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TypeScript IntRange which supports negative values



declare type Enumerate<N extends number, Acc extends number[] = []> = Acc['length'] extends N
    ? Acc[number]
    : Enumerate<N, [...Acc, Acc['length']]>

declare type IntRange<F extends number, T extends number> = Exclude<Enumerate<T>, Enumerate<F>>


TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.

要支持在 TypeScript 中使用负数范围,你可以将类型 IntRange 修改如下:

declare type Enumerate<N extends number, Acc extends number[] = []> = Acc['length'] extends N
    ? Acc[number]
    : Enumerate<N, [...Acc, Acc['length']]>

declare type IntRange<F extends number, T extends number> = F extends 0
    ? Exclude<Enumerate<T>, Enumerate<0>>
    : Exclude<Enumerate<T>, Enumerate<F>> | Exclude<Enumerate<0>, Enumerate<F>>

通过这个修改,你应该能够在 TypeScript 中支持负数范围了。

declare type Enumerate&lt;N extends number, Acc extends number[] = []&gt; = Acc[&#39;length&#39;] extends N
    ? Acc[number]
    : Enumerate&lt;N, [...Acc, Acc[&#39;length&#39;]]&gt;

declare type IntRange&lt;F extends number, T extends number&gt; = Exclude&lt;Enumerate&lt;T&gt;, Enumerate&lt;F&gt;&gt;

This works for integer ranges like IntRange&lt;25, 200&gt; but when I give it a negative like IntRange&lt;-25, 200&gt; I get this error:

TS2589: Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite.

How can I support integer ranges in TypeScript with negative numbers?


得分: 1




  • 操纵tuple types并检查它们的length属性。例如,向元组类型附加或前置元素相当于增加,连接元组类型相当于加法。这相对简单,但将域限制为相当有限的非负整数。您的Enumerate实用程序类型就是这样工作的。

  • 操纵template literal types并更精确地推断解析字符串字面类型。这允许您将字符串字面类型转换为数字字面类型,反之亦然,因此您可以通过序列化和反序列化数字的Number.prototype.toString(10)表示来设计基于字符串的数学操作的实现。这可能会变得复杂/丑陋,但允许您处理大数字、负数、分数等等。

因此,要使您的IntRange<F, T>能够处理负数,您至少需要在某种程度上使用模板字面类型。以下是一个取负数的方法:

type Negate<N extends number> =
  N extends 0 ? 0 :
  `${N}` extends `-${infer S extends number}` ? S :
  `-${N}` extends `${infer S extends number}` ? S :

type X = Negate<1.23>;
// type X = -1.23
type Y = Negate<-1.2e-26>;
// type Y = 1.2e-26



type NonNegativeIntRange<F extends number, T extends number> =
  Exclude<Enumerate<T>, Enumerate<F>>;

type NegativeIntRange<F extends number, T extends number> =
  Exclude<Negate<NonNegativeIntRange<Negate<T>, Negate<F>>> | F, T>;

type MixedIntRange<F extends number, T extends number> =
  F | Negate<Enumerate<Negate<F>> | Enumerate<T>>;

type IntRange<F extends number, T extends number> =
  `${F}` extends `-${string}` ?
  `${T}` extends `-${string}` ?
  NegativeIntRange<F, T> :
  MixedIntRange<F, T> :
  NonNegativeIntRange<F, T>;

有三种有效的方式来调用IntRange<F, T>:要么FT都是负数,都是非负数,要么F是负数而T是非负数(第四种可能性,即F是非负数而T是负数,是无效的,因为F必须小于或等于T)。因此,我们只需检查我们处于哪种情况,然后委托给NonNegativeIntRange(您的原始实现)、NegativeIntRange(将F更改为Negate<T>并将T更改为Negate<F>,调用NonNegativeIntRange<F, T>,然后对结果进行Negate)或MixedIntRange(在Negate<F>T上使用Enumerate并处理端点)。


type X = IntRange<25, 30>;
//   ^?type X = 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29

type Y = IntRange<-30, -25>;
//   ^?type Y = -30 | -26 | -27 | -28 | -29

type Z = IntRange<-2, 3>;
//   ^?type Z = 0 | 1 | 2 | -2 | -1



type Digit = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;

type Next = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
type Inc<T extends number> =
  T extends -1 ? 0 :
  `${T}` extends `-${infer N extends number}` ? `-${Dec<N>}` extends
  `${infer M extends number}` ? M : never :
  `${T}` extends `${infer F extends number


TypeScript does not natively support *numeric range types*; the current open discussion of this feature is [microsoft/TypeScript#54925](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/54925), and it&#39;s not clear that this will ever be implemented.  Until and unless this happens, we&#39;ll need to use [unions](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#union-types) of numeric [literal types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types) to represent integer ranges.

