
huangapple go评论94阅读模式

Maui why radiobutton checked changed event takes wrong model?



public class First
   public int Id {get; set;}
   public string Name {get; set;}
   public ICollection<First> Collection {get; set;}

public class Second
   public int Id {get; set;}
   public bool IsCorrect {get; set;}
   public int ParentId {get; set;}
   public First Parent {get; set;}   


<CollectionView ItemSource="{Binding ListOfFirst}">
    <DataTemplate x:DataType="models:First">
     <Label Text="{Binding Name}"/&gt>
     <CollectionView ItemSource="{Binding Collection}">
         <DataTemplate x:DataType="models:Second">


<RadioButton  IsChecked="{Binding IsCorrect}" 
              GroupName="{Binding ParentId}">  

    <toolkit:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="CheckedChanged"
                                    Command="{Binding Source={x:Reference TestEditorPage}, Path=BindingContext.SpacesRadioButton_CheckedChangedCommand}"
                                    CommandParameter="{Binding .}"/>
public void SpacesRadioButton_CheckedChanged(Second second)


<RadioButton  IsChecked="{Binding IsCorrect}" 
              GroupName="{Binding ParentId}" 
private void RadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, CheckedChangedEventArgs e)
   var rb = (RadioButton)sender;
   var second = (Second)rb.BindingContext;



So i have something like this model

public class First
   public int Id {get; set;}
   public string Name {get; set;}
   public ICollection<First> Collection {get; set;}

public class Second
   public int Id {get; set;}
   public bool IsCorrect {get; set;}
   public int ParentId {get; set;}
   public First Parent {get; set;}   

I define ICollection<First> as ObservableCollection<First> inside my view model. So inside my UI i got collection view with item source of "First" class elements collection and also one more collection view inside for "Second" class collection. And for this child collection i got item template with radio button. So something like this

&lt;CollectionView ItemSource=&quot;{Binding ListOfFirst}&quot;&gt;
    &lt;DataTemplate x:DataType=&quot;models:First&quot;&gt;
     &lt;Label Text=&quot;{Binding Name}&quot;/&gt;
     &lt;CollectionView ItemSource=&quot;{Binding Collection}&quot;&gt;
         &lt;DataTemplate x:DataType=&quot;models:Second&quot;&gt;

I got radiobutton group for each collection of "Second" class and if i define event to command behavior inside my ui and code like this

&lt;RadioButton  IsChecked=&quot;{Binding IsCorrect}&quot; 
              GroupName=&quot;{Binding ParentId}&quot;&gt;  
    &lt;toolkit:EventToCommandBehavior EventName=&quot;CheckedChanged&quot;
                                    Command=&quot;{Binding Source={x:Reference TestEditorPage}, Path=BindingContext.SpacesRadioButton_CheckedChangedCommand}&quot;
                                    CommandParameter=&quot;{Binding .}&quot;/&gt;
public void SpacesRadioButton_CheckedChanged(Second second)

The problem is that no matter which group of radio buttons I click on, I always get the very first element of the collection in the team. For example, if I have 3 elements of class "Second" in the list, I always get the first element. I also tried to do this not through the event to command behavior but through a regular event. The code of the button and the event code is as follows

&lt;RadioButton  IsChecked=&quot;{Binding IsCorrect}&quot; 
              GroupName=&quot;{Binding ParentId}&quot; 
private void RadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, CheckedChangedEventArgs e)
   var rb = (RadioButton)sender;
   var second = (Second)rb.BindingContext;

In this case, the situation is better, but still incorrect. When I click on a group of buttons for the first time, I get the correct model. But when I click on the group for the second time, I get exactly the model of the previous element that was selected. That is, the same example with a list of 3 elements of the "Second" class. When I click on the second element for the first time, I get it in the event code. When I decide to click on the 3rd element, for some reason I get the same second element in the event code. And for example, if I want to select the first element, I get the 3rd element. Who can explain why this happens and how to fix it? I will be very grateful for your help


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  • 先前选中的按钮变为未选中。
  • 单击的按钮变为选中。

因此,RadioButton_CheckedChanged 会被调用两次。

if (e.Value) ...

When you have one radio button selected, and click another one, TWO changes happen:

  • The previous checked button becomes UNCHECKED (unselected).
  • The clicked button becomes CHECKED (selected).

Thus, RadioButton_CheckedChanged is called TWICE.

if (e.Value) ...

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月20日 17:57:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
