How to add custom properties to a Spring Batch Step, Job, Flow?

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How to add custom properties to a Spring Batch Step, Job, Flow?


我想将自定义(只读)元数据关联到Spring Batch作业、流程和步骤。这与将任意数据存储到执行上下文不同!如果我能像这样做就好了:

public Step<MyMetadata> sampleStep(JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
    MyMetadata myMetaData  = ...;
    return new StepBuilder<M>("mySampleStep", jobRepository)
                .<String, String>chunk(10, transactionManager)


SimpleJob simpleJob = ...;
Step<MyMetadata> myStep = (Step<MyMetadata>)simpleJob.getStep("myStep");
MyMetadata myMetadata = myStep.getCustomMetadata();

不幸的是,Spring Batch API提供了一堆构建器,创建具体的类,没有办法以上述方式扩展作业、步骤或流程。Spring Batch文档中没有任何显示这是可能的内容。



I would like to associate custom (read-only) metadata to Spring Batch jobs, flows, steps. (This is not same as storing arbitrary data to execution context, at the step execution level!). It would have been nice, if I could do something like this:

public Step&lt;MyMetadata&gt; sampleStep(JobRepository jobRepository, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
    MyMetadata myMetaData  = ...;
	return new StepBuilder&lt;M&gt;(&quot;mySampleStep&quot;, jobRepository)
				.&lt;String, String&gt;chunk(10, transactionManager)

.. so that later, I can get back my custom metadata (say I want to build UI console to visualize jobs, steps, flows):

SimpleJob simpleJob = ...;
Step&lt;MyMetadata&gt; myStep = (Step&lt;MyMetadata&gt;)simpleJob.getStep(&quot;myStep&quot;)
MyMetadata myMetadata = myStep.getCustomMetadata();

Unfortunately, Spring Batch API provides a maze of builders creating concrete classes with no way to extend jobs, steps or flows in the above manner. Nothing in the Spring Batch documentations shows this is even possible.

Does anyone have a suggestion how to achieve this?


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It looks like you would like to do some work before step/job and after step/job. Did you consider to use StepExecutionListener or JobExecutionListener? Those listeners allow to do some work after and berofe job. For instance you can store some data in db, or cache, or executionContext(step/job level). If I understand your needs rightly.


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这是不可能的。您可以扩展Spring Batch提供的作业/步骤(以及它们各自的构建器,如果您想使用构建器),然后添加该功能。


This is not possible. You can extend the job/step provided by Spring Batch (along with their respective builders if you want to use builders) and add that.

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