Furthermore, TypeScript does not natively support *mathematical operations on numeric literal types*; the current open feature request for that is [microsoft/TypeScript#26382](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/26382).  Until and unless this happens, we&#39;ll need to use roundabout methods to get the type system to compute these things.

The two ways I know of to make the type system compute math-like operations on numeric literal types are:

* manipulation of [tuple types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/objects.html#tuple-types) and inspection of their `length` properties.  For example, appending or prepending elements to tuple types corresponds to incrementation, and concatenating tuple types corresponds to addition.  This is fairly straightforward, but limits the domain to non-negative integers of a fairly modest size.  Your `Enumerate` utility type works this way.

* manipulation of [template literal types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-4-1.html#template-literal-types) and [more precise inference of parsed string literal types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-4-8.html#improved-inference-for-infer-types-in-template-string-types).  This lets you convert string literal types to numeric literal types and vice versa, and thus you can devise string-based implementations of mathematical operations, by serializing and deserializing the [`Number.prototype.toString(10)` representation of numbers](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/toString).  This can be complicated/ugly, but lets you potentially deal with large numbers, negative numbers, fractional number, etc.

In order for your `IntRange&lt;F, T&gt;` to work with negative numbers, therefore, you&#39;ll need to use template literals types, at least in part.  Here&#39;s a way to negate a number:

    type Negate&lt;N extends number&gt; =
      N extends 0 ? 0 :
      `${N}` extends `-${infer S extends number}` ? S :
      `-${N}` extends `${infer S extends number}` ? S :
    type X = Negate&lt;1.23&gt;;
    // type X = -1.23
    type Y = Negate&lt;-1.2e-26&gt;
    // type Y = 1.2e-26

That works by parsing the string representation of a number and either peeling off or adding on an initial `&quot;-&quot;` character.

You can use that with `Enumerate` as follows:

    type NonNegativeIntRange&lt;F extends number, T extends number&gt; =
      Exclude&lt;Enumerate&lt;T&gt;, Enumerate&lt;F&gt;&gt;

    type NegativeIntRange&lt;F extends number, T extends number&gt; =
      Exclude&lt;Negate&lt;NonNegativeIntRange&lt;Negate&lt;T&gt;, Negate&lt;F&gt;&gt;&gt; | F, T&gt;;

    type MixedIntRange&lt;F extends number, T extends number&gt; =
      F | Negate&lt;Enumerate&lt;Negate&lt;F&gt;&gt;&gt; | Enumerate&lt;T&gt;

    type IntRange&lt;F extends number, T extends number&gt; =
      `${F}` extends `-${string}` ?
      `${T}` extends `-${string}` ?
      NegativeIntRange&lt;F, T&gt; :
      MixedIntRange&lt;F, T&gt; :
      NonNegativeIntRange&lt;F, T&gt;;

There are three valid ways to call `IntRange&lt;F, T&gt;`: either `F` and `T` are both negative, both non-negative, or `F` is negative and `T` is non-negative (the fourth possibility, where `F` is non-negative and `T` is negative, is invalid, because `F` must be less than or equal to `T`).  So we just check which of those situations we&#39;re in, and then delegate either to `NonNegativeIntRange` (your original implemenation), `NegativeIntRange` (change `F` to `Negate&lt;T&gt;` and `T` to `Negate&lt;F&gt;`, call `NonNegativeIntRange&lt;F, T&gt;`, and then `Negate` the result), or `MixedIntRange` (use `Enumerate` on `Negate&lt;F&gt;` and `T` and fiddle with endpoints).

