我写的Python Wordle破解程序哪里出了问题?

huangapple go评论58阅读模式

Where did I fail in the Wordle cracker I wrote in Python?


I wrote a program that helps me crack Wordle puzzles. However, I guess it is biased on the alphabetical order because of the site I scraped the word list from. When "audio" has no matching letters, my program bugs and doesn't give me any words (even though it has "jewel" in its word list). How could I fix it?


I used this piece of code for getting all the words Wordle uses, as well as creating a list of used letters.


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

webpage = 'https://www.wordunscrambler.net/word-list/wordle-word-list'
webpage_response = requests.get(webpage)
content = webpage_response.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')

words = {}
for a in soup.find(class_='content').find_all('a'):
    text = a.get_text()
    if len(text) == 5:
        words[text] = [letter for letter in text]

with open('wordle_words.py', 'w') as file:
    file.write('words = ' + str(words))

I won't share the output, since the list is big. I also made a algorithm for determining which word was the best opener, but I won't share it because it's not important.


This piece of code helps the user play Wordle.


from wordle_words import words

starting_word = 'audio'

print('Start by entering the word "audio".')

wrong_letters = set()
matching_letters = set()

for i in range(5):
    attempted_word = input('What word did you try? ')
    feedback = input('What were the matching letters? Uppercase for green letters, lowercase for yellow letters and underline for gray ones. "A_Do_": ')

    wrong_letters.update(set([letter for letter in attempted_word.lower() if letter not in feedback.lower()]))
    matching_letters.update(set([letter.lower() for letter in feedback if letter != '_']))
    matching_words = {word: letters for word, letters in words.items()
                      if matching_letters.issubset(set(letters)) and wrong_letters.isdisjoint(set(letters))}

    best_fit = ''
    best_match = 0

    for word, letters in matching_words.items():
        matches = 0
        for index in range(5):
            if feedback[index].isupper():
                if letters[index] == feedback[index].lower():
                    matches += 1
            if feedback[index].islower():
                if letters[index] != feedback[index]:
                    matches += 1
        if matches > best_match:
            best_fit = word
            best_match = matches

    print(best_fit + '\n')

I expected it would output "jewel" after I told it "audio" hadn't returned me any matches.



I wrote a program that helps me crack Wordle puzzles. However, I guess it is biased on the alphabetical order because of the site I scraped the word list from. When "audio" has no matching letters, my program bugs and doesn't give me any words (even though it has "jewel" in its word list). How could I fix it?

I used this piece of code for getting all the words Wordle uses, as well as creating a list of used letters.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

webpage = 'https://www.wordunscrambler.net/word-list/wordle-word-list'
webpage_response = requests.get(webpage)
content = webpage_response.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')

words = {}
for a in soup.find(class_='content').find_all('a'):
    text = a.get_text()
    if len(text) == 5:
        words[text] = [letter for letter in text]

with open('wordle_words.py', 'w') as file:
    file.write('words = ' + str(words))

I won't share the output, since the list is big. I also made a algorithm for determining which word was the best opener, but I won't share it because it's not important.

This piece of code helps the user play Wordle.

from wordle_words import words

starting_word = 'audio'

print('Start by entering the word "audio".')

wrong_letters = set()
matching_letters = set()

for i in range(5):
    attemped_word = input('What word did you try? ')
    feedback = input('What were the matching letters? Uppercase for green letters, lowercase for yellow letters and underline for gray ones. "A_Do_": ')

    wrong_letters.update(set([letter for letter in attemped_word.lower() if letter not in feedback.lower()]))
    matching_letters.update(set([letter.lower() for letter in feedback if letter != '_']))
    matching_words = {word: letters for word, letters in words.items()
                      if matching_letters.issubset(set(letters)) and wrong_letters.isdisjoint(set(letters))}

    best_fit = ''
    best_match = 0

    for word, letters in matching_words.items():
        matches = 0
        for index in range(5):
            if feedback[index].isupper():
                if letters[index] == feedback[index].lower():
                    matches += 1
            if feedback[index].islower():
                if letters[index] != feedback[index]:
                    matches += 1
        if matches > best_match:
            best_fit = word
            best_match = matches

    print(best_fit + '\n')

I expected it would output "jewel" after I told it "audio" hadn't returned me any matches.


得分: 3


for index in range(5):
    if feedback[index].isupper():
        if letters[index] == feedback[index].lower():
            matches += 1
    if feedback[index].islower():
        if letters[index] != feedback[index]:
            matches += 1

问题在于下划线既不是大写字母也不是小写字母。您需要为未匹配的字母添加一个额外的分支,并且对于该位置始终应该执行 match += 1

for index in range(5):
    if feedback[index].isupper():
        if letters[index] == feedback[index].lower():
            matches += 1
    if feedback[index].islower():
        if letters[index] != feedback[index]:
            matches += 1

    if feedback[index] == "_":
        matches += 1

实际上还有另一个问题,这不在您的问题中提到。您正在增加 matches 的值并获取更好的匹配,但这可能仍然会导致无法匹配的单词。

例如,如果您猜测 "audio" 并得到 "A_Do_",它可能会建议您 "today"。只有在要猜测的实际单词不在单词列表中时才会出现问题(否则,那将具有更好的得分),因此如果您正确提取单词,则可能永远不会发生这种情况。不管怎样,值得一提。


There is a flaw in this part:

for index in range(5):
    if feedback[index].isupper():
        if letters[index] == feedback[index].lower():
            matches += 1
    if feedback[index].islower():
        if letters[index] != feedback[index]:
            matches += 1

The problem is that an underscore is neither lower or upper. You need an additional branch for missed letters, and that should match += 1 always for that position.

for index in range(5):
    if feedback[index].isupper():
        if letters[index] == feedback[index].lower():
            matches += 1
    if feedback[index].islower():
        if letters[index] != feedback[index]:
            matches += 1

    if feedback[index] == "_":
        matches += 1

There is actually another flaw that is not mentioned in your question. You are incrementing the matches value and getting the better one, but this can give you unmatched words anyway.

For example, if you guessed "audio" and got "A_Do_", it might suggest you "today". It would only be a problem if the actual word to guess is not in the word list (otherwise, that would have the better score), so maybe you'd never see that happen if you are scrapping right. Anyway, worth mentioning.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月17日 22:31:55
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76705510.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
