Adding Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons to a React-based Electron App

huangapple go评论104阅读模式

Adding Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons to a React-based Electron App


I'm here to help with the translation, as requested. Here's the translated content:

我正在制作一个使用React Typescript作为UI框架的Electron应用程序,但在实现自定义标题栏的最小化、最大化和关闭按钮功能方面遇到了问题。



  1. webPreferences: {
  2. preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'),
  3. nodeIntegration: true,
  4. enableRemoteModule: true,
  5. contextIsolation: false,
  6. }


  1. contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('windowControlAPI', {
  2. minimizeApp: () => { ipcRenderer.send('minimize') },
  3. maximizeApp: () => { ipcRenderer.send('maximize') },
  4. closeApp: () => { ipcRenderer.send('close') }
  5. });


  1. ipcMain.on('close', () => { win.close() });
  2. ipcMain.on('minimize', () => { win.minimize() });
  3. ipcMain.on('maximize', () => {
  4. if (win.isMaximized()) win.unmaximize()
  5. else win.maximize()
  6. });


  1. declare global {
  2. interface Window {
  3. windowControlAPI: {
  4. minimizeApp: () => void,
  5. maximizeApp: () => void,
  6. closeApp: () => void
  7. };
  8. }
  9. }
  10. // 这些只是为了展示我如何尝试使用上面定义的函数
  11. const closeApp = () => { window.windowControlAPI.closeApp() }
  12. const minimizeApp = () => { window.windowControlAPI.minimizeApp() }
  13. const maximizeApp = () => { window.windowControlAPI.maximizeApp() }

注意:如果没有declare global块,TypeScript会抛出错误,说windowControlAPI不存在。当前项目编译和显示正常,但点击按钮会抛出Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'closeApp')的错误(我猜测它找不到window.windowControlAPI上的closeApp()函数)。有人可以建议一种更好的方法来做这个(我尝试了很多不同的解决方案,所以现在可能看起来像一堆东西混在一起)或者为什么我的React组件似乎无法连接到Electron源吗?

谢谢 Adding Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons to a React-based Electron App


I'm making an electron app with React Typescript for the UI framework and I'm having trouble implementing functionality for the minimize, maximize, and close buttons for a custom title bar.

Basically, I have a React component WindowControlButton.tsx which should run a function to close/min/max the window when clicked. I haven't been able to implement a function that bridges electron and react so that the window is actually closed, though.

In electron's main.js file I have the following:

  1. webPreferences: {
  2. preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'),
  3. nodeIntegration: true,
  4. enableRemoteModule: true,
  5. contextIsolation: false,
  6. }

And in preload.js:

  1. contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('windowControlAPI', {
  2. minimizeApp: () => { ipcRenderer.send('minimize') },
  3. maximizeApp: () => { ipcRenderer.send('maximize') },
  4. closeApp: () => { ipcRenderer.send('close') }
  5. });

Then, back in main.js:

  1. ipcMain.on('close', () => { win.close() });
  2. ipcMain.on('minimize', () => { win.minimize() });
  3. ipcMain.on('maximize', () => {
  4. if (win.isMaximized()) win.unmaximize()
  5. else win.maximize()
  6. });

Finally, in WindowControlButton.tsx I have:

  1. declare global {
  2. interface Window {
  3. windowControlAPI: {
  4. minimizeApp: () => void,
  5. maximizeApp: () => void,
  6. closeApp: () => void
  7. };
  8. }
  9. }
  10. // These are kind of just to show how I'm trying to use the functions I've defined above
  11. const closeApp = () => { window.windowControlAPI.closeApp() }
  12. const minimizeApp = () => { window.windowControlAPI.minimizeApp() }
  13. const maximizeApp = () => { window.windowControlAPI.maximizeApp() }

Note: Without the declare global block Typescript throws an error saying windowControlAPI does not exist. Currently, the project compiles and displays fine, but clicking the buttons throws Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'closeApp') (I'm guessing it can't find closeApp() on window.windowControlAPI.
Can anyone suggest either a better way to do this (I've tried a lot of different solutions so it might look like a ton of stuff mashed together right now) or why my React component can't seem to connect to the electron source?

Thanks Adding Close, Minimize, and Maximize buttons to a React-based Electron App


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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'closeApp')

Means window.windowControlAPI is undefined.

Is your preload file really loaded?

Do you have the correct path to your preload file?

Hope this helps!

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月18日 09:06:45
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