Let&#39;s test it:

    type X = IntRange&lt;25, 30&gt;;
    //   ^?type X = 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29
    type Y = IntRange&lt;-30, -25&gt;;
    //   ^?type Y = -30 | -26 | -27 | -28 | -29
    type Z = IntRange&lt;-2, 3&gt;;
    //   ^?type Z = 0 | 1 | 2 | -2 | -1

So that will work for your question as asked.  Note that `Enumerate` is a [tail-recursive conditional type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-4-5.html#tail-recursion-elimination-on-conditional-types) so it will necessarily only work situations where `T` and `F` have magnitudes less than 1000.


If you wanted it to work for larger magnitudes but still don&#39;t need situations where `T` minus `F` is bigger than 1000 (or 999 or something) then you&#39;ll need to abandon `Enumerate`&#39;s tuple types and implement an integer increment/decrement operation with template literal types.  Maybe like this:

    type Digit = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;

    type Next = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
    type Inc&lt;T extends number&gt; =
      T extends -1 ? 0 :
      `${T}` extends `-${infer N extends number}` ? `-${Dec&lt;N&gt;}` extends
      `${infer M extends number}` ? M : never :
      `${T}` extends `${infer F extends number}${Digit}` ?
      `${T}` extends `${F}${infer D extends Digit}` ?
      `${D extends 9 ? Inc&lt;F&gt; : F}${Next[D]}` extends
      `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never : never :
      T extends 9 ? 10 : Next[T]

    type Prev = [9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
    type Dec&lt;T extends number&gt; =
      `${T}` extends `-${infer N extends number}` ? `-${Inc&lt;N&gt;}` extends
      `${infer M extends number}` ? M : never :
      `${T}` extends `${infer F extends number}${Digit}` ?
      `${T}` extends `${F}${infer D extends Digit}` ?
      `${D extends 0 ? Dec&lt;F&gt; extends 0 ? &quot;&quot; : Dec&lt;F&gt; : F}${Prev[D]}` extends
      `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never : never :
      T extends 0 ? -1 : Prev[T]

These are conditional types, where `Inc` on a negative number resolves to `Dec` and vice versa, and where the last digit is incremented or decremented and then, when necessary, a carry or borrow operation is performed on the previous digit recursively.  Then `Intrange` can be defined simply enough as

    type IntRange&lt;F extends number, T extends number, A extends number = never&gt; =
      F extends T ? A : IntRange&lt;Inc&lt;F&gt;, T, F | A&gt;

where you just increment from `F` to `T`.   Let&#39;s test it:

    type X = IntRange&lt;25, 30&gt;;
    //   ^?type X = 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29

    type Y = IntRange&lt;-30, -25&gt;;
    //   ^?type Y = -30 | -26 | -27 | -28 | -29

    type Z = IntRange&lt;-2, 3&gt;;
    //   ^?type Z = 0 | 1 | 2 | -2 | -1

    type W = IntRange&lt;12345678, 12345703&gt;
    // type W = 12345678 | 12345679 | 12345680 | 12345681 | 12345682 | 12345683 | 12345684 | 12345685 | 
    //    12345686 | 12345687 | 12345688 | 12345689 | 12345690 | 12345691 | 12345692 | 12345693 | 12345694 | 
    //    12345695 | 12345696 | 12345697 | 12345698 | 12345699 | 12345700 | 12345701 | 12345702

    type V = IntRange&lt;-987654321, -987654315&gt;
    // type V = -987654321 | -987654320 | -987654319 | -987654318 | -987654317 | -987654316

That works even for relatively large numbers, although it would fail spectacularly for numbers written in scientific notation, or fractions, etc.


Handling arbitrarily large numbers would require more work.  So would handling ranges where `T` minus `F` is bigger than a thousand but less than about a hundred thousand.  Handling ranges where `T` minus `F` is bigger than a hundred thousand would require native support for numeric range types, since unions cannot hold more elements than about a hundred thousand.

