| {
chunk.iter_mut().for_each(|rgba: &mut [f32; 4]| {
rgba.iter_mut().for_each(|v: &mut _| {
*v = normalise_f32(*v, 0f32, u16::MAX as f32)
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed (r2): {:.2?}", elapsed);
/// Create a new flat Vec from fake_image
pub fn rev3() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let _chunk_size = 300_000;
let fake_image: Vec<[u16; 4]> = (0..pixel_size)
.map(|_| {
core::array::from_fn(|_| rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX))
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
let _normalized_image: Vec<[f32; 4]> = fake_image
.map(|rgba: &[u16; 4]| rgba.map(|v| normalise(v, 0, u16::MAX)))
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed (r3): {:.2?}", elapsed);
/// In place mutation of a flat Vec
pub fn rev4() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let _chunk_size = 300_000;
let mut fake_image: Vec<[f32; 4]> = (0..pixel_size)
.map(|_| {
core::array::from_fn(|_| {
rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX) as f32
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
fake_image.par_iter_mut().for_each(|rgba: &mut [f32; 4]| {
.for_each(|v: &mut _| *v = normalise_f32(*v, 0f32, u16::MAX as f32))
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed (r4): {:.2?}", elapsed);
is usually not recommended, because it's not very cache friendly, since you have Vec<Vec<Vec<T>>>
the situation is even worse.
The process of memory allocation also cost a lot of time.
A slight improvement is to change the type to Vec<Vec<[T; N]>>
, since the inner most Vec<T>
should be a fixed size of 4 u16 or f32. This reduced the processing time on my PC from ~110ms down to 11ms.
fn rev1() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let chunk_size = 300_000;
let fake_image: Vec<[u16; 4]> = (0..pixel_size)
.map(|_| {
core::array::from_fn(|_| rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX))
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
let _normalized_image: Vec<Vec<[f32; 4]>> = fake_image
.map(|chunk| {
.map(|rgba: &[u16; 4]| rgba.map(|v| normalise(v, 0, u16::MAX)))
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed (r1): {:.2?}", elapsed);
However, this still requires a lot of allocation and copies. If a new vector is not needed, in place mutation can be even faster. ~5ms
pub fn rev2() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let chunk_size = 300_000;
let mut fake_image: Vec<Vec<[f32; 4]>> = (0..pixel_size / chunk_size)
.map(|_| {
.map(|_| {
core::array::from_fn(|_| {
rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX) as f32
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
fake_image.par_iter_mut().for_each(|chunk| {
chunk.iter_mut().for_each(|rgba: &mut [f32; 4]| {
rgba.iter_mut().for_each(|v: &mut _| {
*v = normalise_f32(*v, 0f32, u16::MAX as f32)
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed (r2): {:.2?}", elapsed);
Here the Vec<Vec<T>>
is still not ideal, while flattening it doesn't produce a significant performance improvement in this particular situation. Accessing an element in this nested array structure will be slower than a flat array.
/// Create a new flat Vec from fake_image
pub fn rev3() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let _chunk_size = 300_000;
let fake_image: Vec<[u16; 4]> = (0..pixel_size)
.map(|_| {
core::array::from_fn(|_| rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX))
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
let _normalized_image: Vec<[f32; 4]> = fake_image
.map(|rgba: &[u16; 4]| rgba.map(|v| normalise(v, 0, u16::MAX)))
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed (r3): {:.2?}", elapsed);
/// In place mutation of a flat Vec
pub fn rev4() {
let pixel_size = 9_000_000;
let _chunk_size = 300_000;
let mut fake_image: Vec<[f32; 4]> = (0..pixel_size)
.map(|_| {
core::array::from_fn(|_| {
rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..=u16::MAX) as f32
// Time starts now.
let now = Instant::now();
fake_image.par_iter_mut().for_each(|rgba: &mut [f32; 4]| {
.for_each(|v: &mut _| *v = normalise_f32(*v, 0f32, u16::MAX as f32))
// Timer ends.
let elapsed = now.elapsed();
println!("Time elapsed (r4): {:.2?}", elapsed);