Guidewire Cloud文件传输解密

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Guidewire Cloud file transfer decryption


我们正在准备接收PGP加密文件,并需要在它们到达指定的S3存储桶后对其进行解密。我一直无法确定云基础架构是否支持这个操作。有太多相互冲突的安全标准和文件,有些说明如何执行此操作,而有些明确禁止在GW Cloud中执行此操作(例如iEncryption)。





We are preparing to receive PGP encrypted files and need to have them decypted after they arrive in the prescribed S3 bucket. I have been unable to determine if this is something the Cloud infrastructure supports or not. There are too many conflicting Security Standards and documents out there that either show how to go about doing this, or say in no uncertain terms, it is prohibited in GW Cloud (e.g. iEncryption)

I'd very much like to know if this is something we can build an implement? I was in the process of using PBEEncryptionPlugin as a framework, but things have ground to a halt, as no one is quite sure if this is allowed or not.

Or if there is another way we can go about decrypting and ingesting this file once it arrives in the S3 bucket. We are unable to perform the encryption/decryption as part of the file transfer process due to business constraints. However, if we can use PBEEncryptionPlugin as part of building an SFTP process that is Cloud-approved, then I am very, very happy to continue working on my plugin build.

Any help or clarification is greatly appreciated.


得分: 4


解决此问题的最佳方式是使用Integration Gateway应用程序。虽然Guidewire不允许在InsuranceSuite中直接进行解密,但Guidewire允许IG应用程序从S3存储桶中读取数据,进行解密,然后通过REST API发送到XCenter,或者可能将未加密的数据推送到另一个S3存储桶,以供XCenter获取。





Cloud standards are subject to change, so the following answer regards the cloud standards existing when this answer was written.

The best way to solve this problem would be an Integration Gateway app. While Guidewire doesn't allow for the decryption to happen in InsuranceSuite directly, Guidewire does allow for an IG app to read from an S3 bucket, decrypt, and then send to XCenter via rest api, or perhaps push to another S3 bucket unencrypted for XCenter to pick up.

If you are trying to do an SFTP integration, IG is again the best way to implement this. While you cannot create a custom integration within XCenter to send or receive files from an SFTP server, you can build an IG app which is called via REST from Xcenter and then interacts with an SFTP server.

You are correct that you should cease using the PBEEncryptionPlugin, as you've stated. Guidewire no longer allows encryption or decryption compute to be done directly in InsuranceSuite.

Keep in mind it's always advisable to check the current cloud standards which can be found in your docs link in a section entitled "Welcome To Guidewire Cloud Standards".

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