Run nested function for multiple regressions on independent variables for each outcome variable and plot coefficients graphically

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Run nested function for multiple regressions on independent variables for each outcome variable and plot coefficients graphically





outcome_var_list <- mtcars %>% select(qsec,hp) %>% names()
var_list <- mtcars %>% select(cyl,wt) %>% names()

iterate <- sapply(outcome_var_list, function(x) {
  (one_df <- sapply(var_list, function(k) {
    mod <- lm(data=mtcars, paste(x, " ~ ", k, ":factor(drat)", sep = ""))
    mod_df <-
  # 使用rownames和coefficient作为占位符列名
  mod_df %>% ggplot(aes(x = factor(mod_df), y = coefficient, color = variable)) + geom_line()




mod <- lm(data = mtcars, qsec ~ cyl:factor(drat))
mod_df <-
mod_df <- tibble::rownames_to_column(mod_df)
# 重命名行名
mod_df <- mod_df %>% mutate(rowname = str_replace(mod_df$rowname, pattern = "cyl:factor[(]drat[)]", replacement = ""))
# 重命名列名
names(mod_df) <- c("xvar", "yvar")
# 移除截距项
mod_df <- mod_df[2:nrow(mod_df),]
# 添加自变量标签
mod_df$color = "cyl"

# 重复第二个自变量的操作
mod2 <- lm(data = mtcars, qsec ~ wt:factor(drat))
mod2_df <-
mod2_df <- tibble::rownames_to_column(mod2_df)
# 重命名行名
mod2_df <- mod2_df %>% mutate(rowname = str_replace(mod2_df$rowname, pattern = "wt:factor[(]drat[)]", replacement = ""))
# 重命名列名
names(mod2_df) <- c("xvar", "yvar")
# 移除截距项
mod2_df <- mod2_df[2:nrow(mod2_df),]
# 添加自变量标签
mod2_df$color = "wt"

combined_df <- rbind(mod_df, mod2_df)
combined_df %>% ggplot(aes(x = as.numeric(xvar), y = yvar, color = color)) + geom_line() + ggtitle("qsec") + theme_light() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))


Run nested function for multiple regressions on independent variables for each outcome variable and plot coefficients graphically



I am trying to run a set of nested functions in order to perform multiple regressions and graph the results. For the regression, I have a list of outcome variables, and a list of independent variables. I want to run each independent variable as an interaction term with in separate regressions, and do this for each outcome variable. My intention is to perform the above, store the results as dataframes, then create ggplot graphs for each outcome variable, with each independent variable as a different predicted line.

My code as of right now would be something like the following (modelled using the mtcars dataset)


outcome_var_list = mtcars %&gt;% select(qsec,hp) %&gt;% names()
var_list = mtcars %&gt;% select(cyl,wt) %&gt;% names()

iterate &lt;- sapply(outcome_var_list,function(x){(one_df = sapply(var_list,function(k){

mod &lt;- lm(data=mtcars, paste(x,&quot; ~ &quot;,k,&quot;:factor(drat)&quot;,sep = &quot;&quot;))

mod_df &lt;-

#using rownames and coefficient as placeholder names for the actual column names
mod_df %&gt;% ggplot(aes(x = factor(mod_df), y= coefficient, color = variable)) + geom_line()


The above does not successfully run. Problems I encounter are that the coefficients do not seem to store as dataframes within the sapply function, and only take on a matrix. Is it perhaps not the right case in which to use nested functions? Or, is there something else I must change to execute this properly? I would like to store each line plot the function produces, and title it with the corresponding outcome variable. Is this possible, or is there another approach to writing a function that I should consider?


Here is the code to generate a single plot for only 1 outcome variable and only 2 independent variables (manually)

mod &lt;- lm(data= mtcars, qsec ~ cyl:factor(drat))
mod_df &lt;-
mod_df &lt;- tibble::rownames_to_column(mod_df)
#rename rowname
mod_df &lt;- mod_df %&gt;% mutate(rowname = str_replace(mod_df$rowname,pattern = &quot;cyl:factor[(]drat[)]&quot;,replacement = &quot;&quot;))
names(mod_df) &lt;- c(&quot;xvar&quot;,&quot;yvar&quot;)
#remove intercept
mod_df &lt;- mod_df[2:nrow(mod_df),]
#add label for independent variable
mod_df$color = &quot;cyl&quot;
#repeat for second independent variable

mod2 &lt;- lm(data= mtcars, qsec ~ wt:factor(drat))
mod2_df &lt;-
mod2_df &lt;- tibble::rownames_to_column(mod2_df)
#rename rowname
mod2_df &lt;- mod2_df %&gt;% mutate(rowname = str_replace(mod2_df$rowname,pattern = &quot;wt:factor[(]drat[)]&quot;,replacement = &quot;&quot;))
names(mod2_df) &lt;- c(&quot;xvar&quot;,&quot;yvar&quot;)
#remove intercept
mod2_df &lt;- mod2_df[2:nrow(mod2_df),]
#add label for independent variable
mod2_df$color = &quot;wt&quot;

combined_df &lt;- rbind(mod_df,mod2_df)
combined_df %&gt;% ggplot(aes(x=as.numeric(xvar), y=yvar, color = color)) + geom_line() + ggtitle(&quot;qsec&quot;) + theme_light() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

The resulting plot is the following:

Run nested function for multiple regressions on independent variables for each outcome variable and plot coefficients graphically

Is there a way to automate this over multiple outcome variables and independent variables for each one?


