
huangapple go评论83阅读模式

Get leading element for the lexicographical order



lexorder <- function(M) {
  do.call(order, lapply(seq_len(ncol(M)), function(i) M[, i]))
lexsort <- function(M) {
  M[lexorder(M), ]



If M is a numeric matrix, I can order its rows with respect to the lexicographical order by running lexsort(M) where

lexorder &lt;- function(M) {
  do.call(order, lapply(seq_len(ncol(M)), function(i) M[, i]))
lexsort &lt;- function(M) {
  M[lexorder(M), ]

But I'm only interested in getting the greater row (the last one of the ordered matrix). Can we avoid ordering everything to more efficiently extract the last row?


得分: 3



lex_max <- function(M,i=1){
  d <- dim(M)
  if(d[1] == 1 | i > d[2])M[1,]
  else lex_max(M[max(M[,i]) == M[,i],,drop = FALSE], i+1)

a <- matrix(sample(500, 1e5, TRUE), 10)



        OP=lexsort(a)[nrow(a),],lexmaxrow(a), check = 'equal')

Unit: microseconds
         expr     min       lq      mean   median       uq     max neval
   lex_max(a)    45.7    57.95    80.442    65.55    87.45   306.4   100
           OP 15819.5 19437.25 25579.100 22246.55 29002.80 68948.8   100
 lexmaxrow(a) 16393.9 18739.65 25210.846 22022.40 29098.75 47731.1   100
a <- matrix(sample(500, 1e5, TRUE), 500)

Unit: microseconds
         expr   min     lq    mean median      uq     max neval
   lex_max(a)   5.7   9.90  93.152  12.85   19.70  7124.0   100
           OP 577.0 629.75 907.524 699.20 1017.70  7771.4   100
 lexmaxrow(a) 470.5 521.05 875.526 619.45  908.85 10049.1   100
a <- matrix(sample(500, 1e5, TRUE), ncol=10)

Unit: microseconds
         expr   min    lq     mean median      uq     max neval
   lex_max(a)  60.2  97.5  137.462  120.0  164.40   650.5   100
           OP 594.0 775.9 1359.959  966.8 1251.35 14719.9   100
 lexmaxrow(a) 475.1 624.1 1013.927  769.5  936.60 11775.1   100

在所有情况下,`lex_max` 函数的性能均快约10
### 编辑:


which_lexmax <- function(M,i=1, b = seq_len(nrow(M))){
  d <- dim(M)
  if(d[1] == 1 | i > d[2])b[1]
  else lex_max(M[mx <- max(M[,i]) == M[,i],,drop = FALSE], i+1, b[mx])

You couls write a recursive function that works faster:

lex_max &lt;- function(M,i=1){
d &lt;- dim(M)
if(d[1] == 1 | i &gt; d[2])M[1,]
else lex_max(M[max(M[,i]) == M[,i],,drop = FALSE], i+1)
a &lt;- matrix(sample(500, 1e5, TRUE), 10)

The timings:

Large number of columns:

OP=lexsort(a)[nrow(a),],lexmaxrow(a), check = &#39;equal&#39;)
Unit: microseconds
expr     min       lq      mean   median       uq     max neval
lex_max(a)    45.7    57.95    80.442    65.55    87.45   306.4   100
OP 15819.5 19437.25 25579.100 22246.55 29002.80 68948.8   100
lexmaxrow(a) 16393.9 18739.65 25210.846 22022.40 29098.75 47731.1   100

a &lt;- matrix(sample(500, 1e5, TRUE), 500)
Unit: microseconds
expr   min     lq    mean median      uq     max neval
lex_max(a)   5.7   9.90  93.152  12.85   19.70  7124.0   100
OP 577.0 629.75 907.524 699.20 1017.70  7771.4   100
lexmaxrow(a) 470.5 521.05 875.526 619.45  908.85 10049.1   100

Large number of rows

a &lt;- matrix(sample(500, 1e5, TRUE), ncol=10)
Unit: microseconds
expr   min    lq     mean median      uq     max neval
lex_max(a)  60.2  97.5  137.462  120.0  164.40   650.5   100
OP 594.0 775.9 1359.959  966.8 1251.35 14719.9   100
lexmaxrow(a) 475.1 624.1 1013.927  769.5  936.60 11775.1   100

