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extracting unique pairs from large correlation matrix






  1. df = matrix(runif(1), nrow = 50000, ncol = 50000, dimnames = list(seq(1, 50000, by = 1), seq(1, 50000, by = 1)))


  1. df[lower.tri(df, diag = T),] = NA
  2. df = reshape2::melt(df, na.rm = T)


  1. Error in df[lower.tri(bla, diag = T), ] = NA :
  2. long vectors not supported yet: ../../src/include/Rinlinedfuns.h:522


  1. df = df[lower.tri(df, diag = T),]

(我确实阅读了 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24335692/large-matrices-in-r-long-vectors-not-supported-yet,但对我的情况没有找到有用的信息)


  1. df = subset(as.data.frame(as.table(df)),
  2. match(Var1, names(annotation_table)) > match(Var2, names(annotation_table)))


我在一台拥有128GB RAM的Ubuntu机器上运行这段代码。我也有更大的机器,但我原以为这么多内存应该足够了。



I have a fairly large dataset (~50K entries) which I use to generate a correlation matrix. This works well, using "only" ~20GB RAM.

Then, I want to extract only the unique pairwise combinations from it and convert it into a data frame. This is where I run into issues. Either too much RAM usage or overflowing the indexing variable(s). I know there are >2B combinations, so I am aware it explodes a bit in size, but still..

I have tried different ways to achieve this, but with no success.

Mock data:

  1. df = matrix(runif(1),nrow=50000, ncol=50000, dimnames=list(seq(1,50000,by=1), seq(1,50000,by=1)))

Trying to extract upper/lower triangle from the correlation matrix and then reshape it:

  1. df[lower.tri(df, diag = T),] = NA
  2. df = reshape2::melt(df, na.rm = T)

crashes with:

  1. Error in df[lower.tri(bla, diag = T), ] = NA :
  2. long vectors not supported yet: ../../src/include/Rinlinedfuns.h:522

It crashes with the same error if you do only: df = df[lower.tri(df, diag = T),]
(I did read through https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24335692/large-matrices-in-r-long-vectors-not-supported-yet but I didn't find it helpful for my situation)

I also tried:

  1. df = subset(as.data.frame(as.table(df)),
  2. match(Var1, names(annotation_table)) > match(Var2, names(annotation_table)))

to use only R-base packages, but it eventually ran out of memory after ~1 day. This is the most RAM intensive part: as.data.frame(as.table(df)) so I tried also replacing it with reshape2::melt(df) but it also ran out of RAM

I am running the code on an Ubuntu machine with 128GB RAM. I do have larger machines, but i would've expected that this amount of RAM should suffice.

Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you.


得分: 6


  1. set.seed(0)
  2. n <- 6L
  3. x <- provideDimnames(cor(matrix(rnorm(as.double(n) * n), n, n)))
  4. x
  1. A B C D E F
  2. A 1.00000000 0.42679900 0.113100027 -0.03952030 -0.02406114 -0.693427730
  3. B 0.42679900 1.00000000 0.519377903 0.06136646 -0.51713799 -0.331961466
  4. C 0.11310003 0.51937790 1.000000000 -0.43996491 -0.32225557 -0.006199606
  5. D -0.03952030 0.06136646 -0.439964909 1.00000000 -0.42053358 0.537301520
  6. E -0.02406114 -0.51713799 -0.322255571 -0.42053358 1.00000000 -0.367595700
  7. F -0.69342773 -0.33196147 -0.006199606 0.53730152 -0.36759570 1.000000000
  1. s <- seq_len(n) - 1L
  2. nms <- dimnames(x)
  3. dat <- data.frame(val = x[sequence(s, seq.int(1L, length(x), n))],
  4. row = gl(n, 1L, labels = nms[[1L]])[sequence(s, 1L)],
  5. col = rep.int(gl(n, 1L, labels = nms[[2L]]), s))
  6. dat
  1. val row col
  2. 1 0.426798998 A B
  3. 2 0.113100027 A C
  4. 3 0.519377903 B C
  5. 4 -0.039520302 A D
  6. 5 0.061366463 B D
  7. 6 -0.439964909 C D
  8. 7 -0.024061141 A E
  9. 8 -0.517137993 B E
  10. 9 -0.322255571 C E
  11. 10 -0.420533577 D E
  12. 11 -0.693427730 A F
  13. 12 -0.331961466 B F
  14. 13 -0.006199606 C F
  15. 14 0.537301520 D F
  16. 15 -0.367595700 E F