[Playground link to code](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?noErrorTruncation=true#code/HYQwtgpgzgDiDGEAEApeIA2AvJBvAUEkqJLAsgKLACukATiAC4D2dehRSjAnjJTfSYQAPADkkEAB6MIwACZRitAEYQ6AGiQBBCdNkKlYVXQDaAXSQBeJOYB8Vjp20mA5BlkBzRgAsXFqTLyiuIA-M4CxmaOnABcSFS0akJimiYAdBlamlqu7sBevmZmttE8fEiiEB7J4gH6ihFq9pbRRLV6QUgADEhhPTGtSAAGACS4ogC+Q7qBBkMAtGMAlsAAZmpIAMoz9YbGU71bSANORAtjk9N1naO4K+ts29cGjXQHYdsnp8AQAG5qAG58KVeMgABqSKwVKrJACMaQATABmWxApwAenRXFBSAhUPm8ORIPKAE1uNwoZVqjJhATERB5giAGwlDFYsrIElQwkM5nApwcirMYBUphLf4ASWAjAASiB8iIAGI7TqvTQAFRVLxUTQcp3ikngGGochECUENPVtk05qSNMVthKxOQosY4ogUtl8o8Sq1DR1GiQmue-qMupa+oohuNprEMJpomFrvdnrlCrj1JEVs0rqVjvsAB8kIqNaj+ZxBQBZJaSCByVPe30hvZqDV+lt0ZqDZVF3PCW0MBPxvOOpBFgfJK3A51IBvp5XNtVB9uvLv626Kg7N864KCMOgrDzvQa3dVbjpzRa7-eH4-65OS6Vpn3CEtB+xfJzV2v1p+N1+lscgyJiK8Ypn+86lkCM5glCc4vgiACsmhIl0ZZspwAB6ISCrB1hIWOSDMoRCIAOwkQAHCRACc5ZEIKXLWPBIjzKhmiMoh6GcJiWE4TijFIKxPRFoyTKEYy5EiQiVFSbRM4AFpwRBL6MihXFEDxRDYYKinWMJSCwiR4kIuJsLlhM5YkNAcCILOwDwAAIhA8DsDODlLB4SyMFC+mGUWJlFkihEACyEYhhFiUWklIDJSDUdBAo4pU0hQiYsKaAiKGaMFmjIUgTKaKRmgUZo1GaF0ZhohWOJSvAwjBheobGGupwNbMigEoc-QnmMZ5XI1wxXvcGztO1HbvINYxOXVoi2Oe7U9XcawbJWK4BhNq1xD8-xsJ+nCnvNuy3MNbALgNrwTFNHleXepwHf1Y0bpdS0PEgDntu5nmMLdTi3O9zbUYctWvh+xbPcljAmA5ZiHUEi0nRUa1hm80xhOIW1-BsGM7UB+ptbsgNhLC-TQtIJjqlEM4AAp0H8qVld0mjpURWVIDlSB5QVSBFTFlVuc59VI81ep3b1sOXssy1sKNuwXajk24MDs3i1A8NS0gq2Lut8ubcQmO7YtfXtsd6tnWNF1XV9P37WLD1HWMm6S69-0DZ9N2o4tLtjT0YTTSD7Y+0gABEQfHG9AsOmHju4DTfxQzDdtw+uTsjULagTejes49jWODPjnSB51cSx785OU4l5TMa+aeBvn2rI9kNdQtt4bdu2mphDocRV8DDoapoPbaE6FfgkpXrpkhKFoVVGlYlpfHlHhRHhf5kVEdF0k0XR2KkmPz4sWxglIepSCaUg2n8fiqHGWvEnGbFjJySPSC6XZ48qZlSAojPp9z+fC-IFfr5IyUlTLb0FAAdT3v+WEyJgqISZKREqBk4GIVIl0FE0QeKQO5KgxBsVYFIngYgwGRZCHEIor5PBFE-IoKIQgiiAU6EUKCmQ6hoU2H0KZBRFeSAsF-2YQwte5CGHRREdwgh1DSGCKZNRKhXDqK0PEdRJhyjWEyOohwvhGFODKN4co4ReDqJiKMZIhR0iRHoPkfA9BSjUHoIROAnEAA1aB6Z5jUQoqRJkiFgpIgRMzDxXifF+NhJxfhO9kCuOsEE7xvj-G0NiSE-x+kknxNhNItJoSH6eLiaE6KWSkSwiZNOIgFl8ATCAA)


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月11日 09:00:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76658139.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
