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SIMD bit reordering of packed 12-bit integer array



| byte0 | byte1 | byte2 | 等等..
| A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 | B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 | B3 B2 B1 B0 A3 A2 A1 A0 | 等等..


| byte0 | byte1 | byte2 | 等等..
| A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 | A3 A2 A1 A0 B11 B10 B9 B8 | B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 | 等等..

void CSI2toBE12(uint8_t* pCSI2, uint8_t* pBE, uint8_t* pCSI2LineEnd)
    while (pCSI2 < pCSI2LineEnd) {
        pBE[0] = pCSI2[0];
        pBE[1] = ((pCSI2[2] & 0xf) << 4) | (pCSI2[1] >> 4);
        pBE[2] = ((pCSI2[1] & 0xf) << 4) | (pCSI2[2] >> 4);
        // 前往下一个12位像素对(3字节)
        pCSI2 += 3;
        pBE += 3;

但是以字节为粒度进行处理对性能来说并不是很理想。目标CPU是64位ARM Cortex-A72(树莓派计算模块4)。为了了解背景情况,此代码将MIPI CSI-2位压缩的原始图像数据转换为Adobe DNG的位压缩。



I&#39;ve got a large tightly packed array of 12-bit integers in the following repeating bit-packing pattern: (where *n* in A*n*/B*n* represents bit number and A and B are the first two 12-bit integers in the array)

| byte0 | byte1 | byte2 | etc..
| A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 | B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 | B3 B2 B1 B0 A3 A2 A1 A0 | etc..

which I&#39;m bit reordering into the following pattern:

| byte0 | byte1 | byte2 | etc..
| A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 | A3 A2 A1 A0 B11 B10 B9 B8 | B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 | etc..

I have got it working in a per 3-byte loop with the following code:

void CSI2toBE12(uint8_t* pCSI2, uint8_t* pBE, uint8_t* pCSI2LineEnd)
while (pCSI2 < pCSI2LineEnd) {
pBE[0] = pCSI2[0];
pBE[1] = ((pCSI2[2] & 0xf) << 4) | (pCSI2[1] >> 4);
pBE[2] = ((pCSI2[1] & 0xf) << 4) | (pCSI2[2] >> 4);

	// Go to next 12-bit pixel pair (3 bytes)
	pCSI2 += 3;
	pBE += 3;


but working with byte granularity isn&#39;t great for performance. The target CPU is a 64-bit ARM Cortex-A72 (Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4). For context, this code converts MIPI CSI-2 bit-packed raw image data to Adobe DNG&#39;s bit-packing.

I&#39;m hoping I can get a considerable performance improvement using SIMD intrinsics but I&#39;m not really sure where to start. I&#39;ve got the SIMDe header to translate intrinsics so AVX/AVX2 solutions are welcome.


# 答案1
**得分**: 4



void vectorized(const uint8_t* pCSI2, uint8_t* pBE, const uint8_t* pCSI2LineEnd)
    while (pCSI2 < pCSI2LineEnd) {
        uint8x16x3_t in = vld3q_u8(pCSI2);
        uint8x16x3_t out;
        out.val[0] = in.val[0];
        out.val[1] = vorrq_u8(vshlq_n_u8(in.val[2], 4), vshrq_n_u8(in.val[1], 4));
        out.val[2] = vorrq_u8(vshlq_n_u8(in.val[1], 4), vshrq_n_u8(in.val[2], 4));
        vst3q_u8(pBE, out);
        pCSI2 += 48;
        pBE += 48;



不幸的是,clang似乎有一个奇怪的未优化之处,它将4位右移分成了3位和1位的移位操作。 我提了一个bug报告

原则上,我们可以通过使用sli(Shift Left and Insert)来稍微提升性能,以有效地将OR操作与其中一个移位合并:

out.val[1] = vsliq_n_u8(vshrq_n_u8(in.val[1], 4), in.val[2], 4);
out.val[2] = vsliq_n_u8(vshrq_n_u8(in.val[2], 4), in.val[1], 4);

