如何在Playwright Python中获取与特定GET请求关联的响应?

huangapple go评论146阅读模式

How do I get the response associated with a specific GET request in playwright python?


我想获取与GET请求相关联的响应。我正在使用Playwright Python。我在互联网上找不到解决我的问题的任何信息,这让我怀疑我对这个问题的理解是否有误。我有一个特定的GET请求,我正在尝试获取其JSON响应。我之所以使用Playwright,是因为我想触发GET请求,这些请求会在单击某些元素或滚动页面时发生。


page.on("request", lambda request: print(">>", request.method, request.url))
page.on("response", lambda response: print("<<", response.status, response.url))





I want to get the response associated with a GET request. I am using playwright python. I haven't been able to find anything on the internet to solve my problem, which is making me wonder if my understanding of this is flawed. I have a specific GET request whose JSON response is what I am trying to get. The reason why I am using playwright is because I want to trigger the GET requests, which happens when certain elements are clicked or when the page is scrolled.

I can view the GET request and its JSON response in the browser inspector's Network tab, I can also make the request using insomnia and get the response but I don't know how to go about it in playwright. Do I have to remake the request and get the response that way? It seems kinda inconvenient as there has to be a way to get the response, as I am able to display the GET, POST requests and their responses in the terminal using:

page.on(&quot;request&quot;, lambda request: print(&quot;&gt;&gt;&quot;, request.method, request.url))
page.on(&quot;response&quot;, lambda response: print(&quot;&lt;&lt;&quot;, response.status, response.url))

But I don't know what response is associated with the request as, in the browser inspector, you can simply click on the request and view its response. I would do it using the python requests library but that would be very inconvenient considering what I am trying to do next: use playwright to trigger multiple GET requests and get their JSON responses.

I know the GET request URL, and would like to get the the response to that specific request only.

I am new to playwright and programming overall and would appreciate it if you could as much as nudge me in the right direction. Thanks!


得分: 0

响应类有一个 request 对象。因此,您可以从响应中获取请求。


The response class has a request object. So you can get the request from a response.


得分: 0



from playwright.sync_api import Page
import json

def test_catchSearchResponse(page: Page):
    # 转到Playwright主页并点击搜索框:
    page.get_by_role('button', name='Search').click()

    # 捕获与填写搜索字段相关的响应:
    with page.expect_response("**.algolia.net/**") as response:
        # 在搜索框中填写一个字母以触发POST请求:
        page.get_by_placeholder('Search docs').fill('A')

        # 将响应的值打印为Python JSON对象:

        # 将响应的值打印为原始JSON:

了解更多信息 在文档中


In my understanding, this might solve your problem: Example of catching the search request on the Playwright homepage and print the response:

Update: added how to return raw json.

from playwright.sync_api import Page
import json

def test_catchSearchResponse(page: Page):
    # Goto playwright homepage and press search box:
    page.get_by_role(&#39;button&#39;, name=&#39;Search&#39;).click()

    # Catching response associated with filling searchfield:
    with page.expect_response(&quot;**.algolia.net/**&quot;) as response:

        # Fill a letter in searchbox to trigger the post-request:
        page.get_by_placeholder(&#39;Search docs&#39;).fill(&#39;A&#39;)

        # Printing the value of the response as a python json object:

        # Printing the value of the response as raw json:

More about it in the docs

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月13日 22:43:39
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