Puppeteer: How can I pass a text into an evaluate function?
async function getTextExceptChild(page, selector) {
const text = await page.evaluate((sel) => {
const element = document.querySelector(sel);
return element ? element.textContent.trim() : null;
}, selector);
return text;
const selector = 'a > strong';
console.log(await getTextExceptChild(timeItem, selector));
DOMException: 在'Document'上执行'querySelector'失败:'[object HTMLLIElement]' 不是一个有效的选择器。
I'm using Puppeteer, and I want to import and use the following function.
async function getTextExceptChild(page, selector) {
const text = await page.evaluate((sel) => {
const element = document.querySelector(sel);
return element ? element.textContent.trim() : null;
}, selector);
return text;
const selector = 'a > strong';
console.log(await getTextExceptChild(timeItem, selector));
But when I use it, I get an error. I don't know why.
DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': '[object HTMLLIElement]' is not a valid selector.
I've also changed the variable names passed to evaluate() to not overlap, but to no avail.
Am I doing something wrong?
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"你的情况下,你的sel实际上是 [object HTMLLIElement](在提供的代码中我没有看到任何对这种类型的引用)。
async function getTextExceptChild(page, selector) {
const textElement = await page.$(selector); // 如果你不希望元素不存在,可以使用waitForSelector
const text = await page.evaluate((e) => {
return e ? e.textContent.trim() : null;
}, textElement);
return text;
Well, in your case your sel is actually [object HTMLLIElement] (I don't see any reference in provided code to this type).
Anyway, you can try to init element via puppeteer first as
<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->
<!-- language: lang-js -->
async function getTextExceptChild(page, selector) {
const textElement = await page.$(selector); // use waitForSelector if you don't expect that element can not to exist
const text = await page.evaluate((e) => {
return e ? e.textContent.trim() : null;
}, textElement);
return text;
<!-- end snippet -->