Destructured parameters causing eslint // {age, name} is missing in props

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Destructured parameters causing eslint // {age, name} is missing in props


I am using JavaScript. Destructuring like this will pick properties from the incoming argument object.

export default function App() {
    const data = { name: "name", age: "age" }

    return (
            <SHow data={data} />

// eslint error 'age' is missing in props validation eslintreact/prop-types (parameter) age: any

function SHow({ name, age }) {
    // eslint error 'age' and 'age' is missing in props

    return (

The code is working properly, so why ESLint is showing "eslint error 'age' and 'age' is missing in props"?

I tried this, but I don't want to create a new variable for each component.

function SHow(prop) {
    const { name, age } = prop;
    return (

Even after spreading <SHow {} />, it still shows.

Destructured parameters causing eslint // {age, name} is missing in props


i am using javascript
destructuring like this will pick properties from the incoming argument object

export default function App() {
    const data={name:&quot;name&quot;,age:&quot;age&quot;}

           &lt;SHow data={data}/&gt;

////eslint error &#39;age&#39; is missing in props validationeslintreact/prop-types (parameter) age: any

function SHow({name,age}) {**/////eslint error &#39;age&#39; and  &#39;age&#39; is missing in props**


the code is working properly
so why es lint showing /////eslint error 'age' and 'age' is missing in props

i tryed this but i don't want create new variable for each component

function SHow(prop) {
    **const {name,age} =prop**

even after spreading &lt;SHow {}/&gt; it still showing
Destructured parameters causing eslint // {age, name} is missing in props


得分: 3

问题是您只传递了一个名为 data 的单个属性与原始值。


<SHow {} />


<SHow name={name} age={age} />

要么解构 data 属性

function SHow({ data: { name, age } }) {
  // ...

听起来您已经启用了 ESLint 中的 react/prop-types 规则,但根本没有定义 propTypes

React 不再建议 使用 propTypes...

PropTypes 在现代 React 中不常用。使用 TypeScript 进行静态类型检查。

对于您的 JavaScript 项目,我要么禁用规则,要么包含 prop-types 库 并相应地定义类型

import PropTypes from "prop-types";

function SHow({ name, age }) {
  // ...

SHow.propTypes = {
  name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  age: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

The issue is you're only passing a single prop named data with the original.

Try either spreading the props

&lt;SHow {} /&gt;

which is the equivalent of

&lt;SHow name={name} age={age} /&gt;

or destructuring the data prop

function SHow({ data: { name, age } }) {
  // ...

Sounds like you've got the ESLint react/prop-types rule enabled but you're not defining propTypes at all.

React no longer recommends using propTypes...

> PropTypes aren’t commonly used in modern React. Use TypeScript for static type checking.

For your JavaScript project, I'd either disable the rule or include the prop-types library and define types accordingly

import PropTypes from &quot;prop-types&quot;;

function SHow({ name, age }) {
  // ...

SHow.propTypes = {
  name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  age: PropTypes.string.isRequired,


得分: 1


export default function App() {
  const data = { name: "name", age: "age" };

  return (
      <SHow data={data} />

function SHow({ data }) {
  return (

The prop you are passing is data. Try this :

export default function App() {
const data={name:&quot;name&quot;,age:&quot;age&quot;}

       &lt;SHow data={data}/&gt;

function SHow({data}) {


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月13日 17:42:15
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