In all the instances the lex_max function performs >~10x faster


If you need the position, you could simply do:

which_lexmax &lt;- function(M,i=1, b = seq_len(nrow(M))){
d &lt;- dim(M)
if(d[1] == 1 | i &gt; d[2])b[1]
else lex_max(M[mx &lt;- max(M[,i]) == M[,i],,drop = FALSE], i+1, b[mx])


得分: 2


如果您想要得到具有最高词典顺序的行 行索引,您可以尝试以下代码

lex_max2 <- function(M) {
    i <- 1
    nc <- ncol(M)
    idx <- 1:nrow(M)
    repeat {
        p <- max(M[, i]) == M[, i]
        idx <- idx

M <- M

if (length(idx) == 1) { return(list(lexmaxval = M, index = idx)) } else { i <- i + 1 } } }


> M <- rbind(c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 2, 2), c(2, 3, 2), c(2, 2, 3))

> lex_max2(M)
[1] 2 3 2

[1] 3

Previous Solution

Onyambu的回答 类似,但使用repeat而不是递归

lex_max2 <- function(M) {
    i <- 1
    nc <- ncol(M)
    repeat {
        M <- M[max(M[, i]) == M[, i], ]
        if (length(M) == nc) {
        } else {
            i <- i + 1


> set.seed(0)

> M1 <- matrix(sample(500, 1e6, TRUE), ncol = 100)

> microbenchmark(
+     lex_max(M1),
+     lex_max2(M1),
+     check = "equal"
+ )
Unit: microseconds
         expr  min    lq    mean median     uq    max neval
  lex_max(M1) 67.3 88.10 154.193  90.45 101.30 5700.1   100
 lex_max2(M1) 60.0 85.75  94.461  87.80  97.15  158.9   100

> M2 <- matrix(sample(500, 1e7, TRUE), 500)

> microbenchmark(
+     lex_max(M2),
+     lex_max2(M2),
+     check = "equal"
+ )
Unit: microseconds
         expr   min     lq    mean median     uq   max neval
  lex_max(M2) 135.9 187.00 232.651 200.25 254.95 597.1   100
 lex_max2(M2)  89.6 113.15 152.559 126.20 159.40 528.7   100


If you want both the row with highest lexicographical order and the row index, you can try the code below

lex_max2 &lt;- function(M) {
i &lt;- 1
nc &lt;- ncol(M)
idx &lt;- 1:nrow(M)
repeat {
p &lt;- max(M[, i]) == M[, i]
idx &lt;- idx

M &lt;- M

if (length(idx) == 1) { return(list(lexmaxval = M, index = idx)) } else { i &lt;- i + 1 } } }

and an example is

&gt; M &lt;- rbind(c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 2, 2), c(2, 3, 2), c(2, 2, 3))
&gt; lex_max2(M)
[1] 2 3 2
[1] 3

Previous Solution

Similar idea to Onyambu's answer but using repeat rather than recursion

lex_max2 &lt;- function(M) {
i &lt;- 1
nc &lt;- ncol(M)
repeat {
M &lt;- M[max(M[, i]) == M[, i], ]
if (length(M) == nc) {
} else {
i &lt;- i + 1

and you can see a bit speed improvement

&gt; set.seed(0)
&gt; M1 &lt;- matrix(sample(500, 1e6, TRUE), ncol = 100)
&gt; microbenchmark(
+     lex_max(M1),
+     lex_max2(M1),
+     check = &quot;equal&quot;
+ )
Unit: microseconds
expr  min    lq    mean median     uq    max neval
lex_max(M1) 67.3 88.10 154.193  90.45 101.30 5700.1   100
lex_max2(M1) 60.0 85.75  94.461  87.80  97.15  158.9   100
&gt; M2 &lt;- matrix(sample(500, 1e7, TRUE), 500)
&gt; microbenchmark(
+     lex_max(M2),
+     lex_max2(M2),
+     check = &quot;equal&quot;
+ )
Unit: microseconds
expr   min     lq    mean median     uq   max neval
lex_max(M2) 135.9 187.00 232.651 200.25 254.95 597.1   100
lex_max2(M2)  89.6 113.15 152.559 126.20 159.40 528.7   100

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月13日 12:37:50
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76675972.html



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