但由于它会覆盖源操作数,我们需要额外付出一些mov指令。 godbolt上的示例。clang会更聪明地分配寄存器,只需要一个mov指令。

另一个选项,可能会稍微更快一些,是使用sra(Shift Right and Accumulate),它执行加法而不是插入。 由于相关位已经是零,这会产生相同的效果。 奇怪的是没有sla

out.val[1] = vsraq_n_u8(vshlq_n_u8(in.val[2], 4), in.val[1], 4);
out.val[2] = vsraq_n_u8(vshlq_n_u8(in.val[1], 4), in.val[2], 4);

The NEON ld3 instruction is ideal for this; it loads 48 bytes and unzips them into three NEON registers. Then you just need a couple of shifts and ORs.

I came up with the following:

void vectorized(const uint8_t* pCSI2, uint8_t* pBE, const uint8_t* pCSI2LineEnd)
    while (pCSI2 &lt; pCSI2LineEnd) {
        uint8x16x3_t in = vld3q_u8(pCSI2);
        uint8x16x3_t out;
        out.val[0] = in.val[0];
        out.val[1] = vorrq_u8(vshlq_n_u8(in.val[2], 4), vshrq_n_u8(in.val[1], 4));
        out.val[2] = vorrq_u8(vshlq_n_u8(in.val[1], 4), vshrq_n_u8(in.val[2], 4));
        vst3q_u8(pBE, out);
        pCSI2 += 48;
        pBE += 48;

Try on godbolt.

With gcc, the generated assembly looks like what you would expect. (There is one mov that could be eliminated with better register allocation, but that's pretty minor.)

Unfortunately clang has what looks like a bizarre missed optimization, where it breaks the 4-bit right shift into a 3-bit and a 1-bit shift. I filed a bug.

In principle we can do a little better using sli, Shift Left and Insert, to effectively merge the OR with one of the shifts:

out.val[1] = vsliq_n_u8(vshrq_n_u8(in.val[1], 4), in.val[2], 4);
out.val[2] = vsliq_n_u8(vshrq_n_u8(in.val[2], 4), in.val[1], 4);

But since it overwrites its source operand, we pay for it with a couple extra movs. clang allocates registers more cleverly and only needs one mov.

Another option, which could be slightly faster, is to use sra, Shift Right and Accumulate, which does an add instead of an insert. Since the relevant bits are already zero here, this has the same effect. Oddly there is no sla.

out.val[1] = vsraq_n_u8(vshlq_n_u8(in.val[2], 4), in.val[1], 4);
out.val[2] = vsraq_n_u8(vshlq_n_u8(in.val[1], 4), in.val[2], 4);


得分: 0







I suggest you start with a diagram.

I can't say about NEON, so I'll describe how I would make AVX2 code which does what you want (however, you should implement it with your target instruction set; better don't bother with converters, if your goal is to make new code). x64 intrinsics have great documentation; here is an example which I use.

AVX2 registers have 256 bits, or 32 bytes. That is, 10 units of your 24-bit data. Make a diagram (on paper would be best for me): draw which bits would a 256-bit register contain if you read it from memory. Then draw which bits you want to get in it after your transformation. Connect them with lines. Identify blocks of bits which have identical relative positions.

Then write code which isolates relevant blocks of bits (_mm256_and_si256), shifts them around (_mm256_slli_si256, possibly _mm256_bslli_epi128 or others) and combines them (_mm256_or_si256). AVX2 is particularly idiosyncratic about shifts, so I am sure NEON code will be easier to write.

Your main loop should probably contain reading, processing and writing 3 registers, or 768 bits. If you make a diagram for just the first one, you might be able to implement the other two similarly. Of course, you need special treatment for loop leftovers (the last few data elements) — use regular C code for them.

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