  1. sequence <- function(nvec, from = 1L, by = 1L)
  2. unlist(.mapply(seq.int, list(from = from, by = by, length.out = nvec), NULL),
  3. recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

请注意,seq.int接受integerdouble参数,并且如果它确定结果会溢出integer,则会方便地返回double而不是integer,在这种情况下,当n * n > .Machine$integer.max时会发生这种情况。

  1. M <- .Machine$integer.max
  2. typeof(seq.int(from = 1L, to = 1 + M, by = M))
  1. [1] "double"

If you have as much RAM as you say, then this really should work without issue for n much greater than 6.

  1. set.seed(0)
  2. n &lt;- 6L
  3. x &lt;- provideDimnames(cor(matrix(rnorm(as.double(n) * n), n, n)))
  4. x
  1. A B C D E F
  2. A 1.00000000 0.42679900 0.113100027 -0.03952030 -0.02406114 -0.693427730
  3. B 0.42679900 1.00000000 0.519377903 0.06136646 -0.51713799 -0.331961466
  4. C 0.11310003 0.51937790 1.000000000 -0.43996491 -0.32225557 -0.006199606
  5. D -0.03952030 0.06136646 -0.439964909 1.00000000 -0.42053358 0.537301520
  6. E -0.02406114 -0.51713799 -0.322255571 -0.42053358 1.00000000 -0.367595700
  7. F -0.69342773 -0.33196147 -0.006199606 0.53730152 -0.36759570 1.000000000
  1. s &lt;- seq_len(n) - 1L
  2. nms &lt;- dimnames(x)
  3. dat &lt;- data.frame(val = x[sequence(s, seq.int(1L, length(x), n))],
  4. row = gl(n, 1L, labels = nms[[1L]])[sequence(s, 1L)],
  5. col = rep.int(gl(n, 1L, labels = nms[[2L]]), s))
  6. dat
  1. val row col
  2. 1 0.426798998 A B
  3. 2 0.113100027 A C
  4. 3 0.519377903 B C
  5. 4 -0.039520302 A D
  6. 5 0.061366463 B D
  7. 6 -0.439964909 C D
  8. 7 -0.024061141 A E
  9. 8 -0.517137993 B E
  10. 9 -0.322255571 C E
  11. 10 -0.420533577 D E
  12. 11 -0.693427730 A F
  13. 12 -0.331961466 B F
  14. 13 -0.006199606 C F
  15. 14 0.537301520 D F
  16. 15 -0.367595700 E F

If you are using a version of R older than 4.0.0, where sequence is defined differently, then you'll want something like:

  1. sequence &lt;- function(nvec, from = 1L, by = 1L)
  2. unlist(.mapply(seq.int, list(from = from, by = by, length.out = nvec), NULL),
  3. recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

Note that seq.int accepts both integer and double arguments and conveniently returns a double rather than an integer if it determines that the result would overflow integer, which happens in this case when n * n &gt; .Machine$integer.max.

  1. M &lt;- .Machine$integer.max
  2. typeof(seq.int(from = 1L, to = 1 + M, by = M))
  1. [1] &quot;double&quot;


得分: 2


  1. 好的,经过进一步的研究和尝试其他方法,我找到了一个在先前的 [帖子](https://stackoverflow.com/a/18128052/1116518) 中最终有效的解决方案:
  2. ```R
  3. upper_ind = which(upper.tri(df, diag=F), arr.ind = T)
  4. gc() # 清理并释放一些内存
  5. df = data.frame(first = dimnames(df)[[2]][upper_ind[,2]],
  6. second = dimnames(df)[[1]][upper_ind[,1]],
  7. correlation = df[upper_ind])

作为参考,在我的真实数据上测试它(49,105 x 49,105 的相关矩阵):

