Reading geojson file to convert to sf

huangapple go评论95阅读模式

Reading geojson file to convert to sf


I have a geojson file which i need to read/convert to sf object.


I read it with geojsonR package and it shows as lists of lists, but i need it to sf.


I tried using st_read as suggested here but it gives me "Error: dsn must point to a source, not an empty string."

我尝试使用st_read,如这里建议的,但它给我返回了"Error: dsn must point to a source, not an empty string."

Also tried geojsonsf package and geojson_sf() and it gives me "Error in rcpp_geojson_to_sf(geojson, expand_geometries) : Invalid JSON"

我还尝试了geojsonsf包和geojson_sf(),但它给我返回了"Error in rcpp_geojson_to_sf(geojson, expand_geometries) : Invalid JSON"

how can i read it as sf and more importantly - i need sf geometry from there...

我该如何将其读取为sf对象,更重要的是 - 我需要从中获取sf的几何信息...

The file is here link

该文件在这里 链接


I have a geojson file which i need to read/convert to sf object

I read it with geojsonR package and it shows as lists of lists, but i need it to sf.
I tried using st_read as suggested here but it gives me "Error: dsn must point to a source, not an empty string."

Also tried geojsonsf package and geojson_sf() and it gives me "Error in rcpp_geojson_to_sf(geojson, expand_geometries) : Invalid JSON"

how can i read it as sf and more importantly - i need sf geometry from there...

The file is here


得分: 4


如果您查看您的 'json'(它不是有效的 .geojson),您会发现它实际上是一组嵌套的 geojson 对象。


  1. 使用 readLines 将 .geojson(实际上是 .json)文件作为纯文本进行读取。
  2. 使用 jqr 检查一级属性。

请注意,有 8 个不同的 geojson 对象。

您可以通过在解析之前筛选 json 来读取它们,使用 geojsonsfsf

还请注意,.geojson 必须使用 CRS 4326 才能有效。看起来这个数据不是在这个 CRS 下的。


If you look at your 'json' (it's not valid .geojson) you'll see it's actually a set of nested geojson objects

Using your example, I'm

  1. reading the .geojson (which is actually .json) file as plain text using readLines.
  2. Inspecting the first-level properties using jqr
txt <- paste0(readLines("~/Downloads/test.geojson"), collapse = "")
jq(txt, "keys")

# [
#   "grunnkretser.delomradegrense",
#   "grunnkretser.fylkesgrense",
#   "grunnkretser.grensesjo",
#   "grunnkretser.grunnkrets",
#   "grunnkretser.grunnkretsgrense",
#   "grunnkretser.kommunegrense",
#   "grunnkretser.riksgrense",
#   "grunnkretser.territorialgrense"
# ]

See there are 8 different geojson objects.

You can read each of them by filtering the json before parsing through geojsonsf or sf


sf_delomradegrense <- jq(txt, '.["grunnkretser.delomradegrense"]') %>% 

# Simple feature collection with 10284 features and 7 fields
# Geometry type: LINESTRING
# Dimension:     XY
# Bounding box:  xmin: 4010764 ymin: 3853260 xmax: 5097468 ymax: 5425159
# Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
# First 10 features:
#   objid datafangstdato folgerterrengdetalj malemetode oppdateringsdato         objtype noyaktighet                       geometry
# 1      1           <NA>                             99   20160126000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4404964 4628261...
# 2      2           <NA>                             99   20131027000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4616126 5145684...
# 3      3           <NA>                             99   20131027000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4101761 4257071...
# 4      4           <NA>                             99   20131027000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4129652 4122672...
# 5      5           <NA>                             99   20170908000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4303917 4481500...
# 6      6           <NA>                             99   20131027000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4607806 5150974...
# 7      7           <NA>                             99   20131027000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4300691 4485384...
# 8      8           <NA>                             99   20170712000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4396353 4104326...
# 9      9           <NA>                             99   20170908000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4396353 4104326...
# 10    10           <NA>                             99   20131027000000 Delområdegrense        <NA> LINESTRING (4627750 5166350...

Also note that .geojson must be in CRS 4326 for it to be valid. It doesn't look like this data is.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月18日 07:50:34
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