PageLinks在使用Prime React库的Paginator时无法正常工作。

huangapple go评论69阅读模式

The PageLinks are not functioning while using Paginator of Prime React library



"The { FirstPageLink, PrevPageLink, NextPageLink, LastPageLink }, all this pagelinks are visible on the ui part but they are not functioning as expected. The button seems to be disabled, they are not even clickable nor the cursor changes while hovering over the links."

"这些 { FirstPageLink, PrevPageLink, NextPageLink, LastPageLink } 都显示在 UI 部分,但它们的功能不如预期。按钮似乎被禁用,它们甚至不可点击,鼠标悬停在链接上时光标也不会变化。"

"Here is my code of layout"


"And this is how it is rendered"


"I did the same thing as mentioned in the document but it did not work out."


"I tried to reinstall all the dependencies again but nothing worked."



The { FirstPageLink,PrevPageLink, NextPageLink, LastPageLink }, all this pagelinks are visible on the ui part but they are not functioning as expected. The button seems to be disabled, they are not even clickable nor the cursor changes while hovering over the links.

Here is my code of layout

 const template1 = {
        layout: 'Page CurrentPageReport RowsPerPageDropdown FirstPageLink PrevPageLink JumpToPageInput NextPageLink LastPageLink',
        JumpToPageInput: (options) => {
            //console.log(Math.ceil(sessionStorage.getItem("TotalRows") / options.props.rows).toString())

        return (
            <div >
                <span className="mx-3" style={{ color: 'black', userSelect: 'none' }}>
                    Page Number : <InputText size="2" className="ml-1" value={pageno}
                        maxLength={(Math.ceil(sessionStorage.getItem("TotalRows") / perPage)).toString()}
                        onKeyDown={(e) => onPageInputKeyDown(e, options)}
                        onChange={(e) => handleGoToPageChange(} /> of {(Math.ceil(sessionStorage.getItem("TotalRows") / perPage)).toString()}
                <button id="search-button" className="p-button" onClick={(e) => onPageInputKeyDown(e, options)}> GO </button>

And this is how it is rendered

 <DataTable className="gridfont"
                rowsPerPageOptions={[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100]}

I did the same thing as mentioned in the document but it did not workout
I tried to reinstall all the dependencies again but nothing worked


得分: 1

I think there are two main problems:

  1. Rows per page are calculated using the sessionStorage, because I don't have the rest of the code, so it is hard to solve the problem, but it may stop you from changing the value of InputText next to 'Page Number :' when you are using the property 'maxLength'.

  2. Using the standard button instead of the PrimeReact Button.

Please have a look at the sample below:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { DataTable } from 'primereact/datatable';
import { Column } from 'primereact/column';
import { Button } from 'primereact/button';
import { InputText } from 'primereact/inputtext';
import { ProductService } from './service/ProductService';

export default function BasicDemo() {
    const [products, setProducts] = useState([]);
    const [pageno, setPageno] = useState(1);
    const [perPage, setPerPage] = useState(2);

    useEffect(() => {
        ProductService.getProductsMini().then(data => setProducts(data));
    }, []);

    const template1 = {
        layout: 'Page CurrentPageReport RowsPerPageDropdown FirstPageLink PrevPageLink JumpToPageInput NextPageLink LastPageLink',
        JumpToPageInput: (options) => {
            return (
                <div >
                    <span className="mx-3" style={{ color: 'black', userSelect: 'none' }}>
                        Page Number : <InputText size="2" className="ml-1" value={pageno} onChange={(e) => setPageno(} /> 
                    <Button id="search-button" className="p-button" onClick={(e) => setPerPage(pageno)} label='Go'/>

    return (
        <div className="card">
            <DataTable value={products} tableStyle={{ minWidth: '50rem' }}
            rowsPerPageOptions={[2,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100]}
                <Column field="code" header="Code"></Column>
                <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column>
                <Column field="category" header="Category"></Column>
                <Column field="quantity" header="Quantity"></Column>

Sample of code


I think there are two main problems:

  1. Rows per page are calculated using the sessionStorage, because I don't have the rest of the code, so it is hard to solve the problem, but it may stop you to change the value of InputText next to 'Page Number :' when you using the property 'maxLength'

  2. Using the standard button instead of the PrimeReact Button.

Please have a look on the sample below:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from &#39;react&#39;;
import { DataTable } from &#39;primereact/datatable&#39;;
import { Column } from &#39;primereact/column&#39;;
import { Button } from &#39;primereact/button&#39;;
import { InputText } from &#39;primereact/inputtext&#39;;
import { ProductService } from &#39;./service/ProductService&#39;;
export default function BasicDemo() {
const [products, setProducts] = useState([]);
const [pageno, setPageno] = useState(1);
const [perPage, setPerPage] = useState(2);
useEffect(() =&gt; {
ProductService.getProductsMini().then(data =&gt; setProducts(data));
}, []);
const template1 = {
layout: &#39;Page CurrentPageReport RowsPerPageDropdown FirstPageLink PrevPageLink JumpToPageInput NextPageLink LastPageLink&#39;,
JumpToPageInput: (options) =&gt; {
return (
&lt;div &gt;
&lt;span className=&quot;mx-3&quot; style={{ color: &#39;black&#39;, userSelect: &#39;none&#39; }}&gt;
Page Number : &lt;InputText size=&quot;2&quot; className=&quot;ml-1&quot; value={pageno}                                          
onChange={(e) =&gt; setPageno(} /&gt; 
&lt;Button id=&quot;search-button&quot; className=&quot;p-button&quot; onClick={(e) =&gt; setPerPage(pageno)} label=&#39;Go&#39;/&gt;
return (
&lt;div className=&quot;card&quot;&gt;
&lt;DataTable value={products} tableStyle={{ minWidth: &#39;50rem&#39; }}
rowsPerPageOptions={[2,10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100]}
&lt;Column field=&quot;code&quot; header=&quot;Code&quot;&gt;&lt;/Column&gt;
&lt;Column field=&quot;name&quot; header=&quot;Name&quot;&gt;&lt;/Column&gt;
&lt;Column field=&quot;category&quot; header=&quot;Category&quot;&gt;&lt;/Column&gt;
&lt;Column field=&quot;quantity&quot; header=&quot;Quantity&quot;&gt;&lt;/Column&gt;

Sample of code

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月13日 14:27:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
