将`if(condition): return True`简化为一行返回语句会改变Python中的结果

huangapple go评论94阅读模式

Simplifying if(condition): return True to one line return statement changes results in Python


I do not understand why the two methods written below perform differently. Any insights into why the simplified statement in xyz_there() fails for this test case would be appreciated!

  1. str = "abcxyz"
  2. def xyz_there(str):
  3. for i in range(len(str)):
  4. return (str[i:i+3] == 'xyz' and str[i-1] != '.')
  5. return False
  6. def xyz_there2(str):
  7. for i in range(len(str)):
  8. if str[i:i+3] == 'xyz' and str[i-1] != '.':
  9. return True
  10. return False
  11. print(xyz_there(str))
  12. print(xyz_there2(str))

It has always been my understanding that the return(condition) was the most efficient way to write that expression. I am aware that functions like find() and count() can also be used to solve this problem.


I do not understand why the two methods written below perform differently. Any insights into why the simplified statement in xyz_there() fails for this test case would be appreciated!

  1. str = "abcxyz"
  2. def xyz_there(str):
  3. for i in range(len(str)):
  4. return (str[i:i+3] == 'xyz' and str[i-1] != '.')
  5. return False
  6. def xyz_there2(str):
  7. for i in range(len(str)):
  8. if str[i:i+3] == 'xyz' and str[i-1] != '.':
  9. return True
  10. return False
  11. print(xyz_there(str))
  12. print(xyz_there2(str))

It has always been my understanding that the return(condition) was the most efficient way to write that expression. I am aware that functions like find() and count() can also be used to solve this problem.


得分: 1

欢迎来到stackoverflow! 将`if(condition): return True`简化为一行返回语句会改变Python中的结果

这两个函数之间的区别在于,在第二个函数xyz_there2中,return True语句位于if语句内部,因此只有在条件为真时才执行。如果条件不成立,循环会继续到下一个i的值。




Welcome to stackoverflow! 将`if(condition): return True`简化为一行返回语句会改变Python中的结果

Difference between these two functions is that in second function, xyz_there2, the return True statement is inside if, so it is executed only if the condition is true. If it is not true - loop continues to next value of i.

However, in first function xyz_there, the return statement is not inside of any if statement, so it's executed on first iteration of the loop, thus returning False value. And after that the function exits, and loop doesn't get a chance to iterate to next value of i.

In other words, xyz_there function returns False at first loop iteration, when i==0. While xyz_there2 iterates until i==3, and returns True.


得分: 0

你的第一个函数等同于以下代码,它返回 False:

  1. def xyz_there(str):
  2. return (str[0:3] == 'xyz' and str[-1] != '.')



your first function is equivalent to this which is returning Flase :

  1. def xyz_there(str):
  2. return (str[0:3] == 'xyz' and str[-1] != '.')

because you are not looping through all the characters in the string , you are just making decision on the first 3 letters of the word and return it

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月20日 21:53:20
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76730611.html



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