  • 仅检索相关矩阵的上三角元素的索引(第一个命令)达到了约90GB的内存使用量
  • 汇总矩阵(第二个命令)达到了约100GB的内存使用量


感谢 @Robert Hacken 指出 df[lower.tri(df, diag = T),] = NA 中的错误 ,(即,在关闭括号之前的逗号应该被删除)。

我认为 @Mikael Jagan 提出的解决方案可能更节省内存。


借助 @Mikael 对他答案的更新和一些微调,他的方法也适用于非常大的数据集。微调主要是使用 double 而不是 integer,因为我处理的数据超出了整数的范围(例如,数据的大小为:length(x) = 2,411,301,025,而整数限制为:.Machine$integer.max = 2,147,483,647)。当然,他的目的是尽可能提高速度,因此使用整数而不是双精度,但对于我的用例来说这是不可能的。

所以修改 @Mikael 的代码如下:

  1. generate_sequence = function(nvec, from = 1, by = 1)
  2. unlist(.mapply(seq, list(from = from, by = by, length.out = nvec), NULL),
  3. recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)


  1. set.seed(0)
  2. n <- 6
  3. x <- provideDimnames(cor(matrix(rnorm(n * n), n, n)))
  4. s <- seq_len(n) - 1
  5. nms <- dimnames(x)
  6. dat <- data.frame(val = x[sequence(s, seq(1, length(x), n))],
  7. row = gl(n, 1, labels = nms[[1]])[sequence(s, 1)],
  8. col = rep(gl(n, 1, labels = nms[[2]]), s))

这将在我的数据上完成任务,内存峰值为约70GB,大约需要2分钟。再次感谢 @Mikael 的答案。


  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. Okay, after digging a bit more and trying other stuff, I found one solution that eventually worked in a previous [post](https://stackoverflow.com/a/18128052/1116518):

upper_ind = which(upper.tri(df, diag=F), arr.ind = T)
gc() # clean up and free some RAM
df = data.frame(first = dimnames(df)[[2]][upper_ind[,2]],
second = dimnames(df)[[1]][upper_ind[,1]],
correlation = df[upper_ind])

  1. For reference, testing it out on my real data (49,105 x 49,105 correlation matrix):
  2. * only retrieving the index of the elements within the upper triangle of the correlation matrix (first command) peaked at ~90GB RAM
  3. * putting together the matrix (second command) peaked at ~100GB of RAM
  4. If you have such large datasets, I really suggest you call the garbage collector between the two commands as it actually helped. Timewise, it took less than 10 minutes. It is not ideal, but given my setup and time constraints, it is a solution.
  5. Thank you @Robert Hacken for spotting that erroneous `,` in `df[lower.tri(df, diag = T),] = NA` (i.e., the comma before the closing bracket should be removed.
  6. I think that what @Mikael Jagan has proposed might be more memory efficient.
  7. **Update**
  8. With the updates from @Mikael on his answer and a bit of tweaking, his approach is also working on very large datasets. The tweaking is mainly to use `double` instead of `integer` as the data that I work with passes the range of an integer (e.g., the size of the data is: `length(x) = 2,411,301,025` while the integer limit is: `.Machine$integer.max = 2,147,483,647). Of course, his intention was to speed it up as much as possible, hence using integers instead of doubles, but for my use case this is not possible.
  9. So modifying @Mikael&#39;s code to:

generate_sequence = function(nvec, from = 1, by = 1)
unlist(.mapply(seq, list(from = from, by = by, length.out = nvec), NULL),
recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

  1. and the rest to:

n <- 6
x <- provideDimnames(cor(matrix(rnorm(n * n), n, n)))
s <- seq_len(n) - 1
nms <- dimnames(x)
dat <- data.frame(val = x[sequence(s, seq(1, length(x), n))],
row = gl(n, 1, labels = nms[[1]])[sequence(s, 1)],
col = rep(gl(n, 1, labels = nms[[2]]), s))

  1. will get the job done on my data in ~2m and peak at ~70GB RAM. Thanks again for your answer @Mikael.
  2. If you run into trouble with the sequence generation, please read through the comments as well
  3. </details>

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月20日 20:23:34
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76729834.html



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