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Issue in ERA5 and ERA5-Land Monthly Precipitation Dataset


我已经尝试使用CDS提供的ERA5和ERA5-Land降水数据(!/home)。以下是从以下链接下载的ERA5每月数据(0.25 x 0.25度)和ERA5-Land数据(0.1x0.1度):

  • ERA5每月数据:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview

  • ERA5-Land每月数据:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land-monthly-means?tab=overview






# 将工作目录设置为输出文件夹的父目录

# 指定输出文件夹名称
output_dir <- "D:/ERA5-Land_Monthly_PRE/ERA5-Land"

if (!dir.exists(output_dir)) dir.create(output_dir)

fname <- file.choose()
nc <- nc_open(fname)

GRACE <- brick(fname, varname = "tp")

GRACE_array <- getValues(GRACE)
timeL <- colnames(GRACE_array)

for (i in timeL) {
  # 指定输出文件路径
  output_path <- file.path(output_dir, paste0(i, ".tif"))
  writeRaster(GRACE[[i]], filename = output_path, format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)



# 设置包含输入栅格文件的目录
input_directory <- "D:/ERA5-Land_Monthly_PRE/ERA5-Land"

# 设置保存输出栅格文件的目录
output_directory <- "D:/ERA5-Land_Monthly_PRE/ERA5-Land"

# 获取输入目录中所有栅格文件的文件列表
raster_files <- list.files(input_directory, pattern = ".tif$", full.names = TRUE)

# 遍历每个栅格文件
for (file in raster_files) {
  # 读取栅格文件
  r <- raster(file)
  # 通过乘以1000将值从m转换为mm
  r_mm <- r * 1000
  # 通过在原始文件名后附加"_mm"来设置输出文件名
  output_file <- file.path(output_directory, paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file)), "_mm.tif"))
  # 保存输出栅格文件
  writeRaster(r_mm, filename = output_file, format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)
  cat("Converted", basename(file), "and saved as", basename(output_file), "\n")



I have been attempting to use ERA5 and ERA5-Land precipitation data provided by CDS (!/home). The ERA5 monthly data with 0.25 x 0.25 degrees and ERA5-Land data with 0.1x0.1 degrees were downloaded from the links below:

- ERA5 Monthly Data:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview

- ERA5-Land Monthly Data:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land-monthly-means?tab=overview

I have converted the .nc files into GeoTIFF format using R, converted the unit from meters (m) to millimeters (mm), and then extracted the GeoTIFF files based on the boundary of my study area.

To extract the monthly precipitation data of my study area, I attempted the following R code. However, I am encountering an issue where the monthly precipitation values extracted are very low, ranging between 0.1 to 3.7 mm, which does not seem correct.

I would greatly appreciate any insights or recommendations regarding this issue. If you have any suggestions on what might be causing the low monthly precipitation values, I am open to hearing them. Thank you for your attention and assistance.


# Set the directory containing the monthly raster files
raster_dir &lt;- &quot;D:/Datasets/ERA5-Land_Monthly_PRE/ERA5-Land/&quot;

# Set the directory where you want to export the CSV file
output_dir &lt;- &quot;D:/Datasets/ERA5-Land_Monthly_PRE/&quot;

# Get a list of all GeoTIFF files in the directory
raster_files &lt;- list.files(raster_dir, pattern = &quot;.tif$&quot;, full.names = TRUE)

# Create empty vectors to store the dates and mean values
dates &lt;- character()
mean_values &lt;- numeric()

# Iterate through the raster files
for (file in raster_files) {
  # Extract the year and month from the file name
  date &lt;- str_extract(file, &quot;\\d{4}_\\d{2}&quot;)
  # Read the raster file
  raster_data &lt;- raster(file)
  # Calculate the mean of the pixel values
  mean_val &lt;- mean(values(raster_data), na.rm = TRUE)
  # Append the date and mean value to the vectors
  dates &lt;- c(dates, date)
  mean_values &lt;- c(mean_values, mean_val)

# Create a data frame with the dates and mean values
mean_df &lt;- data.frame(Date = dates, Mean_Value = mean_values, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Export the data frame to a CSV file in the specified output directory
output_csv &lt;- file.path(output_dir, &quot;PRE.csv&quot;)
write.csv(mean_df, file = output_csv, row.names = FALSE)

The code below is used for .nc to GeoTIFF conversion:


# Set the working directory to the parent directory of the output folder

# Specify output folder name
output_dir &lt;- &quot;D:/ERA5-Land_Monthly_PRE/ERA5-Land&quot;

if(!dir.exists(output_dir)) dir.create(output_dir)

fname &lt;- file.choose()
nc &lt;- nc_open(fname)

GRACE &lt;- brick(fname, varname = &quot;tp&quot;)

GRACE_array &lt;- getValues(GRACE)
timeL &lt;- colnames(GRACE_array)

for(i in timeL) {
  # Specify the output file path
  output_path &lt;- file.path(output_dir, paste0(i, &quot;.tif&quot;))
  writeRaster(GRACE[[i]], filename = output_path, format = &quot;GTiff&quot;, overwrite = TRUE)

The code below is used for unit conversion from m to mm.


# Set the directory containing the input raster files
input_directory &lt;- &quot;D:/ERA5-Land_Monthly_PRE/ERA5-Land&quot;

# Set the directory for saving the output raster files
output_directory &lt;- &quot;D:/ERA5-Land_Monthly_PRE/ERA5-Land&quot;

# Get a list of all raster files in the input directory
raster_files &lt;- list.files(input_directory, pattern = &quot;.tif$&quot;, full.names = TRUE)

# Loop through each raster file
for (file in raster_files) {
  # Read the raster file
  r &lt;- raster(file)
  # Convert the values from m to mm by multiplying by 1000
  r_mm &lt;- r * 1000
  # Set the output file name by appending &quot;_mm&quot; to the original file name
  output_file &lt;- file.path(output_directory, paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file)), &quot;_mm.tif&quot;))
  # Save the output raster file
  writeRaster(r_mm, filename = output_file, format = &quot;GTiff&quot;, overwrite = TRUE)
  cat(&quot;Converted&quot;, basename(file), &quot;and saved as&quot;, basename(output_file), &quot;\n&quot;)


得分: 2

似乎最可能的错误发生在你的单位转换上,但你既没有说明你做了什么,也没有提供相关代码 - 有可重现的示例和代码会更容易获得答案。




It seems that the most likely error occurred in your units conversion, for which you neither say what you did, nor provide the code for that - reproducible examples with code go a long way to get an answer.

Anyway, I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that you converted from meters to mm by multiply the data by 1000. If you had read the ERA5 documentation, you would have seen that monthly means have units of meters per day, so doing such a conversion gives you mm/day. Thus your
0.1 to 3.7 range, when multiplied by ca. 30 gives you 3 to 100 mm/month as you expect. So if this is what you have done, the values are exactly as you would expect.

Note that you need to multiply by the number of days in each month if you want units of mm/month precisely, there is a function in cdo that allows you to do that, or you can refer to this posting for solutions directly in R.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月24日 16:48:23
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
