我的Angular RxJS combineLatest没有将类型传播到pipe操作符。

huangapple go评论92阅读模式

My angular rxjs combineLatest is not propagating the types to the pipe operator


The IDE properly identifies the two objects in the combineLatest operator as an IStory[] and string respectively. Once I pipe and destructure the content, the IDE identifies both elements as storys:unknown & selectedId:unknown. The IDE crashes with type errors when I run ng start

The code combines an Array<IStory> and a single string element and is filtered to return the IStory with a matching id value and assign it to an Observerable<IStory>.

  1. activeStory$: Observable<IStory> = combineLatest([
  2. this.backend.stories$, // IStory数组
  3. this.backend.selectedIdAction$ // 文本字符串
  4. ]).pipe(
  5. map(([storys, selectedId]) => // 数组解构
  6. storys.filter(story => story.id === selectedId)
  7. ));

The IDE properly identifies the two objects in the combineLatest operator as an IStory[] and string respectively. Once I pipe and destructure the content, the IDE identifies both elements as storys:unknown & selectedId:unknown. The IDE crashes with type errors when I run ng start

The code combines an Array<IStory> and a single string element and is filtered to return the IStory with a matching id value and assign it to an Observerable<IStory>.

  1. activeStory$:Observable&lt;IStory&gt; = combineLatest([
  2. this.backend.stories$, //array of IStory
  3. this.backend.selectedIdAction$ // a text string
  4. ]).pipe(
  5. map(([storys,selectedId]) =&gt; //array destructuring
  6. storys.filter(story =&gt; story.id === selectedId)
  7. ));


得分: 1

数组 [对象 {名称:“喷雾”,ID:“asdf”}]

storys.filter(story =&gt; story.id === selectedId)[0]


I did not resolve the type mismatch, but after testing the filter function on MDN with some dummy code, I realized I was returning an array.
Array [Object { name: "spray", id: "asdf" }]
The IDE was complaining about assigning an Array&lt;IStory&gt; to an IStory despite not recognizing the destructured elements. My working solution was to take index zero:

storys.filter(story =&gt; story.id === selectedId)[0]

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月14日 04:00:41
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76682860.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