得分: 2


mtcars %>%
  select(all_of(c(outcome_var_list, var_list)), drat) %>%
  pivot_longer(all_of(var_list)) %>%
               name/factor(drat):value + 0, data = .))) %>%
  select(response, term, estimate) %>%
  mutate(color = str_extract(term, "(?<=name)[^:]+"),
         xvar = as.numeric(str_extract(term, "[0-9.]+"))) %>%

检查所有生成的值与您的值是否匹配。如果您只需要与 qsec 相关的系数,可以筛选数据框。


The code to obtain all the necessary coefficients will be:

mtcars %&gt;%
  select(all_of(c(outcome_var_list, var_list)), drat)%&gt;%
               name/factor(drat):value + 0, data = .)))%&gt;%
  select(response, term, estimate)%&gt;%
  mutate(color = str_extract(term, &quot;(?&lt;=name)[^:]+&quot;),
         xvar = as.numeric(str_extract(term, &quot;[0-9.]+&quot;)))%&gt;%

Check all the values results generated against your values. They should match.

eg if you only need the coefficients regarding qsec you could filter the dataframe.


得分: 2


# 基础 R 代码:

fm <- sprintf("cbind(%s)~time/factor(drat):%s + 0", 
              toString(outcome_var_list), var_list[1])

cfs <- subset(mtcars, select = c(outcome_var_list, var_list, "drat")) %>%
  reshape(varying = list(var_list), dir = 'long', times = var_list) %>%
  lm(fm, data=_) %>%

final_df <- na.omit(data.frame(xvar = as.numeric(trimws(rownames(cfs),,"\\D")),
      yvar = c(cfs), color = sub("time(.*?):.*", '\', rownames(cfs)),
      response = colnames(cfs)[col(cfs)]))

  xvar       yvar color response
3  2.76  -1.286761   cyl     qsec
4  2.76  -2.701420    wt     qsec
5  2.93  -1.189608   cyl     qsec
6  2.93  -1.900810    wt     qsec
7  3.00  -1.209608   cyl     qsec
8  3.00  -1.869331    wt     qsec
9  3.07  -1.228775   cyl     qsec
10 3.07  -2.664112    wt     qsec
11 3.08  -1.319161   cyl     qsec
12 3.08  -2.760143    wt     qsec
13 3.15  -1.292108   cyl     qsec
14 3.15  -3.141629    wt     qsec
15 3.21  -1.457108   cyl     qsec
16 3.21  -3.394749    wt     qsec
17 3.23  -1.259608   cyl     qsec
18 3.23  -1.971797    wt     qsec
19 3.54  -1.612108   cyl     qsec

# 将结果与您的组合数据框进行比较。

# 请注意,提供的方法是通用的。

base R code:

fm &lt;- sprintf(&quot;cbind(%s)~time/factor(drat):%s + 0&quot;, 
              toString(outcome_var_list), var_list[1])

cfs &lt;- subset(mtcars, select = c(outcome_var_list, var_list, &quot;drat&quot;))|&gt;
  reshape(varying = list(var_list), dir = &#39;long&#39;, times = var_list) |&gt;
  lm(fm, data=_) |&gt;

final_df &lt;- na.omit(data.frame(xvar = as.numeric(trimws(rownames(cfs),,&quot;\\D&quot;)),
      yvar = c(cfs), color = sub(&quot;time(.*?):.*&quot;, &#39;\&#39;, rownames(cfs)),
      response = colnames(cfs)[col(cfs)]))

  xvar       yvar color response
3  2.76  -1.286761   cyl     qsec
4  2.76  -2.701420    wt     qsec
5  2.93  -1.189608   cyl     qsec
6  2.93  -1.900810    wt     qsec
7  3.00  -1.209608   cyl     qsec
8  3.00  -1.869331    wt     qsec
9  3.07  -1.228775   cyl     qsec
10 3.07  -2.664112    wt     qsec
11 3.08  -1.319161   cyl     qsec
12 3.08  -2.760143    wt     qsec
13 3.15  -1.292108   cyl     qsec
14 3.15  -3.141629    wt     qsec
15 3.21  -1.457108   cyl     qsec
16 3.21  -3.394749    wt     qsec
17 3.23  -1.259608   cyl     qsec
18 3.23  -1.971797    wt     qsec
19 3.54  -1.612108   cyl     qsec

Compare the results to your combinded df.

Note that the method provided is generic

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年7月11日 07:18:28
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