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Using properties of a class inside a trait



在Symfony 6.2项目中,我在控制器内部使用了一个特性。当调用$this->getUser()或$this->isGranted()时,它实际上会正确执行并获取用户或投票结果,就像它在控制器类内部执行一样。




  1. class SomeController extends AbstractController
  2. {
  3. use SomeTrait;
  4. #[Route('/api/some-route', methods:['GET'])]
  5. public function doSomething(){
  6. // 代码
  7. $this->callTraitMethod();
  8. // 代码
  9. }
  10. }
  11. trait SomeTrait
  12. {
  13. public function callTraitMethod()
  14. {
  15. // 代码
  16. $this->getUser(); // 正确工作!
  17. // 代码
  18. }
  19. }

I just came across an unexpected behavior regarding traits.

In a Symfony 6.2 project I use a trait inside a Controller. When calling $this->getUser() or $this->isGranted() it will actually perform correctly and fetch the user or the voter result, just like if it was executed inside the Controller class.

Obviously the code of the trait is executed in the context of the Controller class, so the attributes / methods of the Controller are available inside the trait in this scenario.

Is this intended behavior or just a side effect which I should not rely on?

Pseudo Code:

  1. class SomeController extends AbstractController
  2. {
  3. use SomeTrait;
  4. #[Route('/api/some-route', methods:['GET'])]
  5. public function doSomething(){
  6. // code
  7. $this->callTraitMethod();
  8. // code
  9. }
  10. }
  11. trait SomeTrait
  12. {
  13. public function callTraitMethod()
  14. {
  15. // code
  16. $this->getUser(); // works correctly !
  17. // code
  18. }
  19. }


得分: 2




你_可以_遵循Barbara Liskov的理解,即抽象(超)类根本不应该包含受保护的属性,然后将其应用于特质。虽然这不是一一对应的,但你可以设计仅在特质代码内部使用方法,而从不使用属性(既不定义也不访问),以更好地为抽象设计模板代码。







> Obviously the code of the trait is executed in the context of the Controller class, so the attributes / methods of the Controller are available inside the trait in this scenario.
> Is this intended behavior or just a side effect which I should not rely on?

This is intended behavior and not a side effect.

Use (pun intended) the syntax as a mnemonic, the class uses the trait. The class by use also controls overrides.

So the trait effectively is template code only.

You could follow the understanding of Barbara Liskov that an abstract (super)class should not contain protected properties at all and transpose that onto traits. While this does not fit 1:1, you could design to only use methods within the traits's code and never properties (both not defining nor accessing), to design better for abstraction while you write template code.

"Traits are copy and paste at runtime." (I don't remember where I heard it first, so if anyone remembers, leave a comment.)

You then clarified in a comment:

> I guess coding relying on implementations of a class that is using this trait is not a good practise. Or is it actually intended to be used like that?

As long as you rely on the abstract class interface, this is common practice I'd say and done day-to-day in the millions all around the world. You may wanna question if traits are good practice and if you want to rely on the templates defined therein, then it perhaps makes more sense, but the trait is never leading, and a class using the wrong trait is a broken class, not a trait relying on implementations of a class. A trait just is.

You can use it however it suits you.


得分: 0




The behaviour you observed, where the methods from the trait can access $this->getUser() and $this->isGranted() as if they were called directly from the controller class, is intended behavior. This is because traits are essentially "merged" with the class they are used in, and they share the same scope as the class.

When you use the SomeTrait in the SomeController class, the methods defined in the trait become part of the controller class, and $this refers to the instance of SomeController, which is why you can access $this->getUser() and $this->isGranted() from within the trait methods without any issues.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月23日 18:32:22
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