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How is Spring able to see type arguments at runtime? What about the whole type erasure thing?



Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'java.util.List<java.lang.String>' available


这个问题 类似,但两个最受欢迎的答案都没有完全回答我的问题

  • GhostCat再次罢工 表示泛型类的事实(而不是其实际类型)被保留下来,可以检索到
  • yshavit 表示您可以通过反射获得父类的泛型类型

I don't understand how it is possible to see exception messages like this one

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type &#39;java.util.List&lt;java.lang.String&gt;&#39; available

Aren't type arguments supposed to be erased by runtime? How can things like &lt;java.lang.String&gt; survive compilation (as we know, exceptions occur during runtime)? What kind of supernatural ability does Spring possess?

This question is similar, but none of the two most-upvoted answers answer my question exactly

  • GhostCat again on strike says the fact that a class is generic (not what its actual type is) is preserved, can be retrieved
  • yshavit says you can obtain a superclass's generic type through reflexion


得分: 3

根据Stack Overflow上的讨论,Java中字段的泛型类型信息是通过反射可用的,这也适用于方法/构造函数的参数。这解释了Spring如何知道特定泛型类型是必需的。





public class GenericBean<T> {


public class GenericBeanService extends GenericBean<Integer> {
public class GenericBeanConfig {
    public GenericBean<String> genericBean() {
        return new GenericBean<>();


// GenericBean<String>

// GenericBean<Integer>


public class AutowiredClass {
    @Autowired private GenericBean<String> stringBean;
    @Autowired private GenericBean<Integer> integerBean;


// GenericBean<String>

// GenericBean<Integer>



As discussed in a answer to Stack Overflow question https://stackoverflow.com/q/65651242/1108305, generic type information of fields is reflectively available in Java. This is also true of method/constructor parameters. This explains how Spring can know that a particular generic type is required.

Additionally, bean definitions are often done via concrete classes or bean methods. Both of these cases retain their type information at compile time. This explains how Spring can know what the specific generic type of a bean is.

Putting these two together explains how Spring is able to fail when no bean matching a specific generic signature exists.


To make it concrete, I'm going to give an example. Let's say we have the following generic class:

public class GenericBean&lt;T&gt; {

Here are two bean definitions, one which is defined as a bean by using the @Service annotation on a subclass, and one by using @Bean within a Configuration class:

public class GenericBeanService extends GenericBean&lt;Integer&gt; {
public class GenericBeanConfig {
    public GenericBean&lt;String&gt; genericBean() {
        return new GenericBean&lt;&gt;();

In both of these cases, the generic type information of these beans is available at runtime using reflection. This means that Spring can use reflection to determine the specific generic types of the beans:

// GenericBean&lt;String&gt;

// GenericBean&lt;Integer&gt;

Here is an autowired class that uses the generic beans:

public class AutowiredClass {
    @Autowired private GenericBean&lt;String&gt; stringBean;
    @Autowired private GenericBean&lt;Integer&gt; integerBean;

Here too, the generic type information of the autowired fields is available at runtime using reflection. This means that Spring can use reflection to determine the specific generic types of the beans:

// GenericBean&lt;String&gt;

// GenericBean&lt;Integer&gt;

Since Spring can determine via reflection the generic types of the beans, and the types of the autowired properties, it can therefore correctly assign beans based on their generics.


得分: 1



void foo(){
  List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
  Class<?> listClass = list.getClass();

list 实例在运行时不知道其实际的类型参数值 String,但它的类 ArrayList(以及接口 List)确实知道它拥有一个类型参数,声明为 ET(尽管实际类型参数的名称可能仍然被擦除,只有边界才重要)。它的类型参数“投影”到实际类型 String 的事实被擦除了,但类型参数本身的存在并没有被擦除。


// 在Spring组件内部
private List<String> listOfStrings;

Spring 能够检测到有一个名为 listOfStrings 的字段需要自动装配,并且它期望与 List<String> 兼容的内容。因此,Spring 完全能够确定在消费端期望什么。

另一方面,通常使用 @Bean@Component 注解(或派生注解)注册 bean。而且再次强调,这些注解附加到保留其类型信息的方法或类上。

即使以编程方式添加 bean,仍然可以通过 GenericApplicationContext.registerBean()BeanDefinitionResolvableType 显式提供类型信息的选项。

最终,在两个端点都有提供类型信息的方法,并且 Spring 在连接 bean 提供程序和消费者方面做得很出色。


> Aren't type arguments supposed to be erased by runtime?

It is correct for class instances, but not for classes themselves. Classes keep information about their type parameters as well as their fields and methods. For example, in this code

    void foo(){
      List&lt;String&gt; list = new ArrayList&lt;String&gt;();
      Class&lt;?&gt; listClass = list.getClass();

list instance is not aware at runtime of its actual type parameter value String, but its class ArrayList (and interface List) is aware of owning a type parameter, declared as E or T (though actually type parameter name might still be erased, only bounds matter). It's fact of "projection" of type parameter into actual type String is erased, not the fact of existence of type param itself.

In same manner, declared class fields and methods also keep their type parameters, either actual or type variables. Even better in this case, as actual parameter values are stored. So, when you write something like this

    // inside Spring component
    private List&lt;String&gt; listOfStrings;

Spring is able to detect that there is a field named listOfStrings that needs to be autowired and it expects something compatible with List&lt;String&gt;. So, Spring is totally able to determine what is expected on the consuming end.

On the other end, you normally register beans with @Bean or @Component annotations (or derived). And again, these are attached to methods or classes that do keep their type information.

And even when beans are added programmatically, there are still options to provide type information explicitly through GenericApplicationContext.registerBean(), BeanDefinition and ResolvableType.

Ultimately, on both ends there are ways to provide type information, and Spring does great job to connecting bean providers and consumers.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月17日 12:39:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76701522.html



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