如何使用wrangler v3测试来自Cloudflare服务的HTTP响应?

huangapple go评论67阅读模式

how should I test the http response from a Cloudflare service using wrangler v3?


Q1: 我应该如何在一个 workerd nanoservice 中运行服务并在其他 nanoservices 中运行测试?如果是这样的话,我该如何从 config.capnp 中启动服务?

Q2: 在 unit-tests 示例中的 config.capnp 顶部暗示它可能会在某个时候自动生成。目前是否已经可以或者建议这样做?

Q3: 我应该使用服务绑定来从一个测试 nanoservice 向正在测试的服务发送 fetch 请求吗?

Q4: 在 https://blog.cloudflare.com/wrangler3/ 中提到 vitest 集成正在进行中。是否有一个练习/测试服务的示例?

在这个层面上进行测试非常常见,测试驱动开发强调预防性测试,因此我预计会有示例和文档可用。不幸的是,我的搜索结果中找到了很多关于 Miniflare v2 的信息,但没有找到关于最新 Wrangler 版本和 workerd 运行时的信息。


I have a Cloudflare service and would like to test its http responses. Best I can tell, I should be using wrangler v3's local workerd runtime. There is a sample but it is quite minimal so I have a few sub-questions:

Q1: Do I, somehow, run the service in one workerd nanoservice and run tests in other nanoservices? If so, how do I launch the service from the config.capnp?

Q2: The top of the config.capnp in the unit-tests sample suggests that it may be auto-generated at some point. Is this currently possible or advisable?

Q3: Should I use a service binding to send a fetch request from a test nanoservice to the service it is testing?

Q4: There is mention at https://blog.cloudflare.com/wrangler3/ that vitest integration is progressing. Is there an example of a test which exercises/exorcises a service?

Testing at this level is quite common and test-driven development places a focus on pre-emptive tests so I anticipate that examples and documentation are available. Regrettably, my search found a lot of information on Miniflare v2 but not for the latest Wrangler release and the workerd runtime.


得分: 1

Wrangler 提供了一个 unstable_dev() API,允许您以编程方式启动 Workers 并向它们发送 fetch 请求,以便您可以使用您喜欢的测试框架(如 Vitest)来断言响应是否符合您的预期。

有关可以传递给 unstable_dev() 的可用选项,请参阅 UnstableDevOptions

您所提到的 Vitest 集成是 Miniflare 环境,您可以在其中访问 KV/R2/等绑定,以确保您的 Worker 与其正常交互。在撰写本文时,这还没有在 Wrangler 3 中实现,但已列入计划,希望在未来几个月内推出。


Wrangler exposes an unstable_dev() API which lets you programmatically spin-up Workers and send fetch requests to them, so you can assert the responses are as you expect with your preference of testing framework such as Vitest.


For the available options you can pass to unstable_dev(), refer to UnstableDevOptions.

The Vitest integration you are referring to is the Miniflare environment, where you can access the KV/R2/etc bindings to assert that your Worker is interacting with those properly. That isn't back in Wrangler 3 at the time of writing, but is on the roadmap and will hopefully land in the coming months.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月20日 10:46:51
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76726372.html



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