重新审视Flatbuffers与Protocol Buffers

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Revisit of Flatbuffers vs. Protocol Buffers


自2014年由Kenton Varda编写的这篇文章以来,关于使用FlatBuffers与Protobuf的用例是否发生了变化?或者是否出现了其他首选的数据交换格式/库?


  • Protobuf

    • 适用于较小的消息(1MB或更少)
    • 更适合程序员使用
  • FlatBuffer

    • 用于较大的消息
    • 针对高效解析进行了优化
    • 在内存中具有更好的表示



Since this article (written by Kenton Varda in 2014), has anything changed about the use cases of using FlatBuffers vs. Protobuf? Alternatively, has something else come along that is now the preferred format/library for data exchange?

Feature Protobuf Cap'n Proto SBE FlatBuffers
Schema evolution yes yes caveats yes
Zero-copy no yes yes yes
Random-access reads no yes no yes
Safe against malicious input yes yes yes opt-in upfront
Reflection / generic algorithms yes yes yes yes
Initialization order any any preorder bottom-up
Unknown field retention removed in proto3 yes no no
Object-capability RPC system no yes no no
Schema language custom custom XML custom
Usable as mutable state yes no no no
Padding takes space on wire? no optional yes yes
Unset fields take space on wire? no yes yes no
Pointers take space on wire? no yes no yes
C++ yes yes (C++11)* yes yes
Java yes yes* yes yes
C# yes yes* yes yes*
Go yes yes no yes*
Other languages lots! 6+ others* no no
Authors' preferred use case distributed computing platforms / sandboxing financial trading games

As best as I can tell, there seems to be no or minimal changes since the 2014 article which can be summarized by:

  • Protobuf

    • Preferred for smaller messages (1MB or less)
    • More programmer friendly
  • FlatBuffer

    • Used for larger messages
    • Optimized for efficient parsing
    • Better in-memory representation


得分: 2






There's been a lot of improvements to FlatBuffers since 9 years ago, but from that table alone these entries would change:

RPC system: FlatBuffers has out of the box gRPC support (for multiple languages).
Usable as mutable state: FlatBuffers now has an "Object API" that is similar to Protobuf, on top of the base API.
Other languages: lots!

It is perfectly fine for smaller messages, as long as you don't expect the same level of "compression" Protobuf's varints give.

The Object API is more programmer friendly, though is also slower, much like Protobuf.


得分: 1



  • "约束" - 为字段定义有效值范围和列表的有效长度的能力
  • "多种传输格式" - 编码数据的不同方式的能力,例如高度紧凑的比特优化编码以用于无线电链路传输(往往带宽有限),以及更适合程序员的格式,如XML
  • "值定义" - 不仅可以定义数据类型,还可以定义数据类型的固定实例,这些实例会出现在生成的源代码中
  • "基于值的约束定义" - 使用规定的值来规定约束的能力。这应包括指示“X减1”(其中X是已定义的值)的语法
  • "严格的契约" - 传输格式在表示模式方面非常严格


诸如ASN.1、XSD和JSON模式之类的序列化模式都允许对值和长度进行约束。这非常有用,因为在应用程序中通常很少有无界值和列表是有效的。在模式中表达约束并在生成的代码中遵守约束相对较少见 - 一些付费的XSD/XML工具可以做到,大多数ASN.1工具可以,大多数JSON验证器也可以。












listLen INTEGER ::= 10

List ::= SET
   list [0] SEQUENCE (SIZE(listLen)) OF REAL,
   defaultEntry [1] INTEGER (0..<listLen)




这是指有效的传输格式与模式紧密一致。在这方面,GPB做得相当糟糕 - 例如,它会很高兴地并且悄悄地解析消息中的多个oneof字段,仅保留最后一个,这让我感到惊讶;我期望检测到多个字段会引发某种错误!





As ever, with such questions the answer is "it depends"!

