
huangapple go评论97阅读模式

Summarising and keeping the original values


我有以下的 tibble 并且想要用“children”的总和替换NA值(例如,“c”的值等于“d”和“e”的总和。然后,“a”的值是“b”和“c”的总和。所以问题是如何总结并同时保留原始值。

  1. mydata <- tibble(id = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"),
  2. value = c(NA, 1, NA, 2, 3),
  3. parent = c(NA, "a", "a", "c", "c"),
  4. level = c(1,2,2,3,3))


  1. id value parent level
  2. <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
  3. 1 a 6 NA 1
  4. 2 b 1 a 2
  5. 3 c 5 a 2
  6. 4 d 2 c 3
  7. 5 e 3 c 3





I have the following tibble and want to replace the NA values with the sum of the "children" (e.g. the value for "c" is equal to the sum of "d" and "e". The value for "a" is then the sum of "b" and "c". So the problem is how to summarise and keep at the same time the original values.

  1. mydata &lt;- tibble(id = c(&quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;d&quot;, &quot;e&quot;),
  2. value = c(NA, 1, NA, 2, 3),
  3. parent = c(NA, &quot;a&quot;, &quot;a&quot;, &quot;c&quot;, &quot;c&quot;),
  4. level = c(1,2,2,3,3))
  5. # A tibble: 5 x 4
  6. id value parent level
  7. &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
  8. 1 a NA NA 1
  9. 2 b 1 a 2
  10. 3 c NA a 2
  11. 4 d 2 c 3
  12. 5 e 3 c 3

Final result should be

  1. id value parent level
  2. &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
  3. 1 a 6 NA 1
  4. 2 b 1 a 2
  5. 3 c 5 a 2
  6. 4 d 2 c 3
  7. 5 e 3 c 3

I have tried several approaches but the only one that work is lengthy and rather clumsy. I have the feeling there should be an easy solution in tidyverse. Any ideas ? (in a loop? the original problem has 5 levels).




得分: 3


  1. library(dplyr)
  2. mydata %>%
  3. mutate(value = {
  4. while(anyNA(value)) {
  5. sub_id <- id[is.na(value)]
  6. ind <- parent %in% sub_id
  7. value[is.na(value)] <- tapply(value[ind], parent[ind], sum)[sub_id]
  8. }
  9. value
  10. })
  11. # # A tibble: 5 × 4
  12. # id value parent level
  13. # <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
  14. # 1 a 6 NA 1
  15. # 2 b 1 a 2
  16. # 3 c 5 a 2
  17. # 4 d 2 c 3
  18. # 5 e 3 c 3

You can use a while() loop to calculate value iteratively.

  1. library(dplyr)
  2. mydata %&gt;%
  3. mutate(value = {
  4. while(anyNA(value)) {
  5. sub_id &lt;- id[is.na(value)]
  6. ind &lt;- parent %in% sub_id
  7. value[is.na(value)] &lt;- tapply(value[ind], parent[ind], sum)[sub_id]
  8. }
  9. value
  10. })
  11. # # A tibble: 5 &#215; 4
  12. # id value parent level
  13. # &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
  14. # 1 a 6 NA 1
  15. # 2 b 1 a 2
  16. # 3 c 5 a 2
  17. # 4 d 2 c 3
  18. # 5 e 3 c 3


得分: 1


  1. loop_level <- max(mydata$level) - 1
  2. mydata0 <- mydata
  3. for (i in 1:loop_level) {
  4. v <- with(mydata, tapply(value, parent, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
  5. mydata0$value <- dplyr::coalesce(mydata0$value, v[match(mydata0$id, names(v))])
  6. }

Thanks, that does the job.
Here is another example, that works using the trick by Maël

  1. loop_level &lt;- max(mydata$level) - 1
  2. mydata0 &lt;- mydata
  3. for (i in 1:loop_level) {
  4. v &lt;- with(mydata, tapply(value, parent, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
  5. mydata0$value &lt;- dplyr::coalesce(mydata0$value, v[match(mydata0$id, names(v))])
  6. }


得分: 1

  1. mydata %>% mutate(sum=sum(value), .by=level) %>% fill(sum, .direction = 'up') %>%
  2. mutate(value=ifelse(parent!='' & is.na(value), sum, value),
  3. sum2=sum(value), .by=level) %>% fill(sum2, .direction = 'up') %>%
  4. mutate(value=ifelse(is.na(parent) & is.na(value), sum2, value)) %>%
  5. select(-c(sum,sum2))

Created on 2023-07-24 with reprex v2.0.2

  1. # A tibble: 5 × 4
  2. id value parent level
  3. 1 a 6 NA 1
  4. 2 b 1 a 2
  5. 3 c 5 a 2
  6. 4 d 2 c 3
  7. 5 e 3 c 3
  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. Please also try
  4. ``` r
  5. mydata %&gt;% mutate(sum=sum(value), .by=level) %&gt;% fill(sum, .direction = &#39;up&#39;) %&gt;%
  6. mutate(value=ifelse(parent!=&#39;&#39; &amp; is.na(value), sum, value),
  7. sum2=sum(value), .by=level) %&gt;% fill(sum2, .direction = &#39;up&#39;) %&gt;%
  8. mutate(value=ifelse(is.na(parent) &amp; is.na(value), sum2, value)) %&gt;% select(-c(sum,sum2))

<sup>Created on 2023-07-24 with reprex v2.0.2</sup>

  1. # A tibble: 5 &#215; 4
  2. id value parent level
  3. &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;chr&gt; &lt;dbl&gt;
  4. 1 a 6 &lt;NA&gt; 1
  5. 2 b 1 a 2
  6. 3 c 5 a 2
  7. 4 d 2 c 3
  8. 5 e 3 c 3

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月24日 19:12:16
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76753894.html



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