Personally speaking, I'd argue that that feature list is incomplete. I'd add:

  • "Constraints" - the ability to define valid value ranges for fields, and valid lengths for lists
  • "Multiple wire formats" - the ability to encode data in different ways, e.g. highly packed bit-optimised encodings for transmission over radio links (which tend to be bandwidth constrained) as well as more programmer-friendly formats like XML
  • "Values Definition" - the ability not only to define data types, but to also define fixed instances of data types that show up in generated source code
  • "Constraints Definitions in Terms of Values" - the ability to use defined values in the specification of constraints. This should include syntax to indicate "1 less than X" where X is a defined value
  • "Strict Contract" - the wireformat is rigid in its representation of the schema


Serialisation schemas such as ASN.1, XSD, and JSON schema all allow constraints on value and length. This is very useful, because it's fairly rare that unbounded values and lists are in fact valid within the application. Having constraints expressed in the schema and honoured in the generated code is comparatively rare - some paid-for XSD / XML tools do it, most ASN.1 tools do, and most JSON validators do.

The advantage is that one can have a more exact contract.

I'm not quite sure what is meant by "safe against malicious input" in that feature set. But so far as I know, in GPB the only way of conveying what is a valid value for a message field is to 1) put it in as a comment and hope the developer spots it, or, 2) use the (beta) third party extensions for GPB that mimic ASN.1's constraints.

Multiple Wire Formats

It's sometimes useful to be able to serialise data to, say, a packed binary format for wireless transmission, but also be able to serialise it to a readable format like XML / JSON. GPB does this kind of thing (JSON), but not to the extent ASN.1 does (numerous binary encodings, plus JSON and XML wireformats too).

ASN.1 uses the constraints to understand, for example, exactly how many bits an INTEGER field actually needs. If it's constrained to valid values between 1000 and 1015 inclusive, it'll use only 4 bits in its unaligned packed encoding rules.

The advantage is that you can get good efficiency on links where that matters, but also more programmer-friendly storage where size is less relevant.

Values Definition

If one is using a schema to define an interface between systems, it's quite likely there are system constants that they need to share. Putting them in a schema is quite useful.

Of them all, AFAIK only ASN.1 has this in its schema language.

Constraints Definitions in Terms of Values

This is just an extension of constraints. Rather than express constraints with literals, express them with values. For instance, in ASN.1 you can have:

listLen INTEGER ::= 10

List ::= SET
   list [0] SEQUENCE (SIZE(listLen)) OF REAL,
   defaultEntry [1] INTEGER (0..&lt;listLen)

The first line defines a constant int of value 10. The next chunk defines a class that contains a list of floating point values listLen entries long, and an index into that list that is constrained to the values 0 to 9. The application logic would use listLen to iterate over the list, and the defaultEntry is guaranteed to be a valid value. If you ever need the list to be 11 long, just change line 1 and rebuild.

For communications systems this can be gold-dust; the entirety of the protocol message set and the protocol constants can be defined this way, and any tuning of it takes place solely within the ASN.1 schema; no application source code need be changed (you just tweak and rebuild).

Strict Contract

This is where valid wireformat strongly adheres to the schema. GPB is quite bad at this - for example it'll quite happily and silently parse multiple oneof fields in a message keeping only the last one, which I find surprising; I'd expect the detection of multiple fields to throw some sort of error!


Essentially, it boils down to "I quite like ASN.1", born out of experience building communications sytems. It's not surprising that the telephony industry is built on ASN.1.

It's quite intersting seeing teams that don't consider aspects such as the above launch off into project development and just pick the first thing they've heard of, and then get into a dreadful mess when it turns out that no one has really read the ICDs, code bases become to difficult to change, etc.

ASN.1 might have old origins, but it's been constantly updated over the decades and solves an awful lot of problems when it comes to getting systems communicating easily and reliably. Good tools for it cost money, but I'm quite happy to spend a bit of money to safe a ton of time, risk.

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